# Copyright 2016 Julian Ospald <hasufell@posteo.de> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 require desktop-utils gtk-icon-cache SUMMARY="Pillars Of Eternity" HOMEPAGE="http://www.gog.com/game/pillars_of_eternity_hero_edition" BASE_SRC_DL="gog_pillars_of_eternity_2.12.0.16.sh" KSI_SRC_DL="gog_pillars_of_eternity_kickstarter_item_dlc_2.0.0.2.sh" KSP_SRC_DL="gog_pillars_of_eternity_kickstarter_pet_dlc_2.0.0.2.sh" PRE_SRC_DL="gog_pillars_of_eternity_preorder_item_and_pet_dlc_2.0.0.2.sh" WM1_SRC_DL="gog_pillars_of_eternity_white_march_part_1_dlc_2.6.0.8.sh" WM2_SRC_DL="gog_pillars_of_eternity_white_march_part_2_dlc_2.2.0.3.sh" DOWNLOADS=" manual: ${BASE_SRC_DL} kickstarter-item? ( ${KSI_SRC_DL} ) kickstarter-pet? ( ${KSP_SRC_DL} ) pre-order-items? ( ${PRE_SRC_DL} ) white-march-1? ( ${WM1_SRC_DL} ) white-march-2? ( ${WM2_SRC_DL} ) " LICENCES="all-rights-reserved GOG-EULA" SLOT="0" PLATFORMS="-* ~amd64" MYOPTIONS=" kickstarter-item [[ description = [ Install the Kickstarter Bonus Item ] ]] kickstarter-pet [[ description = [ Install the Kickstarter Bonus Pet ] ]] pre-order-items [[ description = [ Install the Pre-Order Bonus Item and Pet ] ]] white-march-1 [[ description = [ Install \"The White March - Part 1\" expansion pack ] ]] white-march-2 [[ description = [ Install \"The White March - Part 2\" expansion pack ] ]] " RESTRICT="fetch" DEPENDENCIES=" build: virtual/unzip run: dev-libs/atk media-libs/fontconfig media-libs/freetype:2 x11-dri/mesa x11-libs/cairo x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf:2.0 x11-libs/gtk+:2 x11-libs/pango " WORK="${WORKBASE}/data/noarch" pkg_nofetch() { einfo einfo "Please buy & download \"${BASE_SRC_DL}\"" option kickstarter-item && einfo "and \"${KSI_SRC_DL}\"" option kickstarter-pet && einfo "and \"${KSP_SRC_DL}\"" option pre-order-items && einfo "and \"${PRE_SRC_DL}\"" einfo "from:" einfo " ${HOMEPAGE}" einfo "and move/link it to \"${FETCHEDDIR}\"" einfo } pkg_setup() { exdirectory --allow /opt } unpack_zip() { local file="$1" unzip -qo "${file}" [[ $? -le 1 ]] || die "unpacking ${file} failed!" } src_unpack() { # unzip unpack_zip "${FETCHEDDIR}/${DOWNLOADS}" } src_unpack() { unpack_zip "${FETCHEDDIR}/${BASE_SRC_DL}" if option kickstarter-item ; then unpack_zip "${FETCHEDDIR}/${KSI_SRC_DL}" fi if option kickstarter-pet ; then unpack_zip "${FETCHEDDIR}/${KSP_SRC_DL}" fi if option pre-order-items ; then unpack_zip "${FETCHEDDIR}/${PRE_SRC_DL}" fi if option white-march-1 ; then unpack_zip "${FETCHEDDIR}/${WM1_SRC_DL}" fi if option white-march-2 ; then unpack_zip "${FETCHEDDIR}/${WM2_SRC_DL}" fi } src_install() { local dir=/opt/${PN} insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps newins game/PillarsOfEternity.png ${PN}.png herebin ${PN} <<EOF #!/bin/sh cd "${dir}/game" exec "./PillarsOfEternity" "\$@" EOF install_desktop_entry "Name=Pillars Of Eternity" dodoc game/Docs/{pe-game-manual.pdf,readme.txt} dodir "${dir}" edo rm "${WORK}"/game/PillarsOfEternity_Data/Plugins/x86_64/libCSteamworks.so \ "${WORK}"/game/PillarsOfEternity_Data/Plugins/x86_64/libsteam_api.so edo mv "${WORK}/game" "${IMAGE}${dir}/" edo chmod +x "${IMAGE}${dir}"/game/PillarsOfEternity # there are empty installed dirs for some reason, just keep em find "${IMAGE}" -depth -type d -empty -exec sh -c 'touch "${1}"' - '{}'/.keep_${CATEGORY}_${PN}-${SLOT%/*} \; || die }