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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2010-06-14 06:38:56 +00:00
2010-01-06 05:38:06 +00:00
module Main where
2014-04-25 13:03:09 +00:00
import Config (cProjectVersion)
import MonadUtils (liftIO)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
2014-03-27 05:46:33 +00:00
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Exception
2013-05-17 01:00:01 +00:00
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Internal
2011-12-26 08:08:00 +00:00
import Paths_ghc_mod
2014-03-27 05:46:33 +00:00
import System.Console.GetOpt (OptDescr(..), ArgDescr(..), ArgOrder(..))
import qualified System.Console.GetOpt as O
import System.Directory (setCurrentDirectory)
2015-05-06 14:32:53 +00:00
import System.Environment (getArgs)
2013-08-23 02:30:07 +00:00
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stdout, stderr, hSetEncoding, utf8, hFlush)
2015-05-06 14:32:53 +00:00
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
import Text.PrettyPrint
2015-08-03 01:09:56 +00:00
import Prelude
2010-01-06 05:38:06 +00:00
import Misc
2014-04-25 13:03:09 +00:00
progVersion :: String
progVersion =
"ghc-mod version " ++ showVersion version ++ " compiled by GHC "
++ cProjectVersion ++ "\n"
2014-04-25 13:03:09 +00:00
optionUsage :: (String -> String) -> [OptDescr a] -> [String]
optionUsage indent opts = concatMap optUsage opts
optUsage (Option so lo dsc udsc) =
[ concat $ intersperse ", " $ addLabel `map` allFlags
, indent $ udsc
, ""
allFlags = shortFlags ++ longFlags
shortFlags = (('-':) . return) `map` so :: [String]
longFlags = ("--"++) `map` lo
addLabel f@('-':'-':_) = f ++ flagLabel "="
addLabel f@('-':_) = f ++ flagLabel " "
addLabel _ = undefined
flagLabel s =
case dsc of
NoArg _ -> ""
ReqArg _ label -> s ++ label
OptArg _ label -> s ++ "["++label++"]"
-- TODO: Generate the stuff below automatically
2010-01-06 05:38:06 +00:00
usage :: String
usage =
"Usage: ghc-mod [OPTIONS...] COMMAND [CMD_ARGS...] \n\
\*Global Options (OPTIONS)*\n\
\ Global options can be specified before and after the command and\n\
\ interspersed with command specific options\n\
++ (unlines $ indent <$> optionUsage indent globalArgSpec) ++
\ - version | --version\n\
\ Print the version of the program.\n\
\ - help | --help\n\
\ Print this help message.\n\
\ - list [FLAGS...] | modules [FLAGS...]\n\
\ List all visible modules.\n\
\ Flags:\n\
\ -d\n\
\ Print package modules belong to.\n\
\ - lang\n\
\ List all known GHC language extensions.\n\
\ - flag\n\
\ List GHC -f<bla> flags.\n\
\ - browse [FLAGS...] [PACKAGE:]MODULE...\n\
\ List symbols in a module.\n\
\ Flags:\n\
\ -o\n\
\ Also print operators.\n\
\ -d\n\
\ Print symbols with accompanying signatures.\n\
\ -q\n\
\ Qualify symbols.\n\
\ - check FILE...\n\
\ Load the given files using GHC and report errors/warnings, but\n\
\ don't produce output files.\n\
\ - expand FILE...\n\
\ Like `check' but also pass `-ddump-splices' to GHC.\n\
\ - info FILE [MODULE] EXPR\n\
\ Look up an identifier in the context of FILE (like ghci's `:info')\n\
\ MODULE is completely ignored and only allowed for backwards\n\
\ compatibility.\n\
\ - type FILE [MODULE] LINE COL\n\
\ Get the type of the expression under (LINE,COL).\n\
\ - split FILE [MODULE] LINE COL\n\
\ Split a function case by examining a type's constructors.\n\
\ For example given the following code snippet:\n\
\ f :: [a] -> a\n\
\ f x = _body\n\
\ would be replaced by:\n\
\ f :: [a] -> a\n\
\ f [] = _body\n\
\ f (x:xs) = _body\n\
\ (See\n\
\ Generate initial code given a signature.\n\
\ For example when (LINE,COL) is on the signature in the following\n\
