# Copyright 2011 Kim Højgaard-Hansen <kimrhh@exherbo.org> # Copyright 2011 Elias Pipping <pipping@exherbo.org> # Copyright 2013 Timo Gurr <tgurr@exherbo.org> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 export_exlib_phases pkg_setup src_unpack src_install CHROMIUM_CHANNEL=stable CHROMIUM_CHANNEL=${CHROMIUM_CHANNEL%-flash-plugin} MY_PV=${PV/_/-} SUMMARY="Pepper Flash plugin for Chromium" DESCRIPTION=" Google maintained up to date version of Adobe's flash plugin. The Flash plugin is not officially supported for Chromium by upstream. It is released for Chrome and updated silently, and we are not allowed to mirror it. Debian provides a versioned plugin that matches a specific Chromium revision which we use. The revision of the plugin changes when Debian changes their Chromium packages, which means the fetch of the plugin will fail. The users of the flash plugin will have to update this exheres to match the revision when that happens. " HOMEPAGE="http://blog.chromium.org/2012/08/the-road-to-safer-more-stable-and.html" LICENCES="google-chrome" SLOT="0" MYOPTIONS=" platform: amd64 x86 " WORK=${WORKBASE} inox-flash-plugin_pkg_setup() { exdirectory --allow /opt } inox-flash-plugin_src_unpack() { default if ever at_least 41.0.2272.76 && [[ ${CHROMIUM_CHANNEL} = "stable" ]]; then edo tar xf data.tar.xz ./opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash elif ever at_least 41.0.2272.16 && [[ ${CHROMIUM_CHANNEL} != "stable" ]]; then edo tar xf data.tar.xz ./opt/google/chrome-${CHROMIUM_CHANNEL}/PepperFlash elif ever at_least 33.0.1750.46 && [[ ${CHROMIUM_CHANNEL} != "stable" ]]; then edo tar xf data.tar.lzma ./opt/google/chrome-${CHROMIUM_CHANNEL}/PepperFlash else edo tar xf data.tar.lzma ./opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash fi } inox-flash-plugin_src_install() { insinto /opt/inox local pepper_flash_version doins -r "${WORKBASE}"/opt/google/chrome*/PepperFlash pepper_flash_version=$(sed -n 's/.*"version": "\(.*\)",.*/\1/p' "${WORKBASE}"/opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash/manifest.json) insinto /etc/inox hereins default <<EOF CHROMIUM_FLAGS="--ppapi-flash-path=/opt/inox/PepperFlash/libpepflashplayer.so --ppapi-flash-version=$pepper_flash_version" EOF }