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{: .main-logo style="width:100px"} GHCup
GHCup is an installer for the general purpose language Haskell.
GHCup makes it easy to install specific versions of GHC on GNU/Linux, macOS (aka Darwin), FreeBSD and Windows and can also bootstrap a fresh Haskell developer environment from scratch. It follows the unix UNIX philosophy of do one thing and do it well. Similar in scope to rustup, pyenv and jenv.
Getting Started
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Select your platform
<div class="platform">
<div class="platform-name"><img src="os-osx.svg" alt="Mac logo"> <h3>Mac OS X</h3></div>
<a class="expander" href="#mac-link">
<img src="expand-piece.svg" class="expand-1">
<img src="expand-piece.svg" class="expand-2">
<img src="expand-piece.svg" class="expand-3">
<div class="platform">
<div class="platform-name"><img src="os-freebsd.svg" alt="FreeBSD logo" style="fill: black;"> <h3>FreeBSD</h3></div>
<a class="expander" href="#freebsd-link">
<img src="expand-piece.svg" class="expand-1">
<img src="expand-piece.svg" class="expand-2">
<img src="expand-piece.svg" class="expand-3">
<div class="platform">
<div class="platform-name"><img src="os-windows.svg" alt="Windows logo"> <h3>Windows</h3></div>
<a class="expander" href="#windows-link">
<img src="expand-piece.svg" class="expand-1">
<img src="expand-piece.svg" class="expand-2">
<img src="expand-piece.svg" class="expand-3">
<div class="platform">
<div class="platform-name"><img src="os-windows.svg" alt="Windows logo"> <h3>WSL2</h3></div>
<a class="expander" href="#wsl-link">
<img src="expand-piece.svg" class="expand-1">
<img src="expand-piece.svg" class="expand-2">
<img src="expand-piece.svg" class="expand-3">
<div id="linux-link">
<h4>On Linux, run the following in your terminal (as a user other than root), then follow the onscreen instructions:</h4>
<div class="command-button">
<pre><span class="ghcup-command">curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://get-ghcup.haskell.org | sh</span></pre>
<div id="mac-link">
<h4>On Mac, run the following in your terminal (as a user other than root), then follow the onscreen instructions:</h4>
<div class="command-button">
<pre><span class="ghcup-command">curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://get-ghcup.haskell.org | sh</span></pre>
<div id="freebsd-link">
<h4>On FreeBSD, run the following in your terminal (as a user other than root), then follow the onscreen instructions:</h4>
<div class="command-button">
<pre><span class="ghcup-command">curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://get-ghcup.haskell.org | sh</span></pre>
<div id="windows-link" class="anchor">
<h4>On Windows, run the following in a powershell session (as a non-admin user), then follow the onscreen instructions:</h4>
<div class="command-button">
<pre><span class="ghcup-command">Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072;Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create((Invoke-WebRequest https://www.haskell.org/ghcup/sh/bootstrap-haskell.ps1 -UseBasicParsing))) -ArgumentList $true</span></pre>
<div id="wsl-link">
<h4>On WSL2, run the following in your terminal (as a user other than root), then follow the onscreen instructions:</h4>
<div class="command-button">
<pre><span class="ghcup-command">curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://get-ghcup.haskell.org | sh</span></pre>