# Copyright 2016 Julian Ospald <hasufell@posteo.de> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 require github [ user="elixir-lang" tag=v${PV} ] SUMMARY="Elixir programming language" HOMEPAGE="http://elixir-lang.org" LICENCES="Apache-2.0 EPL-1.1" SLOT="0" PLATFORMS="~amd64 ~x86" MYOPTIONS="" DEPENDENCIES=" build+run: dev-lang/erlang[>=18] " DEFAULT_SRC_COMPILE_PARAMS=( Q="" ) DEFAULT_SRC_INSTALL_PARAMS=( PREFIX="/usr/$(exhost --target)" SHARE_PREFIX="/usr/share" ) _set_utf8() { if [[ $(locale charmap) != UTF-8 ]]; then local lang locales="en_US.UTF-8 $(locale -a)" for lang in ${locales}; do if [[ $(LC_ALL=${lang} locale charmap 2>/dev/null) == UTF-8 ]]; then edo export LC_ALL=${lang} return 0 fi done die_unless_nonfatal "Could not find UTF-8 locale!" fi } src_prepare() { _set_utf8 default } src_compile() { # sydbox is broken # TODO: figure out why 'rebar' fails here with latest sydbox esandbox disable_path default esandbox enable_path }