# Copyright 2017 Julian Ospald <hasufell@posteo.de> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 require github [ user="evhub" tag="v${PV}" ] require pypi setup-py [ import=setuptools ] SUMMARY="Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming" DESCRIPTION=" Coconut is a functional programming language that compiles to Python. Since all valid Python is valid Coconut, using Coconut will only extend and enhance what you're already capable of in Python. Why use Coconut? Coconut is built to be fundamentally useful. Coconut enhances the repertoire of Python programmers to include the tools of modern functional programming, in such a way that those tools are easy to use and immensely powerful; that is, Coconut does to functional programming what Python did to imperative programming. And Coconut code runs the same on any Python version, making the Python 2/3 split a thing of the past. " HOMEPAGE="http://coconut-lang.org/ ${HOMEPAGE}" LICENCES="Apache-2.0" SLOT="0" PLATFORMS="~amd64 ~x86" MYOPTIONS="" RESTRICT="test" # missing deps # python setup.py egg_info # cat coconut.egg-info/requires.txt # we ignore upper bounds of: # * cPyparsing # * mypy # * prompt_toolkit[python_abis:2.7] DEPENDENCIES=" build+run: dev-python/Pygments[>=2.3.1][python_abis:*(-)?] dev-python/prompt_toolkit[>=1.0][python_abis:*(-)?] dev-python/cPyparsing[>=][python_abis:*(-)?] python_abis:2.7? ( dev-python/futures[>=3.3][python_abis:2.7] dev-python/prompt_toolkit[>=1.0][python_abis:*(-)?] ) suggestion: dev-python/mypy[>=0.540] [[ description = [ coconut can run mypy on the compiled python code ] ]] dev-python/psutil[>=5] [[ description = [ improves use of the --jobs flag ] ]] dev-python/watchdog[>=0.9] [[ description = [ enables use of the --watch flag ] ]] python_abis:2.7? ( dev-python/trollius[>=2.2] [[ description = [ enables use of the asyncio library on Python 2 versions by making use of trollius ] ]] ) " BUGS_TO="hasufell@posteo.de" prepare_one_multibuild() { python_prepare_one_multibuild # https://github.com/evhub/coconut/issues/527 edo iconv -c -f utf-8 -t ascii README.rst > "${TEMP}"/README.rst edo $(exhost --tool-prefix)strings "${TEMP}"/README.rst > README.rst }