\ code snippet:\n\
\ func :: [a] -> Maybe b -> (a -> b) -> (a,b)\n\
\ ghc-mod would add the following on the next line:\n\
\ func x y z f = _func_body\n\
\ (See:\n\
\ Refine the typed hole at (LINE,COL) given EXPR.\n\
\ For example if EXPR is `filter', which has type `(a -> Bool) -> [a]\n\
\ -> [a]' and (LINE,COL) is on the hole `_body' in the following\n\
\ code snippet:\n\
\ filterNothing :: [Maybe a] -> [a]\n\
\ filterNothing xs = _body\n\
\ ghc-mod changes the code to get a value of type `[a]', which\n\
\ results in:\n\
\ filterNothing xs = filter _body_1 _body_2\n\
\ (See also:\n\
\ Try to automatically fill the contents of a hole.\n\
\ - find SYMBOL\n\
\ List all modules that define SYMBOL.\n\
\ - lint FILE\n\
\ Check files using `hlint'.\n\
\ Flags:\n\
\ -l\n\
\ Option to be passed to hlint.\n\
2015-01-12 19:04:41 +00:00
\ - root\n\
\ Try to find the project directory. For Cabal projects this is the\n\
\ directory containing the cabal file, for projects that use a cabal\n\
\ sandbox but have no cabal file this is the directory containing the\n\
\ cabal.sandbox.config file and otherwise this is the current\n\
\ directory.\n\
\ - doc MODULE\n\
\ Try finding the html documentation directory for the given MODULE.\n\
\ - debug\n\
\ Print debugging information. Please include the output in any bug\n\
\ reports you submit.\n\
2015-03-28 01:33:42 +00:00
\ - debugComponent [MODULE_OR_FILE...]\n\
\ Debugging information related to cabal component resolution.\n\
\ - boot\n\
\ Internal command used by the emacs frontend.\n\
2015-05-06 14:15:04 +00:00
\ - legacy-interactive\n\
\ ghc-modi compatibility mode.\n"
indent = (" "++)
cmdUsage :: String -> String -> String
cmdUsage cmd realUsage =
-- Find command head
a = dropWhile (not . isCmdHead) $ lines realUsage
-- Take til the end of the current command block
b = flip takeWhile a $ \l ->
all isSpace l || (isIndented l && (isCmdHead l || isNotCmdHead l))
-- Drop extra newline from the end
c = dropWhileEnd (all isSpace) b
2010-01-06 05:38:06 +00:00
isIndented = (" " `isPrefixOf`)
isNotCmdHead = ( not . (" - " `isPrefixOf`))
containsAnyCmdHead s = ((" - ") `isInfixOf` s)
containsCurrCmdHead s = ((" - " ++ cmd) `isInfixOf` s)
isCmdHead s =
containsAnyCmdHead s &&
or [ containsCurrCmdHead s
, any (cmd `isPrefixOf`) (splitOn " | " s)
2014-09-12 22:09:57 +00:00
unindent (' ':' ':' ':' ':l) = l
unindent l = l
in unlines $ unindent <$> c
ghcModStyle :: Style
ghcModStyle = style { lineLength = 80, ribbonsPerLine = 1.2 }
2014-09-12 22:09:57 +00:00
option :: [Char] -> [String] -> String -> ArgDescr a -> OptDescr a
option s l udsc dsc = Option s l dsc udsc
2014-09-12 22:09:57 +00:00
reqArg :: String -> (String -> a) -> ArgDescr a
reqArg udsc dsc = ReqArg dsc udsc
2015-05-06 14:32:53 +00:00
optArg :: String -> (Maybe String -> a) -> ArgDescr a
optArg udsc dsc = OptArg dsc udsc
2014-09-12 22:09:57 +00:00
2015-05-06 14:32:53 +00:00
intToLogLevel :: Int -> GmLogLevel
intToLogLevel = toEnum
2015-03-06 18:46:56 +00:00
2015-05-06 14:32:53 +00:00
globalArgSpec :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
globalArgSpec =
[ option "v" ["verbose"] "Increase or set log level. (0-7)" $
2015-05-06 14:32:53 +00:00
optArg "LEVEL" $ \ml o -> o {
logLevel = case ml of
Nothing -> increaseLogLevel (logLevel o)
2015-08-05 02:06:41 +00:00
Just l -> toEnum $ min 7 $ read l
2015-05-06 14:32:53 +00:00
, option "s" [] "Be silent, set log level to 0" $
NoArg $ \o -> o { logLevel = toEnum 0 }
2015-03-06 18:46:56 +00:00
, option "l" ["tolisp"] "Format output as an S-Expression" $
NoArg $ \o -> o { outputStyle = LispStyle }
2014-09-12 22:09:57 +00:00
, option "b" ["boundary"] "Output line separator"$
