# Copyright 2011-2012 Quentin "Sardem FF7" Glidic <sardemff7+exherbo@sardemff7.net> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 require freedesktop-desktop export_exlib_phases src_install SUMMARY="A tiling window manager, completely written from scratch" DESCRIPTION=" i3 was created because wmii, our favorite window manager at the time, didn’t provide some features we wanted (multi-monitor done right, for example), had some bugs, didn’t progress since quite some time and wasn’t easy to hack at all (source code comments/documentation completely lacking). Still, we think the wmii developers and contributors did a great job. Thank you for inspiring us to create i3. Please be aware that i3 is primarily targeted at advanced users and developers. " HOMEPAGE="http://i3wm.org/" LICENCES="BSD-3" SLOT="0" MYOPTIONS="" DEPENDENCIES=" build: dev-lang/perl:* virtual/pkg-config x11-proto/xcb-proto[>=1.3] build+run: dev-libs/libev dev-libs/yajl[>=2.0.1] x11-libs/cairo[X] x11-libs/libxcb[>=1.1.93] x11-libs/libxkbcommon[X][>=0.4.0] x11-libs/pango x11-libs/startup-notification x11-utils/xcb-util x11-utils/xcb-util-cursor x11-utils/xcb-util-keysyms x11-utils/xcb-util-wm recommendation: x11-plugins/i3status [[ description = [ Default source for i3bar ] ]] suggestion: x11-misc/dmenu [[ description = [ Default program launcher ] ]] ( dev-perl/AnyEvent-I3 dev-perl/JSON-XS ) [[ *description = [ Used by the tree saving utility ] *group-name = [ i3-save-tree ] ]] " DEFAULT_SRC_COMPILE_PARAMS=( CC=${CC} AR=${AR} PKG_CONFIG=$(exhost --tool-prefix)pkg-config PREFIX=/usr EXEC_PREFIX=/usr/$(exhost --target) SYSCONFDIR=/etc V=1 ) DEFAULT_SRC_INSTALL_PARAMS=( PKG_CONFIG=$(exhost --tool-prefix)pkg-config PREFIX=/usr EXEC_PREFIX=/usr/$(exhost --target) SYSCONFDIR=/etc V=1 ) i3_src_install() { default doman man/*.1 }