Trait gtk::StaticType
pub trait StaticType { fn static_type() -> Type; }
Types that are supported by GLib dynamic typing.
Required Methods
fn static_type() -> Type
Returns the type identifier of Self
impl StaticType for Renderer
impl StaticType for Context
impl StaticType for Font
impl StaticType for pango::auto::layout::Layout
impl StaticType for EngineShape
impl StaticType for FontFamily
impl StaticType for Fontset
impl StaticType for FontFace
impl StaticType for FontMap
impl StaticType for PixbufAnimation
impl StaticType for PixbufLoader
impl StaticType for Pixbuf
impl StaticType for PixbufSimpleAnim
impl StaticType for PixbufAnimationIter
impl StaticType for DragContext
impl StaticType for DeviceTool
impl StaticType for Screen
impl StaticType for Device
impl StaticType for DrawingContext
impl StaticType for Seat
impl StaticType for Display
impl StaticType for gdk::auto::app_launch_context::AppLaunchContext
impl StaticType for FrameClock
impl StaticType for GLContext
impl StaticType for Rectangle
impl StaticType for DisplayManager
impl StaticType for Cursor
impl StaticType for RGBA
impl StaticType for DeviceManager
impl StaticType for gdk::auto::window::Window
impl StaticType for Monitor
impl StaticType for Visual
impl StaticType for str
impl StaticType for u8
impl StaticType for bool
impl StaticType for String
impl StaticType for u64
impl StaticType for i8
impl StaticType for f32
impl<'a, T> StaticType for &'a T where
T: StaticType + ?Sized,impl StaticType for Object
impl StaticType for u32
impl StaticType for i64
impl StaticType for f64
impl StaticType for i32
impl StaticType for SimpleAction
impl StaticType for gio::auto::application::Application
impl StaticType for SimplePermission
impl StaticType for gio::auto::settings::Settings
impl StaticType for Icon
impl StaticType for File
impl StaticType for ThemedIcon
impl StaticType for SimpleActionGroup
impl StaticType for ActionGroup
impl StaticType for Permission
impl StaticType for MenuLinkIter
impl StaticType for Notification
impl StaticType for MenuModel
impl StaticType for TlsCertificate
impl StaticType for gio::auto::app_launch_context::AppLaunchContext
impl StaticType for MenuAttributeIter
impl StaticType for Cancellable
impl StaticType for AppInfo
impl StaticType for Action
impl StaticType for FileInfo
impl StaticType for gio::auto::menu_item::MenuItem
impl StaticType for gio::auto::menu::Menu
impl StaticType for ActionMap
impl StaticType for AboutDialog
impl StaticType for AccelGroup
impl StaticType for ActionBar
impl StaticType for Actionable
impl StaticType for Adjustment
impl StaticType for Alignment
impl StaticType for AppChooserDialog
impl StaticType for AppChooserWidget
impl StaticType for gtk::Application
impl StaticType for ApplicationWindow
impl StaticType for Arrow
impl StaticType for AspectFrame
impl StaticType for Assistant
impl StaticType for Bin
impl StaticType for Box
impl StaticType for Button
impl StaticType for ButtonBox
impl StaticType for Calendar
impl StaticType for CellArea
impl StaticType for CellAreaBox
impl StaticType for CellAreaContext
impl StaticType for CellEditable
impl StaticType for CellLayout
impl StaticType for CellRenderer
impl StaticType for CellRendererAccel
impl StaticType for CellRendererCombo
impl StaticType for CellRendererPixbuf
impl StaticType for CellRendererProgress
impl StaticType for CellRendererSpin
impl StaticType for CellRendererSpinner
impl StaticType for CellRendererText
impl StaticType for CellRendererToggle
impl StaticType for CheckButton
impl StaticType for CheckMenuItem
impl StaticType for Clipboard
impl StaticType for ColorButton
impl StaticType for ColorChooser
impl StaticType for ColorChooserDialog
impl StaticType for ColorChooserWidget
impl StaticType for ComboBox
impl StaticType for ComboBoxText
impl StaticType for Container
impl StaticType for CssProvider
impl StaticType for Dialog
impl StaticType for DrawingArea
impl StaticType for Editable
impl StaticType for Entry
impl StaticType for EntryCompletion
impl StaticType for EventBox
