Fix #386, ghc-mod version should not check cabal configure

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Gröber 2014-10-18 18:57:19 +02:00
parent 6e92f28f43
commit dbe66cbaa3

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@ -323,10 +323,14 @@ main = handler $ do
| otherwise -> do
let (globalOptions,cmdArgs) = parseGlobalArgs args
(res, _) <- runGhcModT globalOptions $ commands cmdArgs
case res of
Right s -> putStr s
Left e -> exitError $ render (gmeDoc e)
res <- simpleCommands cmdArgs
putStr =<< case res of
Just s -> return s
Nothing -> do
(res',_) <- runGhcModT globalOptions $ ghcCommands cmdArgs
case res' of
Right s -> return s
Left e -> exitError $ render (gmeDoc e)
-- Obtain ghc options by letting ourselfs be executed by
-- @cabal repl@
@ -339,14 +343,19 @@ main = handler $ do
-- rawSystem "cabal" cabalArgs >>= exitWith
commands :: IOish m => [String] -> GhcModT m String
commands [] = fatalError "No command given (try --help)\n"
commands (cmd:args) = fn args
simpleCommands :: [String] -> IO (Maybe String)
simpleCommands [] = return Nothing
simpleCommands (cmd:_) = return $ case cmd of
_ | cmd == "help" || cmd == "--help" -> Just usage
"version" -> Just progVersion
_ -> Nothing
ghcCommands :: IOish m => [String] -> GhcModT m String
ghcCommands [] = fatalError "No command given (try --help)\n"
ghcCommands (cmd:args) = fn args
fn = case cmd of
_ | cmd == "list" || cmd == "modules" -> modulesCmd
_ | cmd == "help" || cmd == "--help" -> const $ return usage
"version" -> const $ return progVersion
"lang" -> languagesCmd
"flag" -> flagsCmd
"browse" -> browseCmd