Refactoring World, etc. and fix #387

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Gröber 2014-11-01 22:02:47 +01:00
parent 14ee81e300
commit 37af8e368d
13 changed files with 271 additions and 219 deletions

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@ -6,17 +6,15 @@ module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig (
, cabalConfigDependencies
, cabalConfigFlags
, setupConfigFile
, World
, getCurrentWorld
, isWorldChanged
) where
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Error
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GhcPkg
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.PathsAndFiles
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Read
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.World
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Cabal16 as C16
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Cabal18 as C18
@ -27,32 +25,19 @@ import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Cabal21 as C21
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (unless, void, mplus)
import Control.Monad (void, mplus, when)
#if MIN_VERSION_mtl(2,2,1)
import Control.Monad.Except ()
import Control.Monad.Error ()
import Data.Maybe ()
import Data.Set ()
import Data.List (find,tails,isPrefixOf,isInfixOf,nub,stripPrefix)
import Distribution.Package (InstalledPackageId(..)
, PackageIdentifier(..)
, PackageName(..))
import Distribution.PackageDescription (FlagAssignment)
import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths (defaultDistPref)
import Distribution.Simple.Configure (localBuildInfoFile)
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo (ComponentName)
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import MonadUtils (liftIO)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getModificationTime)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 704
import System.Time (ClockTime)
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
@ -66,9 +51,8 @@ getConfig :: (IOish m, MonadError GhcModError m)
=> Cradle
-> m CabalConfig
getConfig cradle = do
world <- liftIO $ getCurrentWorld cradle
let valid = isSetupConfigValid world
unless valid configure
outOfDate <- liftIO $ isSetupConfigOutOfDate cradle
when outOfDate configure
liftIO (readFile file) `tryFix` \_ ->
configure `modifyError'` GMECabalConfigure
@ -78,14 +62,6 @@ getConfig cradle = do
configure :: (IOish m, MonadError GhcModError m) => m ()
configure = withDirectory_ prjDir $ void $ readProcess' "cabal" ["configure"]
setupConfigFile :: Cradle -> FilePath
setupConfigFile crdl = cradleRootDir crdl </> setupConfigPath
-- | Path to 'LocalBuildInfo' file, usually @dist/setup-config@
setupConfigPath :: FilePath
setupConfigPath = localBuildInfoFile defaultDistPref
-- | Get list of 'Package's needed by all components of the current package
cabalConfigDependencies :: (IOish m, MonadError GhcModError m)
=> Cradle
@ -193,57 +169,3 @@ extractField config field =
case extractParens <$> find (field `isPrefixOf`) (tails config) of
Just f -> Right f
Nothing -> Left $ "extractField: failed extracting "++field++" from input, input contained `"++field++"'? " ++ show (field `isInfixOf` config)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 704
type ModTime = ClockTime
type ModTime = UTCTime
data World = World {
worldCabalFile :: Maybe FilePath
, worldCabalFileModificationTime :: Maybe ModTime
, worldPackageCache :: FilePath
, worldPackageCacheModificationTime :: ModTime
, worldSetupConfig :: FilePath
, worldSetupConfigModificationTime :: Maybe ModTime
} deriving (Show, Eq)
getCurrentWorld :: Cradle -> IO World
getCurrentWorld crdl = do
cachePath <- getPackageCachePath crdl
let mCabalFile = cradleCabalFile crdl
pkgCache = cachePath </> packageCache
setupFile = setupConfigFile crdl
mCabalFileMTime <- getModificationTime `traverse` mCabalFile
pkgCacheMTime <- getModificationTime pkgCache
exist <- doesFileExist setupFile
mSeetupMTime <- if exist then
Just <$> getModificationTime setupFile
return Nothing
return $ World {
worldCabalFile = mCabalFile
, worldCabalFileModificationTime = mCabalFileMTime
, worldPackageCache = pkgCache
, worldPackageCacheModificationTime = pkgCacheMTime
, worldSetupConfig = setupFile
, worldSetupConfigModificationTime = mSeetupMTime
isWorldChanged :: World -> Cradle -> IO Bool
isWorldChanged world crdl = do
world' <- getCurrentWorld crdl
return (world /= world')
isSetupConfigValid :: World -> Bool
isSetupConfigValid World{ worldSetupConfigModificationTime = Nothing, ..} = False
isSetupConfigValid World{ worldSetupConfigModificationTime = Just mt, ..} =
cond1 && cond2
cond1 = case worldCabalFileModificationTime of
Nothing -> True
Just mtime -> mtime <= mt
cond2 = worldPackageCacheModificationTime <= mt

