# Copyright 2016 Julian Ospald <hasufell@posteo.de> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 require autotools [ supported_autoconf=[ 2.5 ] supported_automake=[ 1.16 1.15 ] ] require github [ user=PintaProject project=Pinta ] require gtk-icon-cache freedesktop-desktop export_exlib_phases src_prepare pkg_postinst pkg_postrm SUMMARY="Simple Painting for Gtk" HOMEPAGE="http://pinta-project.com" LICENCES="MIT CCPL-Attribution-3.0" MYOPTIONS="" BUGS_TO="hasufell@posteo.de" pinta_src_prepare() { default edo intltoolize --force --automake eautoreconf } pinta_pkg_postinst() { freedesktop-desktop_pkg_postinst gtk-icon-cache_pkg_postinst } pinta_pkg_postrm() { freedesktop-desktop_pkg_postrm gtk-icon-cache_pkg_postrm }