# Copyright 2016 Julian Ospald <hasufell@posteo.de> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 require cmake SUMMARY="Front end to cryptsetup" HOMEPAGE="http://mhogomchungu.github.io/zuluCrypt/" DOWNLOADS="https://github.com/mhogomchungu/zuluCrypt/releases/download/${PV}/zuluCrypt-${PV}.tar.bz2" LICENCES="|| ( GPL-2 GPL-3 )" SLOT="0" PLATFORMS="~amd64 ~x86" MYOPTIONS=" gnome [[ description = [ Enable support for the freedesktop.org Secret Service API via libsecret ] ]] gui [[ description = [ Whether to build the QT gui ] ]] kde [[ requires = [ gui ] description = [ Enable support for KDE, e.g. via kwallet ] ]] ( providers: eudev systemd ) [[ number-selected = exactly-one ]] " DEPENDENCIES=" build: virtual/pkg-config build+run: dev-libs/libgcrypt sys-apps/util-linux sys-fs/cryptsetup gnome? ( dev-libs/libsecret:1 ) gui? ( dev-libs/libpwquality x11-libs/qtbase:5 ) kde? ( kde/kdelibs:4 kde/kde-runtime:4 ) run: providers:eudev? ( sys-apps/eudev ) providers:systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd ) " DEFAULT_SRC_PREPARE_PATCHES=( "${FILES}"/0001-CMAKE-use-GNUInstallDirs.patch ) CMAKE_SRC_CONFIGURE_PARAMS=( -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR="/usr/share/doc/${PNVR}" -DQT5=ON -DUDEVSUPPORT=ON ) CMAKE_SRC_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS=( '!gnome NOGNOME' '!gui NOGUI' 'gui WITH_PWQUALITY' '!kde NOKDE' )