migrate #987 to new library
This commit is contained in:
@ -155,34 +155,35 @@ handleGenericListEvent (VtyEvent ev) = do
handleGenericListEvent _ = pure ()
handleGenericListEvent _ = pure ()
-- This re-uses Brick.Widget.List.renderList
-- This re-uses Brick.Widget.List.renderList
renderSectionList :: (Traversable t, Ord n, Show n, Eq n, L.Splittable t)
renderSectionList :: forall n t e . (Traversable t, Ord n, Show n, Eq n, L.Splittable t, Semigroup (t e))
=> (Bool -> e -> Widget n) -- ^ Rendering function of the list element, True for the selected element
=> (Bool -> e -> Widget n) -- ^ Rendering function of the list element, True for the selected element
-> Bool -- ^ Whether the section list has focus
-> Bool -- ^ Whether the section list has focus
-> GenericSectionList n t e -- ^ The section list to render
-> GenericSectionList n t e -- ^ The section list to render
-> Widget n
-> Widget n
renderSectionList render_elem section_focus (GenericSectionList focus elms sl_name) =
renderSectionList renderElem sectionFocus ge@(GenericSectionList focus elms slName) =
Brick.Widget Brick.Greedy Brick.Greedy $ do
Brick.Widget Brick.Greedy Brick.Greedy $ Brick.render $ Brick.viewport slName Brick.Vertical $
c <- Brick.getContext
V.ifoldl' (\(!accWidget) !i list ->
let -- A section is focused if the whole thing is focused, and the inner list has focus
let hasFocusList = sectionIsFocused list
section_is_focused l = section_focus && (Just (L.listName l) == F.focusGetCurrent focus)
makeVisible = if hasFocusList then Brick.visibleRegion (Brick.Location (c, r)) (1, 1) else id
-- We need to limit the widget size when the length of the list is higher than the size of the terminal
appendBorder = if i == 0 then id else (hBorder <=>)
limit = min (Brick.windowHeight c) (Brick.availHeight c)
newWidget = appendBorder (makeVisible $ renderInnerList hasFocusList list)
s_idx = fromMaybe 0 $ V.findIndex section_is_focused elms
in accWidget <=> newWidget
render_inner_list has_focus l = Brick.vLimit (length l) $ L.renderList (\b -> render_elem (b && has_focus)) has_focus l
(widget, off) =
V.ifoldl' (\wacc i list ->
let has_focus_list = section_is_focused list
(!acc_widget, !acc_off) = wacc
new_widget = if i == 0 then render_inner_list has_focus_list list else hBorder <=> render_inner_list has_focus_list list
| i < s_idx = 1 + L.listItemHeight list * length list
| i == s_idx = 1 + L.listItemHeight list * fromMaybe 0 (L.listSelected list)
| otherwise = 0
in (acc_widget <=> new_widget, acc_off + new_off)
(Brick.emptyWidget, 0)
Brick.render $ Brick.viewport sl_name Brick.Vertical $ Brick.translateBy (Brick.Location (0, min 0 (limit-off))) widget
-- A section is focused if the whole thing is focused, and the inner list has focus
sectionIsFocused :: L.GenericList n t e -> Bool
sectionIsFocused l = sectionFocus && (Just (L.listName l) == F.focusGetCurrent focus)
renderInnerList :: Bool -> L.GenericList n t e -> Widget n
renderInnerList hasFocus l = Brick.vLimit (length l) $ L.renderList (\b -> renderElem (b && hasFocus)) hasFocus l
-- compute the location to focus on within the active section
(c, r) :: (Int, Int) = case sectionListSelectedElement ge of
Nothing -> (0, 0)
Just (selElIx, _) -> (0, selElIx)
-- | Equivalent to listSelectedElement
-- | Equivalent to listSelectedElement
sectionListSelectedElement :: (Eq n, L.Splittable t, Traversable t, Semigroup (t e)) => GenericSectionList n t e -> Maybe (Int, e)
sectionListSelectedElement :: (Eq n, L.Splittable t, Traversable t, Semigroup (t e)) => GenericSectionList n t e -> Maybe (Int, e)
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