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@ -5,16 +5,14 @@ module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Cradle (
, cleanupCradle
) where
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GhcPkg
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.PathsAndFiles
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Exception.IOChoice ((||>))
import Control.Monad (filterM)
import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory, getDirectoryContents, doesFileExist, getTemporaryDirectory, removeDirectoryRecursive)
import System.FilePath ((</>),takeDirectory,pathSeparators,splitDrive)
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory, removeDirectoryRecursive,
import System.FilePath (takeDirectory,pathSeparators,splitDrive)
import System.IO.Temp
@ -44,25 +42,26 @@ cleanupCradle crdl = removeDirectoryRecursive $ cradleTempDir crdl
cabalCradle :: FilePath -> IO Cradle
cabalCradle wdir = do
(rdir,cfile) <- cabalDir wdir
pkgDbStack <- getPackageDbStack rdir
tmpDir <- newTempDir rdir
Just cabalFile <- findCabalFiles wdir
let cabalDir = takeDirectory cabalFile
pkgDbStack <- getPackageDbStack cabalDir
tmpDir <- newTempDir cabalDir
return Cradle {
cradleCurrentDir = wdir
, cradleRootDir = rdir
, cradleRootDir = cabalDir
, cradleTempDir = tmpDir
, cradleCabalFile = Just cfile
, cradleCabalFile = Just cabalFile
, cradlePkgDbStack = pkgDbStack
sandboxCradle :: FilePath -> IO Cradle
sandboxCradle wdir = do
rdir <- getSandboxDir wdir
pkgDbStack <- getPackageDbStack rdir
tmpDir <- newTempDir rdir
Just sbDir <- getSandboxDb wdir
pkgDbStack <- getPackageDbStack sbDir
tmpDir <- newTempDir sbDir
return Cradle {
cradleCurrentDir = wdir
, cradleRootDir = rdir
, cradleRootDir = sbDir
, cradleTempDir = tmpDir
, cradleCabalFile = Nothing
, cradlePkgDbStack = pkgDbStack
@ -84,48 +83,3 @@ findCradleWithoutSandbox :: IO Cradle
findCradleWithoutSandbox = do
cradle <- findCradle
return cradle { cradlePkgDbStack = [GlobalDb]} -- FIXME
cabalSuffix :: String
cabalSuffix = ".cabal"
cabalSuffixLength :: Int
cabalSuffixLength = length cabalSuffix
-- Finding a Cabal file up to the root directory
-- Input: a directly to investigate
-- Output: (the path to the directory containing a Cabal file
-- ,the path to the Cabal file)
cabalDir :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath,FilePath)
cabalDir dir = do
cnts <- getCabalFiles dir
case cnts of
[] | dir' == dir -> E.throwIO $ userError "cabal files not found"
| otherwise -> cabalDir dir'
cfile:_ -> return (dir,dir </> cfile)
dir' = takeDirectory dir
getCabalFiles :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getCabalFiles dir = getFiles >>= filterM doesCabalFileExist
isCabal name = cabalSuffix `isSuffixOf` name
&& length name > cabalSuffixLength
getFiles = filter isCabal <$> getDirectoryContents dir
doesCabalFileExist file = doesFileExist $ dir </> file
getSandboxDir :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
getSandboxDir dir = do
exist <- doesFileExist sfile
if exist then
return dir
else if dir == dir' then
E.throwIO $ userError "sandbox not found"
getSandboxDir dir'
sfile = dir </> "cabal.sandbox.config"
dir' = takeDirectory dir

View File

@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ data GhcModError = GMENoMsg
| GMEProcess [String] GhcModError
-- ^ Launching an operating system process failed. The first
-- field is the command.
| GMENoCabalFile
| GMETooManyCabalFiles [FilePath]
-- ^ No or too many cabal files found.
deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable)
instance Exception GhcModError
@ -52,6 +55,11 @@ gmeDoc e = case e of
GMEProcess cmd msg ->
text ("launching operating system process `"++unwords cmd++"` failed: ")
<> gmeDoc msg
GMENoCabalFile ->
text "No cabal file found."
GMETooManyCabalFiles cfs ->
text $ "Multiple cabal files found. Possible cabal files: \""
++ intercalate "\", \"" cfs ++"\"."
modifyError :: MonadError e m => (e -> e) -> m a -> m a
modifyError f action = action `catchError` \e -> throwError $ f e