reqArg "SEP" $ \s o -> o { lineSeparator = LineSeparator s }
2014-09-12 22:09:57 +00:00
, option "g" ["ghcOpt", "ghc-option"] "Option to be passed to GHC" $
reqArg "OPT" $ \g o ->
o { ghcUserOptions = g : ghcUserOptions o }
2014-09-12 22:09:57 +00:00
, option "" ["with-ghc"] "GHC executable to use" $
reqArg "PROG" $ \p o -> o { ghcProgram = p }
, option "" ["with-ghc-pkg"] "ghc-pkg executable to use (only needed when guessing from GHC path fails)" $
reqArg "PROG" $ \p o -> o { ghcPkgProgram = p }
, option "" ["with-cabal"] "cabal-install executable to use" $
reqArg "PROG" $ \p o -> o { cabalProgram = p }
2014-09-12 22:09:57 +00:00
2010-01-06 05:38:06 +00:00
parseGlobalArgs :: [String] -> Either InvalidCommandLine (Options, [String])
parseGlobalArgs argv
2015-05-13 09:02:24 +00:00
= case O.getOpt' RequireOrder globalArgSpec argv of
(o,r,u,[]) -> Right $ (foldr id defaultOptions o, u ++ r)
(_,_,u,e) -> Left $ InvalidCommandLine $ Right $
"Parsing command line options failed: "
++ concat (e ++ map errUnrec u)
errUnrec :: String -> String
errUnrec optStr = "unrecognized option `" ++ optStr ++ "'\n"
parseCommandArgs :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
-> [String]
-> Options
-> (Options, [String])
parseCommandArgs spec argv opts
= case O.getOpt RequireOrder (globalArgSpec ++ spec) argv of
(o,r,[]) -> (foldr id opts o, r)
(_,_,errs) ->
fatalError $ "Parsing command options failed: " ++ concat errs
2010-06-14 06:38:56 +00:00
data CmdError = UnknownCommand String
| NoSuchFileError String
| LibraryError GhcModError
2010-06-14 06:38:56 +00:00
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception CmdError
2010-01-06 05:38:06 +00:00
data InteractiveOptions = InteractiveOptions {
ghcModExtensions :: Bool
handler :: IO a -> IO a
handler = flip catches $
[ Handler $ \(FatalError msg) -> exitError msg
, Handler $ \(InvalidCommandLine e) -> do
case e of
Left cmd ->
exitError $ "Usage for `"++cmd++"' command:\n\n"
++ (cmdUsage cmd usage) ++ "\n"
++ "ghc-mod: Invalid command line form."
Right msg -> exitError $ "ghc-mod: " ++ msg
2010-01-06 05:38:06 +00:00
main :: IO ()
main = handler $ do
2013-03-29 12:58:55 +00:00
hSetEncoding stdout utf8
2010-01-06 05:38:06 +00:00
args <- getArgs
-- This doesn't handle --help and --version being given after any global
-- options. To do that we'd have to fiddle with getOpt.
case parseGlobalArgs args of
Left e -> case globalCommands args of
Just s -> putStr s
Nothing -> throw e
Right res@(_,cmdArgs) ->
case globalCommands cmdArgs of
Just s -> putStr s
Nothing -> progMain res
progMain :: (Options,[String]) -> IO ()
progMain (globalOptions,cmdArgs) = do
(res,_) <- runGhcModT globalOptions $ ghcCommands cmdArgs
case res of
Right () -> return ()
Left e -> exitError $ renderStyle ghcModStyle (gmeDoc e)
-- ghc-modi
legacyInteractive :: IOish m => GhcModT m ()
legacyInteractive = do
opt <- options
symdbreq <- liftIO $ newSymDbReq opt
world <- liftIO . getCurrentWorld =<< cradle
legacyInteractiveLoop symdbreq world
bug :: String -> IO ()
bug msg = do
putStrLn $ notGood $ "BUG: " ++ msg
notGood :: String -> String
notGood msg = "NG " ++ escapeNewlines msg
escapeNewlines :: String -> String
escapeNewlines = replace "\n" "\\n" . replace "\\n" "\\\\n"
replace :: String -> String -> String -> String
replace needle replacement = intercalate replacement . splitOn needle
legacyInteractiveLoop :: IOish m
=> SymDbReq -> World -> GhcModT m ()
legacyInteractiveLoop symdbreq world = do
liftIO . setCurrentDirectory =<< cradleRootDir <$> cradle
-- blocking
cmdArg <- liftIO $ getLine
-- after blocking, we need to see if the world has changed.
