Trait gtk::IsA
pub trait IsA<T>: Wrapper + UnsafeFrom<ObjectRef> + ToGlibPtr<'a, *mut <T as Wrapper>::GlibType> + StaticType + Into<ObjectRef> where
T: Wrapper + UnsafeFrom<ObjectRef> + StaticType, { }
Declares the "is a" relationship.
is said to implement T
For instance, since originally GtkWidget
is a subclass of GObject
implements the GtkBuildable
interface, gtk::Widget
and IsA<gtk::Buildable>
The trait can only be implemented if the appropriate ToGlibPtr
implementations exist.
always implements IsA<T>
impl IsA<Object> for pango::auto::layout::Layout
impl IsA<Object> for Font
impl IsA<Object> for Fontset
impl IsA<Object> for FontFace
impl IsA<Object> for FontFamily
impl IsA<Object> for Context
impl IsA<Object> for Renderer
impl IsA<Object> for EngineShape
impl IsA<Object> for FontMap
impl IsA<Object> for PixbufAnimation
impl IsA<Object> for PixbufAnimationIter
impl IsA<Object> for PixbufSimpleAnim
impl IsA<PixbufAnimation> for PixbufSimpleAnim
impl IsA<Object> for PixbufLoader
impl IsA<Object> for Pixbuf
impl IsA<Object> for DeviceManager
impl IsA<Object> for Monitor
impl IsA<Object> for DrawingContext
impl IsA<Object> for Cursor
impl IsA<Object> for Display
impl IsA<Object> for gdk::auto::window::Window
impl IsA<Object> for gdk::auto::app_launch_context::AppLaunchContext
impl IsA<Object> for Device
impl IsA<Object> for Seat
impl IsA<Object> for FrameClock
impl IsA<Object> for Screen
impl IsA<Object> for GLContext
impl IsA<Object> for DisplayManager
impl IsA<Object> for Visual
impl IsA<Object> for DragContext
impl IsA<Object> for DeviceTool
impl<T> IsA<T> for T where
T: StaticType + Wrapper + Into<ObjectRef> + UnsafeFrom<ObjectRef> + ToGlibPtr<'a, *mut <T as Wrapper>::GlibType>,impl IsA<Object> for FileInfo
impl IsA<Object> for Permission
impl IsA<ActionMap> for SimpleActionGroup
impl IsA<Object> for Cancellable
impl IsA<Object> for gio::auto::menu::Menu
impl IsA<Object> for MenuLinkIter
impl IsA<Object> for ActionGroup
impl IsA<Object> for gio::auto::app_launch_context::AppLaunchContext
impl IsA<Object> for gio::auto::menu_item::MenuItem
impl IsA<ActionMap> for gio::auto::application::Application
impl IsA<Permission> for SimplePermission
impl IsA<Object> for ThemedIcon
impl IsA<Object> for SimpleAction
impl IsA<Object> for gio::auto::settings::Settings
impl IsA<Icon> for ThemedIcon
impl IsA<ActionGroup> for SimpleActionGroup
impl IsA<Object> for Action
impl IsA<Object> for MenuAttributeIter
impl IsA<ActionGroup> for gio::auto::application::Application
impl IsA<Object> for SimpleActionGroup
impl IsA<Object> for MenuModel
impl IsA<MenuModel> for gio::auto::menu::Menu
impl IsA<Object> for File
impl IsA<Object> for ActionMap
impl IsA<Action> for SimpleAction
impl IsA<Object> for AppInfo
impl IsA<Object> for Notification
impl IsA<Object> for Icon
impl IsA<Object> for gio::auto::application::Application
impl IsA<Object> for SimplePermission
impl IsA<Object> for TlsCertificate
impl IsA<Dialog> for AboutDialog
impl IsA<Window> for AboutDialog
impl IsA<Bin> for AboutDialog