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@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ import Data.List (groupBy, sort)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified GHC as G
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Convert
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GhcPkg
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.PathsAndFiles
import Name (getOccString)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getModificationTime)
import System.FilePath ((</>), takeDirectory)
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ lookupSym sym db = fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup sym $ table db
loadSymbolDb :: IOish m => GhcModT m SymbolDb
loadSymbolDb = do
ghcMod <- liftIO ghcModExecutable
tmpdir <- liftIO . getPackageCachePath =<< cradle
tmpdir <- cradleTempDir <$> cradle
file <- chop <$> readProcess' ghcMod ["dumpsym", tmpdir]
!db <- M.fromAscList . map conv . lines <$> liftIO (readFile file)
return $ SymbolDb {

View File

@ -6,63 +6,34 @@ module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GhcPkg (
, ghcDbOpt
, fromInstalledPackageId
, fromInstalledPackageId'
, getSandboxDb
, getPackageDbStack
, getPackageCachePath
, packageCache
, packageConfDir
, getPackageCachePaths
) where
import Config (cProjectVersion, cTargetPlatformString, cProjectVersionInt)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Exception (SomeException(..))
import Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, intercalate)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Data.Maybe
import Distribution.Package (InstalledPackageId(..))
import Exception (handleIO)
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.PathsAndFiles
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, getAppUserDataDirectory)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
ghcVersion :: Int
ghcVersion = read cProjectVersionInt
-- | Get path to sandbox package db
getSandboxDb :: FilePath -- ^ Path to the cabal package root directory
-- (containing the @cabal.sandbox.config@ file)
-> IO FilePath
getSandboxDb cdir = getSandboxDbDir (cdir </> "cabal.sandbox.config")
-- | Extract the sandbox package db directory from the cabal.sandbox.config file.
-- Exception is thrown if the sandbox config file is broken.
getSandboxDbDir :: FilePath -- ^ Path to the @cabal.sandbox.config@ file
-> IO FilePath
getSandboxDbDir sconf = do
-- Be strict to ensure that an error can be caught.
!path <- extractValue . parse <$> readFile sconf
return path
key = "package-db:"
keyLen = length key
parse = head . filter (key `isPrefixOf`) . lines
extractValue = dropWhileEnd isSpace . dropWhile isSpace . drop keyLen
getPackageDbStack :: FilePath -- ^ Project Directory (where the
-- cabal.sandbox.config file would be if it
-- exists)
-> IO [GhcPkgDb]
getPackageDbStack cdir =
(getSandboxDb cdir >>= \db -> return [GlobalDb, PackageDb db])
`E.catch` \(_ :: SomeException) -> return [GlobalDb, UserDb]
getPackageDbStack cdir = do
mSDir <- getSandboxDb cdir
return $ [GlobalDb] ++ case mSDir of
Nothing -> [UserDb]
Just db -> [PackageDb db]
@ -114,30 +85,22 @@ ghcDbOpt (PackageDb pkgDb)
packageCache :: String
packageCache = "package.cache"
packageConfDir :: String
packageConfDir = "package.conf.d"
getPackageCachePaths :: FilePath -> Cradle -> IO [FilePath]
getPackageCachePaths sysPkgCfg crdl =
catMaybes <$> resolvePackageConfig sysPkgCfg `mapM` cradlePkgDbStack crdl
getPackageCachePath :: Cradle -> IO FilePath
getPackageCachePath crdl = do
let mu = listToMaybe $ filter (/= GlobalDb) $ cradlePkgDbStack crdl
mdb <- join <$> resolvePath `T.traverse` mu
let dir = case mdb of
Just db -> db
Nothing -> cradleTempDir crdl
return dir
-- TODO: use PkgConfRef
--- Copied from ghc module `Packages' unfortunately it's not exported :/
resolvePath :: GhcPkgDb -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
resolvePath (PackageDb name) = return $ Just name
resolvePath UserDb = handleIO (\_ -> return Nothing) $ do
appdir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "ghc"
let dir = appdir </> (target_arch ++ '-':target_os ++ '-':cProjectVersion)
pkgconf = dir </> packageConfDir
exist <- doesDirectoryExist pkgconf
return $ if exist then Just pkgconf else Nothing
resolvePackageConfig :: FilePath -> GhcPkgDb -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
resolvePackageConfig sysPkgCfg GlobalDb = return $ Just sysPkgCfg
resolvePackageConfig _ UserDb = handleIO (\_ -> return Nothing) $ do
appdir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "ghc"
let dir = appdir </> (target_arch ++ '-':target_os ++ '-':cProjectVersion)
pkgconf = dir </> "package.conf.d"
exist <- doesDirectoryExist pkgconf
return $ if exist then Just pkgconf else Nothing
[target_arch,_,target_os] = splitOn "-" cTargetPlatformString
resolvePath _ = error "GlobalDb cannot be used in resolvePath"
resolvePackageConfig _ (PackageDb name) = return $ Just name

