# Copyright 2016 Julian Ospald <hasufell@posteo.de> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 require qmake require scons require github [ user=sinamas ] SUMMARY="An accuracy-focused Gameboy / Gameboy Color emulator" HOMEPAGE+=" http://sourceforge.net/projects/gambatte" LICENCES="GPL-2" SLOT="0" PLATFORMS="~amd64" MYOPTIONS=" qt4 [[ description = [ build qt4 GUI frontend ] ]] " DEPENDENCIES=" build+run: media-libs/SDL:0[X] sys-libs/zlib qt4? ( sys-sound/alsa-lib x11-libs/libX11 x11-libs/libXext x11-libs/libXrandr x11-libs/libXv x11-libs/qt:4[opengl] ) " REMOTE_IDS+=" sourceforge:${PN}" fix_scons() { local i for i; do cat >> $i << END || die import os import SCons.Util if os.environ.has_key('AR'): env['AR'] = os.environ['AR'] if os.environ.has_key('RANLIB'): env['RANLIB'] = os.environ['RANLIB'] if os.environ.has_key('CC'): env['CC'] = os.environ['CC'] if os.environ.has_key('CFLAGS'): env['CCFLAGS'] += SCons.Util.CLVar(os.environ['CFLAGS']) if os.environ.has_key('CXX'): env['CXX'] = os.environ['CXX'] if os.environ.has_key('CXXFLAGS'): env['CXXFLAGS'] += SCons.Util.CLVar(os.environ['CXXFLAGS']) if os.environ.has_key('CPPFLAGS'): env['CCFLAGS'] += SCons.Util.CLVar(os.environ['CPPFLAGS']) if os.environ.has_key('LDFLAGS'): env['LINKFLAGS'] += SCons.Util.CLVar(os.environ['LDFLAGS']) END done } src_prepare() { fix_scons {gambatte_sdl,libgambatte}/SConstruct } src_configure() { if option qt4; then edo cd "${WORK}"/gambatte_qt eqmake ${PN}_qt.pro fi } src_compile() { # build core library edo cd "${WORK}"/libgambatte escons # build sdl frontend edo cd "${WORK}"/gambatte_sdl escons # build qt frontend if option qt4; then emake -C "${WORK}"/gambatte_qt fi } src_install() { dobin gambatte_sdl/gambatte_sdl option qt4 && dobin gambatte_qt/bin/gambatte_qt nonfatal dodoc README changelog }