impl IsA<Container> for AboutDialog
impl IsA<Widget> for AboutDialog
impl IsA<Object> for AboutDialog
impl IsA<Object> for AccelGroup
impl IsA<Bin> for ActionBar
impl IsA<Container> for ActionBar
impl IsA<Widget> for ActionBar
impl IsA<Object> for ActionBar
impl IsA<Widget> for Actionable
impl IsA<Object> for Actionable
impl IsA<Object> for Adjustment
impl IsA<Bin> for Alignment
impl IsA<Container> for Alignment
impl IsA<Widget> for Alignment
impl IsA<Object> for Alignment
impl IsA<Dialog> for AppChooserDialog
impl IsA<Window> for AppChooserDialog
impl IsA<Bin> for AppChooserDialog
impl IsA<Container> for AppChooserDialog
impl IsA<Widget> for AppChooserDialog
impl IsA<AppChooser> for AppChooserDialog
impl IsA<Object> for AppChooserDialog
impl IsA<Box> for AppChooserWidget
impl IsA<Container> for AppChooserWidget
impl IsA<Widget> for AppChooserWidget
impl IsA<Orientable> for AppChooserWidget
impl IsA<AppChooser> for AppChooserWidget
impl IsA<Object> for AppChooserWidget
impl IsA<Application> for gtk::Application
impl IsA<ActionGroup> for gtk::Application
impl IsA<ActionMap> for gtk::Application
impl IsA<Object> for gtk::Application
impl IsA<Window> for ApplicationWindow
impl IsA<Bin> for ApplicationWindow
impl IsA<Container> for ApplicationWindow
impl IsA<Widget> for ApplicationWindow
impl IsA<ActionGroup> for ApplicationWindow
impl IsA<ActionMap> for ApplicationWindow
impl IsA<Object> for ApplicationWindow
impl IsA<Misc> for Arrow
impl IsA<Widget> for Arrow
impl IsA<Object> for Arrow
impl IsA<Frame> for AspectFrame
impl IsA<Bin> for AspectFrame
impl IsA<Container> for AspectFrame
impl IsA<Widget> for AspectFrame
impl IsA<Object> for AspectFrame
impl IsA<Window> for Assistant
impl IsA<Bin> for Assistant
impl IsA<Container> for Assistant
impl IsA<Widget> for Assistant
impl IsA<Object> for Assistant
impl IsA<Container> for Bin
impl IsA<Widget> for Bin
impl IsA<Object> for Bin
impl IsA<Container> for Box
impl IsA<Widget> for Box
impl IsA<Orientable> for Box
impl IsA<Object> for Box
impl IsA<Bin> for Button
impl IsA<Container> for Button
impl IsA<Widget> for Button
impl IsA<Actionable> for Button
impl IsA<Object> for Button
impl IsA<Box> for ButtonBox
impl IsA<Container> for ButtonBox
impl IsA<Widget> for ButtonBox
impl IsA<Orientable> for ButtonBox
impl IsA<Object> for ButtonBox
impl IsA<Widget> for Calendar
impl IsA<Object> for Calendar
impl IsA<CellLayout> for CellArea
impl IsA<Object> for CellArea
impl IsA<CellArea> for CellAreaBox
impl IsA<CellLayout> for CellAreaBox
impl IsA<Orientable> for CellAreaBox
impl IsA<Object> for CellAreaBox
impl IsA<Object> for CellAreaContext
impl IsA<Widget> for CellEditable
impl IsA<Object> for CellEditable
impl IsA<Object> for CellLayout
impl IsA<Object> for CellRenderer
impl IsA<CellRendererText> for CellRendererAccel
impl IsA<CellRenderer> for CellRendererAccel
impl IsA<Object> for CellRendererAccel
impl IsA<CellRendererText> for CellRendererCombo
impl IsA<CellRenderer> for CellRendererCombo
impl IsA<Object> for CellRendererCombo
