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  1. Update version in ghcup.cabal and boostrap-haskell (ghver variable at the top of the script)

  2. Update GHCup.Version module. ghcupURL must only be updated if we change the GHCupInfo type or the YAML representation of it. The version of the YAML represents the change increments. ghcUpVer is the current application version, read from ghcup.cabal.

  3. Add ChangeLog entry

  4. Add/fix downloads in ghcup-<ver>.yaml, then verify with ghcup-gen check -f ghcup-<ver>.yaml and possibly (example only) ghcup-gen check-tarballs -f ghcup-<ver>.yaml -u 'ghc-8.10.7'. Generally, new GHC/cabal/stack/hls versions are only added to the latest yaml file. New GHCup versions are added to all (great care must be taken here to not break the parser... e.g. ARM platforms don't parse in all older formats).

  5. Commit and git push with tag. Wait for tests to succeed and release artifacts to build.

  6. Download release artifacts and upload them along with checksum files (sha256sum --tag * > SHA256SUMS && gpg --detach-sign -u <your-email> SHA256SUMS)

  7. Add ghcup release artifacts to ALL yaml files (see point 4.)

  8. Upload the final ghcup-<ver>.yaml to

  9. Update bootstrap-haskell and bootstrap-haskell.ps1 to

  10. Update the ghcup symlinks at