# Copyright 2016 Julian Ospald <hasufell@posteo.de> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 SCM_SECONDARY_REPOSITORIES=" openssl " SCM_openssl_REPOSITORY="git://github.com/openssl/openssl.git" SCM_EXTERNAL_REFS=" ucontrib/CoreCrypto/ml/openssl:openssl " require github [ user="FStarLang" project="FStar" ] SUMMARY="An ML-like language with a type system for program verification" DESCRIPTION=" F* (pronounced F star) is an ML-like functional programming language aimed at program verification. Its type system includes polymorphism, dependent types, monadic effects, refinement types, and a weakest precondition calculus. Together, these features allow expressing precise and compact specifications for programs, including functional correctness and security properties. The F* type- checker aims to prove that programs meet their specifications using a combination of SMT solving and manual proofs. Programs written in F* can be translated to OCaml or F# for execution. " HOMEPAGE="https://www.fstar-lang.org ${HOMEPAGE}" LICENCES="Apache-2.0" SLOT="0" PLATFORMS="~amd64" MYOPTIONS="" DEPENDENCIES=" build: dev-lang/fsharp dev-lang/ocaml[>=4.02.2] dev-ocaml/batteries dev-ocaml/findlib dev-ocaml/yojson dev-ocaml/zarith build+run: dev-libs/gmp:= run: sci-apps/z3 " BUGS_TO="hasufell@posteo.de" src_compile() { # Step 1. Building F* from sources using the F# compiler esandbox disable_net emake -C src esandbox enable_net # Step 2. Extracting the sources of F* itself to OCaml emake ocaml -C src # Step 3. Building F* from the OCaml snapshot emake -C src/ocaml-output } src_install() { insinto /usr/$(exhost --target)/lib/fstar doins -r lib contrib bin edo chmod +x "${IMAGE%/}"/usr/$(exhost --target)/lib/fstar/bin/{fstar.exe,fstar-any.sh,tests.exe,tests-mono.sh} dodoc -r doc/* dodir /usr/$(exhost --target)/bin dosym ../lib/fstar/bin/fstar.exe /usr/$(exhost --target)/bin/fstar }