impl IsA<CellRenderer> for CellRendererPixbuf
impl IsA<Object> for CellRendererPixbuf
impl IsA<CellRenderer> for CellRendererProgress
impl IsA<Orientable> for CellRendererProgress
impl IsA<Object> for CellRendererProgress
impl IsA<CellRendererText> for CellRendererSpin
impl IsA<CellRenderer> for CellRendererSpin
impl IsA<Object> for CellRendererSpin
impl IsA<CellRenderer> for CellRendererSpinner
impl IsA<Object> for CellRendererSpinner
impl IsA<CellRenderer> for CellRendererText
impl IsA<Object> for CellRendererText
impl IsA<CellRenderer> for CellRendererToggle
impl IsA<Object> for CellRendererToggle
impl IsA<ToggleButton> for CheckButton
impl IsA<Button> for CheckButton
impl IsA<Bin> for CheckButton
impl IsA<Container> for CheckButton
impl IsA<Widget> for CheckButton
impl IsA<Actionable> for CheckButton
impl IsA<Object> for CheckButton
impl IsA<MenuItem> for CheckMenuItem
impl IsA<Bin> for CheckMenuItem
impl IsA<Container> for CheckMenuItem
impl IsA<Widget> for CheckMenuItem
impl IsA<Actionable> for CheckMenuItem
impl IsA<Object> for CheckMenuItem
impl IsA<Object> for Clipboard
impl IsA<Button> for ColorButton
impl IsA<Bin> for ColorButton
impl IsA<Container> for ColorButton
impl IsA<Widget> for ColorButton
impl IsA<Actionable> for ColorButton
impl IsA<ColorChooser> for ColorButton
impl IsA<Object> for ColorButton
impl IsA<Object> for ColorChooser
impl IsA<Dialog> for ColorChooserDialog
impl IsA<Window> for ColorChooserDialog
impl IsA<Bin> for ColorChooserDialog
impl IsA<Container> for ColorChooserDialog
impl IsA<Widget> for ColorChooserDialog
impl IsA<ColorChooser> for ColorChooserDialog
impl IsA<Object> for ColorChooserDialog
impl IsA<Box> for ColorChooserWidget
impl IsA<Container> for ColorChooserWidget
impl IsA<Widget> for ColorChooserWidget
impl IsA<Orientable> for ColorChooserWidget
impl IsA<ColorChooser> for ColorChooserWidget
impl IsA<Object> for ColorChooserWidget
impl IsA<Bin> for ComboBox
impl IsA<Container> for ComboBox
impl IsA<Widget> for ComboBox
impl IsA<CellEditable> for ComboBox
impl IsA<CellLayout> for ComboBox
impl IsA<Object> for ComboBox
impl IsA<ComboBox> for ComboBoxText
impl IsA<Bin> for ComboBoxText
impl IsA<Container> for ComboBoxText
impl IsA<Widget> for ComboBoxText
impl IsA<CellEditable> for ComboBoxText
impl IsA<CellLayout> for ComboBoxText
impl IsA<Object> for ComboBoxText
impl IsA<Widget> for Container
impl IsA<Object> for Container
impl IsA<StyleProvider> for CssProvider
impl IsA<Object> for CssProvider
impl IsA<Window> for Dialog
impl IsA<Bin> for Dialog
impl IsA<Container> for Dialog
impl IsA<Widget> for Dialog
impl IsA<Object> for Dialog
impl IsA<Widget> for DrawingArea
impl IsA<Object> for DrawingArea
impl IsA<Object> for Editable
impl IsA<Widget> for Entry
impl IsA<CellEditable> for Entry
impl IsA<Editable> for Entry
impl IsA<Object> for Entry
impl IsA<CellLayout> for EntryCompletion
impl IsA<Object> for EntryCompletion
impl IsA<Bin> for EventBox
impl IsA<Container> for EventBox
impl IsA<Widget> for EventBox
impl IsA<Object> for EventBox
