# Copyright 2018 Julian Ospald <hasufell@posteo.de> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 require bash-completion alternatives SUMMARY="The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System" DESCRIPTION=" GHC is a state-of-the-art, open source, compiler and interactive environment for the functional language Haskell." HOMEPAGE="https://www.haskell.org/ghc/" DOWNLOADS="https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/${PV}/ghc-${PV}-x86_64-deb7-linux.tar.xz" LICENCES="BSD-3" SLOT="${PV}" PLATFORMS="-* ~amd64" MYOPTIONS="" DEPENDENCIES=" build+run: dev-lang/perl:*[>=5.6.1] dev-libs/gmp[>=6.1] [[ note = [ depends on libgmp.so.10 ] ]] sys-libs/ncurses[>=6.1-r2] [[ note = [ Only these include libtinfo.so symlinks ] ]] !dev-lang/ghc [[ description = [ Both install the same binaries/libs and alternatives ] resolution = uninstall-blocked-before ]] suggestion: dev-haskell/cabal-install-bin [[ description = [ the cabal binary for installing packages ] ]] dev-lang/llvm[>=2.7] [[ description = [ LLVM can be used for code generation and linking ] ]] " BUGS_TO="hasufell@posteo.de" REMOTE_IDS="freecode:${PN}" UPSTREAM_RELEASE_NOTES="http://www.haskell.org/${PN}/docs/${PV}/html/users_guide/release-${PV//./-}.html" RESTRICT="test" WORK=${WORKBASE}/ghc-${PV} src_configure() { # we are not building, shut up already edo mkdir "${TEMP}"/bin edo ln -s /usr/$(exhost --target)/bin/$(exhost --tool-prefix)ar "${TEMP}/bin/ar" edo ln -s /usr/$(exhost --target)/bin/true "${TEMP}"/bin/strip export PATH="${TEMP}/bin:$PATH" econf \ --target=$(exhost --target) } src_compile() { : } src_install() { default # bashcomp dobashcompletion "${FILES}/ghc-bash-completion" alternatives_for ghc ${SLOT} ${SLOT} \ /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/ghc-bin{,-${SLOT}} # some scripts are not versioned, move edo mv "${IMAGE}"/usr/$(exhost --target)/bin/{hp2ps,hp2ps-${SLOT}} edo mv "${IMAGE}"/usr/$(exhost --target)/bin/{hpc,hpc-${SLOT}} edo mv "${IMAGE}"/usr/$(exhost --target)/bin/{hsc2hs,hsc2hs-${SLOT}} # remove unversioned symlinks, we create alternatives later local ghc_bin for ghc_bin in ghc ghci ghc-pkg haddock runghc runhaskell ; do edo rm "${IMAGE}"/usr/$(exhost --target)/bin/${ghc_bin} done unset ghc_bin # create alternatives for scripts/binaries alternatives_for ghc ${SLOT} ${SLOT} \ /usr/$(exhost --target)/bin/ghc{,-${SLOT}} \ /usr/$(exhost --target)/bin/ghci{,-${SLOT}} \ /usr/$(exhost --target)/bin/ghc-pkg{,-${SLOT}} \ /usr/$(exhost --target)/bin/haddock{,-ghc-${SLOT}} \ /usr/$(exhost --target)/bin/hp2ps{,-${SLOT}} \ /usr/$(exhost --target)/bin/hpc{,-${SLOT}} \ /usr/$(exhost --target)/bin/hsc2hs{,-${SLOT}} \ /usr/$(exhost --target)/bin/runghc{,-${SLOT}} \ /usr/$(exhost --target)/bin/runhaskell /usr/$(exhost --target)/bin/runghc-${SLOT} }