2014-11-01 21:02:47 +00:00
changed <- liftIO . didWorldChange world =<< cradle
when changed $ do
let (cmd':args') = split (keepDelimsR $ condense $ whenElt isSpace) cmdArg
arg = concat args'
cmd = dropWhileEnd isSpace cmd'
args = dropWhileEnd isSpace `map` args'
res <- case dropWhileEnd isSpace cmd of
"check" -> checkSyntaxCmd [arg]
"lint" -> lintCmd [arg]
"find" -> do
db <- getDb symdbreq >>= checkDb symdbreq
lookupSymbol arg db
"info" -> infoCmd [head args, concat $ tail args']
"type" -> typesCmd args
"split" -> splitsCmd args
"sig" -> sigCmd args
"auto" -> autoCmd args
"refine" -> refineCmd args
"boot" -> bootCmd []
"browse" -> browseCmd args
"quit" -> liftIO $ exitSuccess
"" -> liftIO $ exitSuccess
_ -> fatalError $ "unknown command: `" ++ cmd ++ "'"
liftIO $ putStr res >> putStrLn "OK" >> hFlush stdout
legacyInteractiveLoop symdbreq world
globalCommands :: [String] -> Maybe String
globalCommands [] = Nothing
globalCommands (cmd:_) = case cmd of
_ | cmd == "help" || cmd == "--help" -> Just usage
_ | cmd == "version" || cmd == "--version" -> Just progVersion
_ -> Nothing
ghcCommands :: IOish m => [String] -> GhcModT m ()
ghcCommands [] = fatalError "No command given (try --help)"
ghcCommands (cmd:args) = do
liftIO . putStr =<< action args
action = case cmd of
_ | cmd == "list" || cmd == "modules" -> modulesCmd
"lang" -> languagesCmd
"flag" -> flagsCmd
"browse" -> browseCmd
"check" -> checkSyntaxCmd
"expand" -> expandTemplateCmd
"debug" -> debugInfoCmd
2015-03-28 01:33:42 +00:00
"debugComponent" -> componentInfoCmd
"info" -> infoCmd
"type" -> typesCmd
"split" -> splitsCmd
"sig" -> sigCmd
"refine" -> refineCmd
"auto" -> autoCmd
"find" -> findSymbolCmd
"lint" -> lintCmd
"root" -> rootInfoCmd
"doc" -> pkgDocCmd
"dumpsym" -> dumpSymbolCmd
"boot" -> bootCmd
"legacy-interactive" -> legacyInteractiveCmd
_ -> fatalError $ "unknown command: `" ++ cmd ++ "'"
newtype FatalError = FatalError String deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception FatalError
newtype InvalidCommandLine = InvalidCommandLine (Either String String)
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception InvalidCommandLine
exitError :: String -> IO a
exitError msg = hPutStrLn stderr (dropWhileEnd (=='\n') msg) >> exitFailure
fatalError :: String -> a
fatalError s = throw $ FatalError $ "ghc-mod: " ++ s
withParseCmd :: IOish m
=> [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
-> ([String] -> GhcModT m a)
-> [String]
-> GhcModT m a
withParseCmd spec action args = do
(opts', rest) <- parseCommandArgs spec args <$> options
withOptions (const opts') $ action rest
withParseCmd' :: (IOish m, ExceptionMonad m)
=> String
-> [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
-> ([String] -> GhcModT m a)
-> [String]
-> GhcModT m a
withParseCmd' cmd spec action args =
catchArgs cmd $ withParseCmd spec action args
catchArgs :: (Monad m, ExceptionMonad m) => String -> m a -> m a
catchArgs cmd action =
action `gcatch` \(PatternMatchFail _) ->
throw $ InvalidCommandLine (Left cmd)
modulesCmd, languagesCmd, flagsCmd, browseCmd, checkSyntaxCmd, expandTemplateCmd,
debugInfoCmd, componentInfoCmd, infoCmd, typesCmd, splitsCmd, sigCmd,