View File

@ -52,13 +52,12 @@ module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Internal (
-- * World
, World
, getCurrentWorld
, isWorldChanged
, didWorldChange
) where
import GHC.Paths (libdir)
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalApi
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.DynFlags
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Error
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GHCChoice
@ -67,6 +66,7 @@ import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Target
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.World
-- | Obtaining the directory for ghc system libraries.
ghcLibDir :: FilePath

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@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, TupleSections #-}
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.PathsAndFiles where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Error
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils as U
import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths (defaultDistPref)
import Distribution.Simple.Configure (localBuildInfoFile)
-- | Guaranteed to be a path to a directory with no trailing slash.
type DirPath = FilePath
-- | Guaranteed to be the name of a file only (no slashes).
type FileName = String
-- | @findCabalFiles dir@. Searches for a @.cabal@ files in @dir@'s parent
-- directories. The first parent directory containing more than one cabal file
-- is assumed to be the project directory. If only one cabal file exists in this
-- directory it is returned otherwise @findCabalFiles@ throws 'GMENoCabalFile'
-- or 'GMETooManyCabalFiles'
findCabalFiles :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findCabalFiles directory = do
-- Look for cabal files in all parent directories of @dir@
dcs <- getCabalFiles `zipMapM` parents directory
-- Extract first non-empty list, which represents a directory with cabal
-- files.
case find (not . null) $ uncurry makeAbsolute `map` dcs of
Just [] -> throw $ GMENoCabalFile
Just cfs@(_:_:_) -> throw $ GMETooManyCabalFiles cfs
a -> return $ head <$> a
-- | @getCabalFiles dir@. Find all files ending in @.cabal@ in @dir@.
getCabalFiles :: DirPath -> IO [FileName]
getCabalFiles dir =
filter ((==) ".cabal" . takeExtension) <$> getDirectoryContents dir
makeAbsolute :: DirPath -> [FileName] -> [FilePath]
makeAbsolute dir fs = (dir </>) `map` fs
zipMapM :: Monad m => (a -> m c) -> [a] -> m [(a,c)]
zipMapM f as = mapM (\a -> liftM (a,) $ f a) as
-- | @parents dir@. Returns all parent directories of @dir@ including @dir@.
-- Examples
-- >>> parents "foo"
-- ["foo"]
-- >>> parents "/foo"
-- ["/foo","/"]
-- >>> parents "/foo/bar"
-- ["/foo/bar","/foo","/"]
-- >>> parents "foo/bar"
-- ["foo/bar","foo"]
parents :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
parents "" = []
parents dir' =
let (drive, dir) = splitDrive $ normalise $ dropTrailingPathSeparator dir'
in map (joinDrive drive) $ parents' $ filter (/=".") $ splitDirectories dir
parents' :: [String] -> [FilePath]
parents' [] | isAbsolute dir' = "":[]
parents' [] = []
parents' dir = [joinPath dir] ++ parents' (init dir)
-- | Get path to sandbox config file
getSandboxDb :: FilePath -- ^ Path to the cabal package root directory
-- (containing the @cabal.sandbox.config@ file)
-> IO (Maybe FilePath)
getSandboxDb d = do
mConf <- traverse readFile =<< U.mightExist (d </> "cabal.sandbox.config")
return $ extractSandboxDbDir =<< mConf
-- | Extract the sandbox package db directory from the cabal.sandbox.config file.
-- Exception is thrown if the sandbox config file is broken.
extractSandboxDbDir :: String -> Maybe FilePath
extractSandboxDbDir conf = extractValue <$> parse conf
key = "package-db:"
keyLen = length key
parse = listToMaybe . filter (key `isPrefixOf`) . lines
extractValue = U.dropWhileEnd isSpace . dropWhile isSpace . drop keyLen
setupConfigFile :: Cradle -> FilePath
setupConfigFile crdl = cradleRootDir crdl </> setupConfigPath
-- | Path to 'LocalBuildInfo' file, usually @dist/setup-config@
setupConfigPath :: FilePath
setupConfigPath = localBuildInfoFile defaultDistPref
packageCache :: String
packageCache = "package.cache"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils where
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Error
import MonadUtils (MonadIO, liftIO)
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory, setCurrentDirectory)
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory, setCurrentDirectory, doesFileExist)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode)
#ifndef SPEC
@ -48,6 +48,11 @@ withDirectory_ dir action =
gbracket (liftIO getCurrentDirectory) (liftIO . setCurrentDirectory)
(\_ -> liftIO (setCurrentDirectory dir) >> action)
mightExist :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
mightExist f = do
exists <- doesFileExist f
return $ if exists then (Just f) else (Nothing)
-- | Returns the path to the currently running ghc-mod executable. With ghc<7.6
-- this is a guess but >=7.6 uses 'getExecutablePath'.
ghcModExecutable :: IO FilePath