impl IsA<Object> for EventController
impl IsA<Bin> for Expander
impl IsA<Container> for Expander
impl IsA<Widget> for Expander
impl IsA<Object> for Expander
impl IsA<Object> for FileChooser
impl IsA<Box> for FileChooserButton
impl IsA<Container> for FileChooserButton
impl IsA<Widget> for FileChooserButton
impl IsA<Orientable> for FileChooserButton
impl IsA<FileChooser> for FileChooserButton
impl IsA<Object> for FileChooserButton
impl IsA<Dialog> for FileChooserDialog
impl IsA<Window> for FileChooserDialog
impl IsA<Bin> for FileChooserDialog
impl IsA<Container> for FileChooserDialog
impl IsA<Widget> for FileChooserDialog
impl IsA<FileChooser> for FileChooserDialog
impl IsA<Object> for FileChooserDialog
impl IsA<Box> for FileChooserWidget
impl IsA<Container> for FileChooserWidget
impl IsA<Widget> for FileChooserWidget
impl IsA<Orientable> for FileChooserWidget
impl IsA<FileChooser> for FileChooserWidget
impl IsA<Object> for FileChooserWidget
impl IsA<Object> for FileFilter
impl IsA<Container> for Fixed
impl IsA<Widget> for Fixed
impl IsA<Object> for Fixed
impl IsA<Container> for FlowBox
impl IsA<Widget> for FlowBox
impl IsA<Orientable> for FlowBox
impl IsA<Object> for FlowBox
impl IsA<Bin> for FlowBoxChild
impl IsA<Container> for FlowBoxChild
impl IsA<Widget> for FlowBoxChild
impl IsA<Object> for FlowBoxChild
impl IsA<Button> for FontButton
impl IsA<Bin> for FontButton
impl IsA<Container> for FontButton
impl IsA<Widget> for FontButton
impl IsA<Actionable> for FontButton
impl IsA<FontChooser> for FontButton
impl IsA<Object> for FontButton
impl IsA<Object> for FontChooser
impl IsA<Dialog> for FontChooserDialog
impl IsA<Window> for FontChooserDialog
impl IsA<Bin> for FontChooserDialog
impl IsA<Container> for FontChooserDialog
impl IsA<Widget> for FontChooserDialog
impl IsA<FontChooser> for FontChooserDialog
impl IsA<Object> for FontChooserDialog
impl IsA<Box> for FontChooserWidget
impl IsA<Container> for FontChooserWidget
impl IsA<Widget> for FontChooserWidget
impl IsA<Orientable> for FontChooserWidget
impl IsA<FontChooser> for FontChooserWidget
impl IsA<Object> for FontChooserWidget
impl IsA<Bin> for Frame
impl IsA<Container> for Frame
impl IsA<Widget> for Frame
impl IsA<Object> for Frame
impl IsA<Widget> for GLArea
impl IsA<Object> for GLArea
impl IsA<EventController> for Gesture
impl IsA<Object> for Gesture
impl IsA<GestureSingle> for GestureDrag
impl IsA<Gesture> for GestureDrag
impl IsA<EventController> for GestureDrag
impl IsA<Object> for GestureDrag
impl IsA<GestureSingle> for GestureLongPress
impl IsA<Gesture> for GestureLongPress
impl IsA<EventController> for GestureLongPress
impl IsA<Object> for GestureLongPress
impl IsA<GestureSingle> for GestureMultiPress
impl IsA<Gesture> for GestureMultiPress
impl IsA<EventController> for GestureMultiPress
impl IsA<Object> for GestureMultiPress
impl IsA<GestureDrag> for GesturePan
impl IsA<GestureSingle> for GesturePan
impl IsA<Gesture> for GesturePan
impl IsA<EventController> for GesturePan
impl IsA<Object> for GesturePan
