Use streamly for copyFile

This commit is contained in:
Julian Ospald 2019-12-29 20:03:28 +01:00
parent 4ac3ee3e42
commit 200fc9b581
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 511B62C09D50CD28
2 changed files with 35 additions and 78 deletions

View File

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ library
, exceptions
, hspec
, simple-sendfile >= 0.2.24
, streamly >= 0.7
, unix >= 2.5
, unix-bytestring
, utf8-string

View File

@ -150,9 +150,7 @@ import Data.Word
import Foreign.C.Error
, getErrno
@ -177,16 +175,15 @@ import HPath
import HPath.Internal
import HPath.IO.Errors
import Prelude hiding (appendFile, readFile, writeFile)
import qualified Streamly.FileSystem.Handle as FH
import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Handle as IFH
import qualified Streamly.Prelude as S
import qualified System.IO as SIO
import System.IO.Error
, ioeGetErrorType
import System.Linux.Sendfile
, FileRange(..)
import System.Posix.ByteString
@ -466,6 +463,7 @@ recreateSymlink symsource@(MkPath symsourceBS) newsym@(MkPath newsymBS) cm
-- instead.
-- In `Overwrite` copy mode only overwrites actual files, not directories.
-- In `Strict` mode the destination file must not exist.
-- Safety/reliability concerns:
@ -493,83 +491,41 @@ recreateSymlink symsource@(MkPath symsourceBS) newsym@(MkPath newsymBS) cm
-- Notes:
-- - calls `sendfile` and possibly `read`/`write` as fallback
-- - may call `getcwd` in Overwrite mode (if destination is a relative path)
copyFile :: Path b1 -- ^ source file
-> Path b2 -- ^ destination file
-> CopyMode
-> IO ()
copyFile from to cm = do
throwSameFile from to
copyFile fp@(MkPath from) tp@(MkPath to) cm = do
throwSameFile fp tp
bracket (do
fd <- openFd from SPI.ReadOnly [SPDF.oNofollow] Nothing
handle <- SPI.fdToHandle fd
pure (fd, handle))
(\(_, handle) -> SIO.hClose handle)
$ \(fromFd, fH) -> do
sourceFileMode <- System.Posix.Files.ByteString.fileMode <$> getFdStatus fromFd
let dflags = [SPDF.oNofollow, case cm of
Strict -> SPDF.oExcl
Overwrite -> SPDF.oTrunc]
bracketeer (do
fd <- openFd to SPI.WriteOnly dflags $ Just sourceFileMode
handle <- SPI.fdToHandle fd
pure (fd, handle))
(\(_, handle) -> SIO.hClose handle)
(\(_, handle) -> do
SIO.hClose handle
case cm of
Strict -> _copyFile [SPDF.oNofollow]
[SPDF.oNofollow, SPDF.oExcl]
from to
Overwrite ->
catchIOError (_copyFile [SPDF.oNofollow]
[SPDF.oNofollow, SPDF.oTrunc]
from to) $ \e ->
case ioeGetErrorType e of
-- if the destination file is not writable, we need to
-- figure out if we can still copy by deleting it first
PermissionDenied -> do
exists <- doesFileExist to
writable <- toAbs to >>= isWritable
if (exists && writable)
then deleteFile to >> copyFile from to Strict
else ioError e
_ -> ioError e
_copyFile :: [SPDF.Flags]
-> [SPDF.Flags]
-> Path b1 -- ^ source file
-> Path b2 -- ^ destination file
-> IO ()
_copyFile sflags dflags (MkPath fromBS) to@(MkPath toBS)
-- from sendfile(2) manpage:
-- Applications may wish to fall back to read(2)/write(2) in
-- the case where sendfile() fails with EINVAL or ENOSYS.
catchErrno [eINVAL, eNOSYS]
(sendFileCopy fromBS toBS)
(void $ readWriteCopy fromBS toBS)
-- if we created the file and copying failed, it's
-- safe to clean up
Strict -> deleteFile tp
Overwrite -> pure ())
$ \(_, tH) -> do
SIO.hSetBinaryMode fH True
SIO.hSetBinaryMode tH True
streamlyCopy (fH, tH)
copyWith copyAction source dest =
bracket (openFd source SPI.ReadOnly sflags Nothing)
$ \sfd -> do
fileM <- System.Posix.Files.ByteString.fileMode
<$> getFdStatus sfd
bracketeer (openFd dest SPI.WriteOnly
dflags $ Just fileM)
(\fd -> SPI.closeFd fd >> deleteFile to)
$ \dfd -> copyAction sfd dfd
-- this is low-level stuff utilizing sendfile(2) for speed
sendFileCopy :: ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ()
sendFileCopy = copyWith
(\sfd dfd -> sendfileFd dfd sfd EntireFile $ return ())
-- low-level copy operation utilizing read(2)/write(2)
-- in case `sendFileCopy` fails/is unsupported
readWriteCopy :: ByteString -> ByteString -> IO Int
readWriteCopy = copyWith
(\sfd dfd -> allocaBytes (fromIntegral bufSize)
$ \buf -> write' sfd dfd buf 0)
bufSize :: CSize
bufSize = 8192
write' :: Fd -> Fd -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO Int
write' sfd dfd buf totalsize = do
size <- SPB.fdReadBuf sfd buf bufSize
if size == 0
then return $ fromIntegral totalsize
else do rsize <- SPB.fdWriteBuf dfd buf size
when (rsize /= size) (ioError $ userError
"wrong size!")
write' sfd dfd buf (totalsize + fromIntegral size)
streamlyCopy (fH, tH) = S.fold (FH.writeChunks tH) $ IFH.toChunksWithBufferOf (256*1024) fH
-- |Copies a regular file, directory or symbolic link. In case of a
-- symbolic link it is just recreated, even if it points to a directory.