impl StaticType for EventController
impl StaticType for Expander
impl StaticType for FileChooser
impl StaticType for FileChooserButton
impl StaticType for FileChooserDialog
impl StaticType for FileChooserWidget
impl StaticType for FileFilter
impl StaticType for Fixed
impl StaticType for FlowBox
impl StaticType for FlowBoxChild
impl StaticType for FontButton
impl StaticType for FontChooser
impl StaticType for FontChooserDialog
impl StaticType for FontChooserWidget
impl StaticType for Frame
impl StaticType for GLArea
impl StaticType for Gesture
impl StaticType for GestureDrag
impl StaticType for GestureLongPress
impl StaticType for GestureMultiPress
impl StaticType for GesturePan
impl StaticType for GestureRotate
impl StaticType for GestureSingle
impl StaticType for GestureSwipe
impl StaticType for GestureZoom
impl StaticType for Grid
impl StaticType for HeaderBar
impl StaticType for IMContext
impl StaticType for IMMulticontext
impl StaticType for IconFactory
impl StaticType for IconInfo
impl StaticType for IconTheme
impl StaticType for IconView
impl StaticType for Image
impl StaticType for ImageMenuItem
impl StaticType for InfoBar
impl StaticType for Label
impl StaticType for gtk::Layout
impl StaticType for LevelBar
impl StaticType for LinkButton
impl StaticType for ListBox
impl StaticType for ListBoxRow
impl StaticType for ListStore
impl StaticType for gtk::Menu
impl StaticType for MenuBar
impl StaticType for MenuButton
impl StaticType for gtk::MenuItem
impl StaticType for MenuShell
impl StaticType for MenuToolButton
impl StaticType for MessageDialog
impl StaticType for Misc
impl StaticType for ModelButton
impl StaticType for Notebook
impl StaticType for Orientable
impl StaticType for Overlay
impl StaticType for PageSetup
impl StaticType for Paned
impl StaticType for PlacesSidebar
impl StaticType for Popover
impl StaticType for PopoverMenu
impl StaticType for PrintContext
impl StaticType for PrintSettings
impl StaticType for ProgressBar
impl StaticType for RadioButton
impl StaticType for RadioMenuItem
impl StaticType for Range
impl StaticType for RecentChooser
impl StaticType for RecentChooserDialog
impl StaticType for RecentChooserWidget
impl StaticType for RecentFilter
impl StaticType for RecentManager
impl StaticType for Revealer
impl StaticType for Scale
impl StaticType for ScaleButton
impl StaticType for Scrollable
impl StaticType for Scrollbar
impl StaticType for ScrolledWindow
impl StaticType for SearchBar
impl StaticType for SearchEntry
impl StaticType for Separator
impl StaticType for SeparatorMenuItem
impl StaticType for SeparatorToolItem
impl StaticType for gtk::Settings
impl StaticType for ShortcutsWindow
impl StaticType for SizeGroup
impl StaticType for SpinButton
impl StaticType for Spinner
impl StaticType for Stack
impl StaticType for StackSidebar
impl StaticType for StackSwitcher
impl StaticType for StatusIcon
impl StaticType for Statusbar
impl StaticType for StyleContext
impl StaticType for StyleProperties
impl StaticType for StyleProvider
impl StaticType for Switch
impl StaticType for TextBuffer
impl StaticType for TextChildAnchor
impl StaticType for TextMark
impl StaticType for TextTag
impl StaticType for TextTagTable
impl StaticType for TextView
impl StaticType for ToggleButton
impl StaticType for ToggleToolButton
impl StaticType for ToolButton
impl StaticType for ToolItem
impl StaticType for ToolItemGroup
impl StaticType for ToolPalette
impl StaticType for ToolShell
impl StaticType for Toolbar
impl StaticType for Tooltip
impl StaticType for TreeModel
impl StaticType for TreeModelFilter
impl StaticType for TreeSelection
impl StaticType for TreeSortable
impl StaticType for TreeStore
impl StaticType for TreeView
impl StaticType for TreeViewColumn
impl StaticType for Viewport
impl StaticType for VolumeButton
impl StaticType for Widget
impl StaticType for gtk::Window
impl StaticType for WindowGroup
impl StaticType for AppChooser
impl StaticType for Builder
impl StaticType for EntryBuffer
impl StaticType for Socket
impl StaticType for TargetEntry