impl IsA<Gesture> for GestureRotate
impl IsA<EventController> for GestureRotate
impl IsA<Object> for GestureRotate
impl IsA<Gesture> for GestureSingle
impl IsA<EventController> for GestureSingle
impl IsA<Object> for GestureSingle
impl IsA<GestureSingle> for GestureSwipe
impl IsA<Gesture> for GestureSwipe
impl IsA<EventController> for GestureSwipe
impl IsA<Object> for GestureSwipe
impl IsA<Gesture> for GestureZoom
impl IsA<EventController> for GestureZoom
impl IsA<Object> for GestureZoom
impl IsA<Container> for Grid
impl IsA<Widget> for Grid
impl IsA<Orientable> for Grid
impl IsA<Object> for Grid
impl IsA<Container> for HeaderBar
impl IsA<Widget> for HeaderBar
impl IsA<Object> for HeaderBar
impl IsA<Object> for IMContext
impl IsA<IMContext> for IMMulticontext
impl IsA<Object> for IMMulticontext
impl IsA<Object> for IconFactory
impl IsA<Object> for IconInfo
impl IsA<Object> for IconTheme
impl IsA<Container> for IconView
impl IsA<Widget> for IconView
impl IsA<CellLayout> for IconView
impl IsA<Scrollable> for IconView
impl IsA<Object> for IconView
impl IsA<Misc> for Image
impl IsA<Widget> for Image
impl IsA<Object> for Image
impl IsA<MenuItem> for ImageMenuItem
impl IsA<Bin> for ImageMenuItem
impl IsA<Container> for ImageMenuItem
impl IsA<Widget> for ImageMenuItem
impl IsA<Actionable> for ImageMenuItem
impl IsA<Object> for ImageMenuItem
impl IsA<Box> for InfoBar
impl IsA<Container> for InfoBar
impl IsA<Widget> for InfoBar
impl IsA<Orientable> for InfoBar
impl IsA<Object> for InfoBar
impl IsA<Misc> for Label
impl IsA<Widget> for Label
impl IsA<Object> for Label
impl IsA<Container> for gtk::Layout
impl IsA<Widget> for gtk::Layout
impl IsA<Scrollable> for gtk::Layout
impl IsA<Object> for gtk::Layout
impl IsA<Widget> for LevelBar
impl IsA<Orientable> for LevelBar
impl IsA<Object> for LevelBar
impl IsA<Button> for LinkButton
impl IsA<Bin> for LinkButton
impl IsA<Container> for LinkButton
impl IsA<Widget> for LinkButton
impl IsA<Actionable> for LinkButton
impl IsA<Object> for LinkButton
impl IsA<Container> for ListBox
impl IsA<Widget> for ListBox
impl IsA<Object> for ListBox
impl IsA<Bin> for ListBoxRow
impl IsA<Container> for ListBoxRow
impl IsA<Widget> for ListBoxRow
impl IsA<Object> for ListBoxRow
impl IsA<TreeModel> for ListStore
impl IsA<TreeSortable> for ListStore
impl IsA<Object> for ListStore
impl IsA<MenuShell> for gtk::Menu
impl IsA<Container> for gtk::Menu
impl IsA<Widget> for gtk::Menu
impl IsA<Object> for gtk::Menu
impl IsA<MenuShell> for MenuBar
impl IsA<Container> for MenuBar
impl IsA<Widget> for MenuBar
impl IsA<Object> for MenuBar
impl IsA<ToggleButton> for MenuButton
impl IsA<Button> for MenuButton
impl IsA<Bin> for MenuButton
impl IsA<Container> for MenuButton
impl IsA<Widget> for MenuButton
impl IsA<Actionable> for MenuButton
impl IsA<Object> for MenuButton
impl IsA<Bin> for gtk::MenuItem
impl IsA<Container> for gtk::MenuItem
impl IsA<Widget> for gtk::MenuItem
impl IsA<Actionable> for gtk::MenuItem
impl IsA<Object> for gtk::MenuItem
impl IsA<Container> for MenuShell
