post quantum cryptography
Highly optimized implementation of the NTRUEncrypt algorithm
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 decrypt.hPublic API, decryption
 encrypt.hPublic API, encryption
 keypair.hPublic API, key handling
 ntru.hPublic API, basic data types
 rnd.hPublic API, random polynomials
 ntru_ascii_poly.cAscii to polynomials
 ntru_ascii_poly.hHeader for ntru_ascii_poly.c
 ntru_common.hCommon macros/functions
 ntru_decrypt.cNTRU decryption
 ntru_decrypt.hHeader for ntru_decrypt.c
 ntru_encrypt.cNTRU encryption
 ntru_encrypt.hHeader for encrypt.c
 ntru_err.hError handling
 ntru_file.cFile operations
 ntru_file.hHeader for ntru_file.c
 ntru_keypair.cKey creation and operations
 ntru_keypair.hHeader for ntru_keypair.c
 ntru_mem.cMemory management
 ntru_mem.hHeader for ntru_mem.c
 ntru_params.hNTRU parameters
 ntru_poly.cOperations on polynomials
 ntru_poly.hHeader for ntru_poly.c
 ntru_poly_ascii.cPolynomials to acii
 ntru_poly_ascii.hHeader for ntru_poly_ascii.c
 ntru_rnd.cRandom polynomials
 ntru_rnd.hHeader for ntru_rnd.c
 ntru_string.cString type and operations
 ntru_string.hHeader for ntru_string.c