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ntru_poly.h File Reference

header for ntru_poly.c More...

#include "ntru_err.h"
#include "ntru_params.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fmpz_poly.h>
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int fmpz_cmp_si_n (const fmpz_t f, slong g)
void poly_new (fmpz_poly_t new_poly, int const *const c, const size_t len)
void poly_delete (fmpz_poly_t poly)
void poly_delete_array (fmpz_poly_t **poly_array)
void poly_delete_all (fmpz_poly_t poly,...)
void fmpz_poly_mod_unsigned (fmpz_poly_t a, const uint32_t mod)
void fmpz_poly_mod (fmpz_poly_t a, const uint32_t mod)
void fmpz_poly_set_coeff_fmpz_n (fmpz_poly_t poly, slong n, const fmpz_t x)
int fmpz_invmod_ui (fmpz_t f, const fmpz_t g, const uint32_t mod)
void fmpz_add_n (fmpz_t f, const fmpz_t g, const fmpz_t h)
void poly_starmultiply (const fmpz_poly_t a, const fmpz_poly_t b, fmpz_poly_t c, const ntru_params *params, uint32_t modulus)
bool poly_inverse_poly_q (const fmpz_poly_t a, fmpz_poly_t Fq, const ntru_params *params)
bool poly_inverse_poly_p (const fmpz_poly_t a, fmpz_poly_t Fp, const ntru_params *params)
void poly_draw (const fmpz_poly_t poly)
void poly_draw_pretty (const fmpz_poly_t poly)

Detailed Description

header for ntru_poly.c

Header for the internal API of ntru_poly.c.

Definition in file ntru_poly.h.

Function Documentation

void fmpz_add_n ( fmpz_t  f,
const fmpz_t  g,
const fmpz_t  h 

The same as fmpz_add() except that it handles NULL pointer for g and h.

Definition at line 222 of file ntru_poly.c.

int fmpz_cmp_si_n ( const fmpz_t  f,
slong  g 

The same as fmpz_cmp_si except that it will interpret f as a 0-coefficient if it is a NULL pointer.

fthe fmpz value to use for comparison
gthe signed long integer to use for comparison
negative value if f < g, positiv evalue if g < f, otherwise 0

Definition at line 93 of file ntru_poly.c.

int fmpz_invmod_ui ( fmpz_t  f,
const fmpz_t  g,
const uint32_t  mod 

Wrapper around fmpz_invmod() where we convert mod to an fmpz_t implicitly.

fresult [out]
gthe inverse
modthe modulo

Definition at line 210 of file ntru_poly.c.

void fmpz_poly_mod ( fmpz_poly_t  a,
const uint32_t  mod 

Calls fmpz_poly_get_nmod_poly() and fmpz_poly_set_nmod_poly() in a row, so we don't have to deal with the intermediate nmod_poly_t type if we don't need it.

This also normalises the coefficients to the interval -m/2 <= r < m/2.

athe polynom to apply the modulus to
modthe modulus

Definition at line 182 of file ntru_poly.c.

void fmpz_poly_mod_unsigned ( fmpz_poly_t  a,
const uint32_t  mod 

Calls fmpz_poly_get_nmod_poly() and fmpz_poly_set_nmod_poly_unsigned() in a row, so we don't have to deal with the intermediate nmod_poly_t type if we don't need it.

This also normalises the coefficients to the interval 0 <= r < m.

athe polynom to apply the modulus to
modthe modulus

Definition at line 166 of file ntru_poly.c.

void fmpz_poly_set_coeff_fmpz_n ( fmpz_poly_t  poly,
slong  n,
const fmpz_t  x 

The same as fmpz_poly_set_coeff_fmpz() except that it will take care of null-pointer coefficients and use fmpz_poly_set_coeff_si() in that case.

polythe polynom we want to change a coefficient of
nthe coefficient we want to set
xthe value to assign to the coefficient

Definition at line 198 of file ntru_poly.c.

void poly_delete ( fmpz_poly_t  poly)

This deletes the internal structure of a polynomial, and frees the pointer.

polythe polynomial to delete

Definition at line 123 of file ntru_poly.c.

void poly_delete_all ( fmpz_poly_t  poly,

This deletes the internal structure of all polynomials, and frees the pointers. You must call this with NULL as last argument!

polythe polynomial to delete
...follow up polynomials

Definition at line 149 of file ntru_poly.c.

void poly_delete_array ( fmpz_poly_t **  poly_array)

Delete the internal structure of a polynomial array which must be NULL terminated. It is expected that poly_array is not on the stack and was obtained by a function like ascii_to_poly().

poly_arraythe polynomial array

Definition at line 131 of file ntru_poly.c.

void poly_draw ( const fmpz_poly_t  poly)

Draws a polynomial to stdout.

polydraw this

Definition at line 574 of file ntru_poly.c.

void poly_draw_pretty ( const fmpz_poly_t  poly)

Draws a polynomial to stdout, in pretty format.

polydraw this

Definition at line 583 of file ntru_poly.c.

bool poly_inverse_poly_p ( const fmpz_poly_t  a,
fmpz_poly_t  Fp,
const ntru_params params 

Compute the inverse of a polynomial in (Z/pZ)[X]/(X^N - 1). See NTRU Cryptosystems Tech Report #014 "Almost Inverses and Fast NTRU Key Creation."

apolynomial to invert
Fppolynomial [out]
paramsNTRU parameters
true if invertible, false if not

Definition at line 409 of file ntru_poly.c.

bool poly_inverse_poly_q ( const fmpz_poly_t  a,
fmpz_poly_t  Fq,
const ntru_params params 

Compute the inverse of a polynomial in modulo a power of 2, which is q. This is based off the pseudo-code for "Inversion in (Z/2Z)[X](X^N - 1)" and "Inversion in (Z/p^r Z)[X](X^N - 1)". See NTRU Cryptosystems Tech Report #014 "Almost Inverses and Fast NTRU Key Creation."

apolynomial to invert (is allowed to be the same as param Fq)
Fqpolynomial [out]
paramsNTRU parameters
true if invertible, false if not

Definition at line 297 of file ntru_poly.c.

void poly_new ( fmpz_poly_t  new_poly,
int const *const  c,
const size_t  len 

Initializes and builds a polynomial with the coefficient values of c[] of size len within NTRU parameters and returns a newly allocated polynomial. For an empty polynom, both c and len can be NULL/0.

new_polythe polynomial to initialize and fill with coefficients [out]
carray of polynomial coefficients, can be NULL
lensize of the coefficient array, can be 0
newly allocated polynomial pointer, must be freed with fmpz_poly_clear()

Definition at line 110 of file ntru_poly.c.

void poly_starmultiply ( const fmpz_poly_t  a,
const fmpz_poly_t  b,
fmpz_poly_t  c,
const ntru_params params,
uint32_t  modulus 

Starmultiplication, as follows: c = a * b mod (x^N − 1)

apolynom to multiply (can be the same as c)
bpolynom to multiply
cpolynom [out]
paramsNTRU parameters
moduluswhether we use p or q

Definition at line 239 of file ntru_poly.c.