impl IsA<Widget> for MenuShell
impl IsA<Object> for MenuShell
impl IsA<ToolButton> for MenuToolButton
impl IsA<ToolItem> for MenuToolButton
impl IsA<Bin> for MenuToolButton
impl IsA<Container> for MenuToolButton
impl IsA<Widget> for MenuToolButton
impl IsA<Actionable> for MenuToolButton
impl IsA<Object> for MenuToolButton
impl IsA<Dialog> for MessageDialog
impl IsA<Window> for MessageDialog
impl IsA<Bin> for MessageDialog
impl IsA<Container> for MessageDialog
impl IsA<Widget> for MessageDialog
impl IsA<Object> for MessageDialog
impl IsA<Widget> for Misc
impl IsA<Object> for Misc
impl IsA<Button> for ModelButton
impl IsA<Bin> for ModelButton
impl IsA<Container> for ModelButton
impl IsA<Widget> for ModelButton
impl IsA<Actionable> for ModelButton
impl IsA<Object> for ModelButton
impl IsA<Container> for Notebook
impl IsA<Widget> for Notebook
impl IsA<Object> for Notebook
impl IsA<Object> for Orientable
impl IsA<Bin> for Overlay
impl IsA<Container> for Overlay
impl IsA<Widget> for Overlay
impl IsA<Object> for Overlay
impl IsA<Object> for PageSetup
impl IsA<Container> for Paned
impl IsA<Widget> for Paned
impl IsA<Orientable> for Paned
impl IsA<Object> for Paned
impl IsA<ScrolledWindow> for PlacesSidebar
impl IsA<Bin> for PlacesSidebar
impl IsA<Container> for PlacesSidebar
impl IsA<Widget> for PlacesSidebar
impl IsA<Object> for PlacesSidebar
impl IsA<Bin> for Popover
impl IsA<Container> for Popover
impl IsA<Widget> for Popover
impl IsA<Object> for Popover
impl IsA<Popover> for PopoverMenu
impl IsA<Bin> for PopoverMenu
impl IsA<Container> for PopoverMenu
impl IsA<Widget> for PopoverMenu
impl IsA<Object> for PopoverMenu
impl IsA<Object> for PrintContext
impl IsA<Object> for PrintSettings
impl IsA<Widget> for ProgressBar
impl IsA<Orientable> for ProgressBar
impl IsA<Object> for ProgressBar
impl IsA<CheckButton> for RadioButton
impl IsA<ToggleButton> for RadioButton
impl IsA<Button> for RadioButton
impl IsA<Bin> for RadioButton
impl IsA<Container> for RadioButton
impl IsA<Widget> for RadioButton
impl IsA<Actionable> for RadioButton
impl IsA<Object> for RadioButton
impl IsA<CheckMenuItem> for RadioMenuItem
impl IsA<MenuItem> for RadioMenuItem
impl IsA<Bin> for RadioMenuItem
impl IsA<Container> for RadioMenuItem
impl IsA<Widget> for RadioMenuItem
impl IsA<Actionable> for RadioMenuItem
impl IsA<Object> for RadioMenuItem
impl IsA<Widget> for Range
impl IsA<Orientable> for Range
impl IsA<Object> for Range
impl IsA<Object> for RecentChooser
impl IsA<Dialog> for RecentChooserDialog
impl IsA<Window> for RecentChooserDialog
impl IsA<Bin> for RecentChooserDialog
impl IsA<Container> for RecentChooserDialog
impl IsA<Widget> for RecentChooserDialog
impl IsA<RecentChooser> for RecentChooserDialog
impl IsA<Object> for RecentChooserDialog
impl IsA<Box> for RecentChooserWidget
impl IsA<Container> for RecentChooserWidget
impl IsA<Widget> for RecentChooserWidget
impl IsA<Orientable> for RecentChooserWidget
impl IsA<RecentChooser> for RecentChooserWidget
impl IsA<Object> for RecentChooserWidget
impl IsA<Object> for RecentFilter
