To get the hash values, you can either install dovecot locally or use `docker exec -it [email_core_container_name] bash` to attach to the running container (step 6) and run `doveadm pw -s <scheme-name>` inside, remember to restart your container if you update the settings!
4. Change the hostname in file `/var/lib/dockermail/settings/myhostname` to the correct fully qualified domain of your server.
5. Set the "mynetworks" variable for postfix in file `/var/lib/dockermail/settings/postfix-networks` to e.g. ` [::1]/128` (one single line only).
5. Build container
docker build -t hasufell/gentoo-dockermail .
6. Run container
docker run -ti -d \
--name dockermail \
-p 25:25 \
-p 465:465 \
-p 993:993 \
-p 4190:4190 \
-v /var/lib/dockermail/settings:/mail_settings \
-v /var/lib/dockermail/vmail:/vmail \
-v <path-to-certs>:/etc/ssl/server
Note that the certificates must be named `email.crt` and `email.key`.