# Copyright 2009 Maxime Coste # Copyright 2012 Wouter van Kesteren # Copyright 2016 Julian Ospald # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 require sourceforge [ project=crayzedsgui suffix=tar.bz2 ] require cmake SUMMARY="Crazy Eddie's video games GUI library" HOMEPAGE="http://www.cegui.org.uk" LICENCES="LGPL-2" SLOT="0" PLATFORMS="~amd64 ~x86" MYOPTIONS=" devil [[ requires = opengl description = [ Image loading via DevIL ] ]] freeimage [[ description = [ Build the FreeImage based ImageCodec module ] ]] irrlicht lua ogre opengl ( expat [[ description = [ Build expat XML parser module ] ]] libxml [[ description = [ Build libxml XML parser module ] ]] tinyxml [[ description = [ Build tinyXML XML parser module ] ]] xerces [[ description = [ Build Xerces-C++ XML parser module ] ]] ) [[ number-selected = at-least-one ]] " DEPENDENCIES=" build: dev-libs/glm virtual/pkg-config build+run: dev-libs/pcre[>=5.0] media-libs/freetype:2[>=0.15.0] sys-libs/zlib devil? ( media-libs/DevIL ) expat? ( dev-libs/expat ) freeimage? ( media-libs/FreeImage ) irrlicht? ( dev-games/irrlicht ) libxml? ( dev-libs/libxml2[>=2.6] ) lua? ( dev-lang/lua:5.1 ) ogre? ( dev-libs/ogre[>=1.7] ) opengl? ( media-libs/glew x11-dri/freeglut x11-dri/glu x11-dri/mesa[>=9] ) tinyxml? ( dev-libs/tinyxml ) xerces? ( dev-libs/xerces-c ) " # TODO: python CMAKE_SRC_CONFIGURE_PARAMS=( -DCEGUI_BUILD_IMAGECODEC_CORONA=OFF -DCEGUI_BUILD_IMAGECODEC_PVR=OFF -DCEGUI_BUILD_IMAGECODEC_SILLY=OFF -DCEGUI_BUILD_IMAGECODEC_STB=ON -DCEGUI_BUILD_IMAGECODEC_TGA=ON -DCEGUI_BUILD_PYTHON_MODULES=OFF -DCEGUI_BUILD_RENDERER_DIRECTFB=OFF -DCEGUI_BUILD_RENDERER_NULL=ON -DCEGUI_BUILD_RENDERER_OPENGLES=OFF -DCEGUI_BUILD_STATIC_CONFIGURATION=OFF -DCEGUI_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCEGUI_BUILD_XMLPARSER_RAPIDXML=OFF -DCEGUI_HAS_MINIZIP_RESOURCE_PROVIDER=ON -DCEGUI_HAS_PCRE_REGEX=ON -DCEGUI_SAMPLES_ENABLED=OFF -DCEGUI_USE_FRIBIDI=OFF -DCEGUI_USE_MINIBIDI=OFF -DCEGUI_HAS_FREETYPE=ON -DCEGUI_LIB_INSTALL_DIR=lib ) CMAKE_SRC_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS=( 'devil CEGUI_BUILD_IMAGECODEC_DEVIL' 'freeimage CEGUI_BUILD_IMAGECODEC_FREEIMAGE' 'lua CEGUI_BUILD_LUA_GENERATOR' 'lua CEGUI_BUILD_LUA_MODULE' 'irrlicht CEGUI_BUILD_RENDERER_IRRLICHT' 'ogre CEGUI_BUILD_RENDERER_OGRE' 'opengl CEGUI_BUILD_RENDERER_OPENGL' 'opengl CEGUI_BUILD_RENDERER_OPENGL3' 'expat CEGUI_BUILD_XMLPARSER_EXPAT' 'libxml CEGUI_BUILD_XMLPARSER_LIBXML2' 'tinyxml CEGUI_BUILD_XMLPARSER_TINYXML' 'xerces CEGUI_BUILD_XMLPARSER_XERCES' ) src_prepare() { edo sed -i -e '/CEGUI_LIB_INSTALL_DIR/s#lib64#lib#' CMakeLists.txt }