impl IsA<Object> for RecentManager
impl IsA<Bin> for Revealer
impl IsA<Container> for Revealer
impl IsA<Widget> for Revealer
impl IsA<Object> for Revealer
impl IsA<Range> for Scale
impl IsA<Widget> for Scale
impl IsA<Orientable> for Scale
impl IsA<Object> for Scale
impl IsA<Button> for ScaleButton
impl IsA<Bin> for ScaleButton
impl IsA<Container> for ScaleButton
impl IsA<Widget> for ScaleButton
impl IsA<Actionable> for ScaleButton
impl IsA<Orientable> for ScaleButton
impl IsA<Object> for ScaleButton
impl IsA<Object> for Scrollable
impl IsA<Range> for Scrollbar
impl IsA<Widget> for Scrollbar
impl IsA<Orientable> for Scrollbar
impl IsA<Object> for Scrollbar
impl IsA<Bin> for ScrolledWindow
impl IsA<Container> for ScrolledWindow
impl IsA<Widget> for ScrolledWindow
impl IsA<Object> for ScrolledWindow
impl IsA<Bin> for SearchBar
impl IsA<Container> for SearchBar
impl IsA<Widget> for SearchBar
impl IsA<Object> for SearchBar
impl IsA<Entry> for SearchEntry
impl IsA<Widget> for SearchEntry
impl IsA<CellEditable> for SearchEntry
impl IsA<Editable> for SearchEntry
impl IsA<Object> for SearchEntry
impl IsA<Widget> for Separator
impl IsA<Orientable> for Separator
impl IsA<Object> for Separator
impl IsA<MenuItem> for SeparatorMenuItem
impl IsA<Bin> for SeparatorMenuItem
impl IsA<Container> for SeparatorMenuItem
impl IsA<Widget> for SeparatorMenuItem
impl IsA<Actionable> for SeparatorMenuItem
impl IsA<Object> for SeparatorMenuItem
impl IsA<ToolItem> for SeparatorToolItem
impl IsA<Bin> for SeparatorToolItem
impl IsA<Container> for SeparatorToolItem
impl IsA<Widget> for SeparatorToolItem
impl IsA<Object> for SeparatorToolItem
impl IsA<StyleProvider> for gtk::Settings
impl IsA<Object> for gtk::Settings
impl IsA<Window> for ShortcutsWindow
impl IsA<Bin> for ShortcutsWindow
impl IsA<Container> for ShortcutsWindow
impl IsA<Widget> for ShortcutsWindow
impl IsA<Object> for ShortcutsWindow
impl IsA<Object> for SizeGroup
impl IsA<Entry> for SpinButton
impl IsA<Widget> for SpinButton
impl IsA<CellEditable> for SpinButton
impl IsA<Editable> for SpinButton
impl IsA<Orientable> for SpinButton
impl IsA<Object> for SpinButton
impl IsA<Widget> for Spinner
impl IsA<Object> for Spinner
impl IsA<Container> for Stack
impl IsA<Widget> for Stack
impl IsA<Object> for Stack
impl IsA<Bin> for StackSidebar
impl IsA<Container> for StackSidebar
impl IsA<Widget> for StackSidebar
impl IsA<Object> for StackSidebar
impl IsA<Box> for StackSwitcher
impl IsA<Container> for StackSwitcher
impl IsA<Widget> for StackSwitcher
impl IsA<Orientable> for StackSwitcher
impl IsA<Object> for StackSwitcher
impl IsA<Object> for StatusIcon
impl IsA<Box> for Statusbar
impl IsA<Container> for Statusbar
impl IsA<Widget> for Statusbar
impl IsA<Orientable> for Statusbar
impl IsA<Object> for Statusbar
impl IsA<Object> for StyleContext
impl IsA<StyleProvider> for StyleProperties
impl IsA<Object> for StyleProperties
impl IsA<Object> for StyleProvider
impl IsA<Widget> for Switch
impl IsA<Actionable> for Switch
impl IsA<Object> for Switch