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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.World where
, World
, getCurrentWorld
, isWorldChanged
) where
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GhcPkg
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.PathsAndFiles
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils
import Control.Applicative (pure,(<$>),(<*>))
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import System.Directory (getModificationTime)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import GHC.Paths (libdir)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 704
import System.Time (ClockTime)
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 704
type ModTime = ClockTime
type ModTime = UTCTime
data TimedFile = TimedFile FilePath ModTime deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Ord TimedFile where
compare (TimedFile _ a) (TimedFile _ b) = compare a b
timeFile :: FilePath -> IO TimedFile
timeFile f = TimedFile <$> pure f <*> getModificationTime f
data World = World {
worldPackageCaches :: [TimedFile]
, worldCabalFile :: Maybe TimedFile
, worldCabalConfig :: Maybe TimedFile
} deriving (Eq, Show)
timedPackageCache :: Cradle -> IO [TimedFile]
timedPackageCache crdl = do
fs <- mapM mightExist . map (</> packageCache)
=<< getPackageCachePaths libdir crdl
timeFile `mapM` catMaybes fs
getCurrentWorld :: Cradle -> IO World
getCurrentWorld crdl = do
pkgCaches <- timedPackageCache crdl
mCabalFile <- timeFile `traverse` cradleCabalFile crdl
mSetupConfig <- mightExist (setupConfigFile crdl)
mCabalConfig <- timeFile `traverse` mSetupConfig
return World {
worldPackageCaches = pkgCaches
, worldCabalFile = mCabalFile
, worldCabalConfig = mCabalConfig
didWorldChange :: World -> Cradle -> IO Bool
didWorldChange world crdl = do
(world /=) <$> getCurrentWorld crdl
-- * Neither file exists -> should return False:
-- @Nothing < Nothing = False@
-- (since we don't need to @cabal configure@ when no cabal file exists.)
-- * Cabal file doesn't exist (unlikely case) -> should return False
-- @Just cc < Nothing = False@
-- TODO: should we delete dist/setup-config?
-- * dist/setup-config doesn't exist yet -> should return True:
-- @Nothing < Just cf = True@
-- * Both files exist
-- @Just cc < Just cf = cc < cf = cc `olderThan` cf@
isSetupConfigOutOfDate :: Cradle -> IO Bool
isSetupConfigOutOfDate crdl = do
world <- getCurrentWorld crdl
return $ worldCabalConfig world < worldCabalFile world

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@ -88,12 +88,14 @@ Library
Build-Depends: base >= 4.0 && < 5
, containers
, deepseq
@ -187,18 +189,18 @@ Test-Suite spec
Hs-Source-Dirs: test, .
Ghc-Options: -Wall
Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
Other-Modules: Dir
Other-Modules: BrowseSpec
Build-Depends: base >= 4.0 && < 5
, containers

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@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ legacyInteractiveLoop symdbreq ref world = do
-- after blocking, we need to see if the world has changed.
changed <- liftIO . isWorldChanged world =<< cradle
changed <- liftIO . didWorldChange world =<< cradle
when changed $ do
liftIO $ ungetCommand ref cmdArg
throw Restart

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@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ loop symdbreq ref world = do
cmdArg <- liftIO $ getCommand ref
-- after blocking, we need to see if the world has changed.
crdl <- cradle
changed <- liftIO $ isWorldChanged world crdl
changed <- liftIO $ didWorldChange world crdl
when changed $ do
liftIO $ ungetCommand ref cmdArg
E.throw Restart

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@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
module GhcPkgSpec where
module PathsAndFilesSpec where
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GhcPkg
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.PathsAndFiles
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 706
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GhcPkg
import System.Directory
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ spec = do
it "can parse a config file and extract the sandbox package-db" $ do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
pkgDb <- getSandboxDb "test/data/"
pkgDb `shouldBe` (cwd </> "test/data/.cabal-sandbox/i386-osx-ghc-7.6.3-packages.conf.d")
pkgDb `shouldBe` Just (cwd </> "test/data/.cabal-sandbox/i386-osx-ghc-7.6.3-packages.conf.d")
it "throws an error if the sandbox config file is broken" $ do
getSandboxDb "test/data/broken-sandbox" `shouldThrow` anyException
it "returns Nothing if the sandbox config file is broken" $ do
getSandboxDb "test/data/broken-sandbox" `shouldReturn` Nothing