post quantum cryptography
Highly optimized implementation of the NTRUEncrypt algorithm
Data Fields
keypair Struct Reference

#include <ntru_keypair.h>

Data Fields

fmpz_poly_t priv
fmpz_poly_t priv_inv
fmpz_poly_t pub

Detailed Description

This struct holds the keypair, both private and public components.

Definition at line 46 of file ntru_keypair.h.

Field Documentation

fmpz_poly_t keypair::priv

First part of the private key, a random polynom.

Definition at line 51 of file ntru_keypair.h.

fmpz_poly_t keypair::priv_inv

Second part of the private key, the priv polynom inverted.

Definition at line 56 of file ntru_keypair.h.

fmpz_poly_t keypair::pub

The public key, computed as: h = p * (Fq * g) mod q

Definition at line 61 of file ntru_keypair.h.

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