impl IsA<Object> for TextBuffer
impl IsA<Object> for TextChildAnchor
impl IsA<Object> for TextMark
impl IsA<Object> for TextTag
impl IsA<Object> for TextTagTable
impl IsA<Container> for TextView
impl IsA<Widget> for TextView
impl IsA<Scrollable> for TextView
impl IsA<Object> for TextView
impl IsA<Button> for ToggleButton
impl IsA<Bin> for ToggleButton
impl IsA<Container> for ToggleButton
impl IsA<Widget> for ToggleButton
impl IsA<Actionable> for ToggleButton
impl IsA<Object> for ToggleButton
impl IsA<ToolButton> for ToggleToolButton
impl IsA<ToolItem> for ToggleToolButton
impl IsA<Bin> for ToggleToolButton
impl IsA<Container> for ToggleToolButton
impl IsA<Widget> for ToggleToolButton
impl IsA<Actionable> for ToggleToolButton
impl IsA<Object> for ToggleToolButton
impl IsA<ToolItem> for ToolButton
impl IsA<Bin> for ToolButton
impl IsA<Container> for ToolButton
impl IsA<Widget> for ToolButton
impl IsA<Actionable> for ToolButton
impl IsA<Object> for ToolButton
impl IsA<Bin> for ToolItem
impl IsA<Container> for ToolItem
impl IsA<Widget> for ToolItem
impl IsA<Object> for ToolItem
impl IsA<Container> for ToolItemGroup
impl IsA<Widget> for ToolItemGroup
impl IsA<ToolShell> for ToolItemGroup
impl IsA<Object> for ToolItemGroup
impl IsA<Container> for ToolPalette
impl IsA<Widget> for ToolPalette
impl IsA<Orientable> for ToolPalette
impl IsA<Scrollable> for ToolPalette
impl IsA<Object> for ToolPalette
impl IsA<Widget> for ToolShell
impl IsA<Object> for ToolShell
impl IsA<Container> for Toolbar
impl IsA<Widget> for Toolbar
impl IsA<Orientable> for Toolbar
impl IsA<ToolShell> for Toolbar
impl IsA<Object> for Toolbar
impl IsA<Object> for Tooltip
impl IsA<Object> for TreeModel
impl IsA<TreeModel> for TreeModelFilter
impl IsA<Object> for TreeModelFilter
impl IsA<Object> for TreeSelection
impl IsA<TreeModel> for TreeSortable
impl IsA<Object> for TreeSortable
impl IsA<TreeModel> for TreeStore
impl IsA<TreeSortable> for TreeStore
impl IsA<Object> for TreeStore
impl IsA<Container> for TreeView
impl IsA<Widget> for TreeView
impl IsA<Scrollable> for TreeView
impl IsA<Object> for TreeView
impl IsA<CellLayout> for TreeViewColumn
impl IsA<Object> for TreeViewColumn
impl IsA<Bin> for Viewport
impl IsA<Container> for Viewport
impl IsA<Widget> for Viewport
impl IsA<Scrollable> for Viewport
impl IsA<Object> for Viewport
impl IsA<ScaleButton> for VolumeButton
impl IsA<Button> for VolumeButton
impl IsA<Bin> for VolumeButton
impl IsA<Container> for VolumeButton
impl IsA<Widget> for VolumeButton
impl IsA<Actionable> for VolumeButton
impl IsA<Orientable> for VolumeButton
impl IsA<Object> for VolumeButton
impl IsA<Object> for Widget
impl IsA<Bin> for gtk::Window
impl IsA<Container> for gtk::Window
impl IsA<Widget> for gtk::Window
impl IsA<Object> for gtk::Window
impl IsA<Object> for WindowGroup
impl IsA<Widget> for AppChooser
impl IsA<Object> for AppChooser
impl IsA<Object> for Builder
impl IsA<Object> for EntryBuffer
impl IsA<Widget> for Socket
impl IsA<Container> for Socket
impl IsA<Object> for Socket