refineCmd, autoCmd, findSymbolCmd, lintCmd, rootInfoCmd, pkgDocCmd,
dumpSymbolCmd, bootCmd, legacyInteractiveCmd
:: IOish m => [String] -> GhcModT m String
modulesCmd = withParseCmd' "modules" s $ \[] -> modules
where s = modulesArgSpec
languagesCmd = withParseCmd' "lang" [] $ \[] -> languages
flagsCmd = withParseCmd' "flag" [] $ \[] -> flags
debugInfoCmd = withParseCmd' "debug" [] $ \[] -> debugInfo
rootInfoCmd = withParseCmd' "root" [] $ \[] -> rootInfo
2015-03-28 01:33:42 +00:00
componentInfoCmd = withParseCmd' "debugComponent" [] $ \ts -> componentInfo ts
-- internal
bootCmd = withParseCmd' "boot" [] $ \[] -> boot
dumpSymbolCmd = withParseCmd' "dump" [] $ \[tmpdir] -> dumpSymbol tmpdir
findSymbolCmd = withParseCmd' "find" [] $ \[sym] -> findSymbol sym
pkgDocCmd = withParseCmd' "doc" [] $ \[mdl] -> pkgDoc mdl
lintCmd = withParseCmd' "lint" s $ \[file] -> lint file
where s = hlintArgSpec
browseCmd = withParseCmd s $ \mdls -> concat <$> browse `mapM` mdls
where s = browseArgSpec
checkSyntaxCmd = withParseCmd [] $ checkAction checkSyntax
expandTemplateCmd = withParseCmd [] $ checkAction expandTemplate
typesCmd = withParseCmd [] $ locAction "type" types
splitsCmd = withParseCmd [] $ locAction "split" splits
sigCmd = withParseCmd [] $ locAction "sig" sig
autoCmd = withParseCmd [] $ locAction "auto" auto
refineCmd = withParseCmd [] $ locAction' "refine" refine
infoCmd = withParseCmd [] $ action
where action [file,_,expr] = info file $ Expression expr
action [file,expr] = info file $ Expression expr
action _ = throw $ InvalidCommandLine (Left "info")
legacyInteractiveCmd = withParseCmd [] $ \[] -> legacyInteractive >> return ""
checkAction :: ([t] -> a) -> [t] -> a
checkAction _ [] = throw $ InvalidCommandLine (Right "No files given.")
checkAction action files = action files
locAction :: String -> (String -> Int -> Int -> a) -> [String] -> a
locAction _ action [file,_,line,col] = action file (read line) (read col)
locAction _ action [file, line,col] = action file (read line) (read col)
locAction cmd _ _ = throw $ InvalidCommandLine (Left cmd)
locAction' :: String -> (String -> Int -> Int -> Expression -> a) -> [String] -> a
locAction' _ action [f,_,line,col,expr] = action f (read line) (read col) (Expression expr)
locAction' _ action [f, line,col,expr] = action f (read line) (read col) (Expression expr)
locAction' cmd _ _ = throw $ InvalidCommandLine (Left cmd)
modulesArgSpec :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
modulesArgSpec =
[ option "d" ["detailed"] "Print package modules belong to." $
NoArg $ \o -> o { detailed = True }
hlintArgSpec :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
hlintArgSpec =
[ option "h" ["hlintOpt"] "Option to be passed to hlint" $
reqArg "hlintOpt" $ \h o -> o { hlintOpts = h : hlintOpts o }
2015-01-16 14:47:56 +00:00
browseArgSpec :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
browseArgSpec =
[ option "o" ["operators"] "Also print operators." $
NoArg $ \o -> o { operators = True }
, option "d" ["detailed"] "Print symbols with accompanying signature." $
NoArg $ \o -> o { detailed = True }
, option "q" ["qualified"] "Qualify symbols" $
NoArg $ \o -> o { qualified = True }