2020-08-22 20:37:20 +02:00

143 lines
6.4 KiB

" Vim syntaxfile
" Language: Common code for exheres syntax
" Author: Alexander Færøy <>
" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2008 Alexander Færøy
" License: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
if &compatible || v:version < 603
let is_bash = 1
runtime! syntax/sh.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
syn region ExheresHeader contained start=/^#/ end=/$/ contains=ExheresCopyrightHeader
syn region ExheresHeaderBlock start=/\%^\(#\)\@=/ end=/^$/ contains=ExheresHeader
" Unfilled copyright notice
syn region ExheresCopyrightHeader contained start=/^#\s*Copyright/ end=/$/ contains=ExheresCopyrightError
syn match ExheresCopyrightError contained /<\(name\|year\)>/
" Phases
syn keyword ExheresZeroFunctions pkg_pretend pkg_setup pkg_preinst pkg_postinst pkg_prerm pkg_postrm pkg_nofetch pkg_config pkg_info
syn keyword ExheresZeroFunctions src_fetch_extra src_unpack src_prepare src_configure src_compile src_test src_test_expensive src_install
" Default phases
syn keyword ExheresZeroFunctions default
syn keyword ExheresZeroFunctions default_pkg_pretend default_pkg_setup default_pkg_preinst default_pkg_postinst default_pkg_prerm default_pkg_postrm default_pkg_nofetch default_pkg_config default_pkg_info
syn keyword ExheresZeroFunctions default_src_fetch_extra default_src_unpack default_src_prepare default_src_configure default_src_compile default_src_test default_src_test_expensive default_src_install
" Multibuild phases
syn keyword ExheresZeroFunctions compile_one_multibuild compile_prepare_one_multibuild configure_one_multibuild configure_prepare_one_multibuild install_one_multibuild install_prepare_one_multibuild prepare_one_multibuild prepare_prepare_one_multibuild test_expensive_one_multibuild test_expensive_prepare_one_multibuild test_one_multibuild test_prepare_one_multibuild unpack_one_multibuild unpack_prepare_one_multibuild
" die_functions.bash
syn keyword ExheresZeroCoreKeyword die assert nonfatal
" echo_functions.bash
syn keyword ExheresZeroCoreKeyword einfo elog ewarn eerror ebegin eend
syn keyword ExheresZeroCoreKeyword einfon ewend
" install_functions.bash
syn keyword ExheresZeroCoreKeyword keepdir into insinto exeinto docinto insopts diropts exeopts libopts
" kernel_functions.bash
syn keyword ExheresZeroCoreKeyword KV_major KV_minor KV_micro KV_to_int get_KV
" sydbox.bash
syn keyword ExheresZeroCoreKeyword esandbox
syn match ExheresZeroError "sydboxcheck"
syn match ExheresZeroError "sydboxcmd"
syn match ExheresZeroError "addread"
syn match ExheresZeroError "adddeny"
syn match ExheresZeroError "addpredict"
" exheres-0/build_functions.bash
syn keyword ExheresZeroCoreKeyword expatch econf emagicdocs edo exhost
" exheres-0/conditional_functions.bash
syn keyword ExheresZeroCoreKeyword option_with option_enable
syn keyword ExheresZeroError use_with use_enable
" exheres-0/exlib_functions.bash
syn keyword ExheresZeroRequire require
" exheres-0/list_functions.bash
syn keyword ExheresZeroError einstall use usev useq
syn keyword ExheresZeroCoreKeyword optionfmt option optionv optionq has hasv hasq
syn keyword ExheresZeroCoreKeyword expecting_tests
" exheres-0/portage_stubs.bash
syn keyword ExheresZeroCoreKeyword has_version best_version
syn keyword ExheresZeroError portageq vdb_path check_KV debug-print debug-print-function debug-print-section
" utils/
syn keyword ExheresZeroCoreKeyword dobin doconfd dodir doenvd doexe doinfo
syn keyword ExheresZeroCoreKeyword doinitd doins dolib dolib.a doman domo dosym
syn keyword ExheresZeroCoreKeyword newbin newconfd newdoc newenvd newexe newinitd newins newlib.a
syn keyword ExheresZeroCoreKeyword newman unpack
syn keyword ExheresZeroCoreKeyword herebin hereconfd hereenvd hereinitd hereins
syn keyword ExheresZeroError dosbin fperms fowners newsbin heresbin
" utils/exheres-0/
syn keyword ExheresZeroCoreKeyword emake dodoc
syn keyword ExheresZeroError dohard donewins dosed doset dohtml
syn keyword ExheresZeroError prepall prepalldocs prepallinfo prepallman prepallstrip prepdocs prepinfo prepman prepstrip
syn match ExheresZeroError /ecompress\w*/
" autotools.exlib
syn keyword ExheresZeroCoreKeyword eautoreconf eaclocal eautoconf eautoheader eautomake
" Legacy ebuild stuff
syn match ExheresZeroError /^SOURCES/
syn match ExheresZeroError /^DISTDIR/
syn match ExheresZeroError /^FILESDIR/
syn match ExheresZeroError /^PORTDIR/
syn match ExheresZeroError /^WORKDIR/
syn match ExheresZeroError /^KEYWORDS/
syn match ExheresZeroError /^PROVIDE/
syn match ExheresZeroError /^IUSE/
syn match ExheresZeroError /^LICENSE/
syn match ExheresZeroError /^LICENCE[^S]/
syn match ExheresZeroError /^SRC_URI/
syn match ExheresZeroError /^EAPI/
syn match ExheresZeroError /AA/
syn match ExheresZeroError /ARCH/
syn match ExheresZeroError /KV/
syn match ExheresZeroError /^\(A\|D\|S\|T\)=/
syn match ExheresZeroErrorC /\${\(P\|PF\|A\|D\|S\|T\)}/
syn match ExheresZeroErrorC /\${\(DISTDIR\|FILESDIR\|PORTDIR\|SOURCES\|WORKDIR\)}/
" Read-only variables
syn match ExheresZeroError /^\(PNV\|PN\|PV\|PR\|PVR\|PNVR\|ARCHIVES\)=/
" Bad variable assignments
syn match ExheresZeroError /^SLOT\s*=\s*\(""\|''\|$\)/
syn match ExheresZeroError ~^WORK="\?\${\?WORKBASE}\?/\${\?PNV}\?"\?\s*$~
syn match ExheresZeroErrorC /\${PN}-\${PV}/
" Highlight tabs and trailing whitespace as errors
syn match ExheresZeroError " "
syn match ExheresZeroError "\s\+$"
" Highlight last line if it's not empty
syn match ExheresZeroError /^.\+\%$/
" Highlight it
syn cluster ExheresZeroContents contains=ExheresZeroCoreKeyword,ExheresZeroFunctions,ExheresZeroRequire
syn cluster ExheresZeroContents add=ExheresZeroError,ExheresZeroErrorC
syn cluster shCommandSubList add=@ExheresZeroContents
syn cluster shDblQuoteList add=ExheresZeroErrorC
hi def link ExheresZeroCoreKeyword Keyword
hi def link ExheresZeroFunctions Special
hi def link ExheresZeroRequire Include
hi def link ExheresZeroError Error
hi def link ExheresZeroErrorC Error
hi def link ExheresHeader Comment
hi def link ExheresCopyrightHeader Comment
hi def link ExheresCopyrightError Error
" vim: set et ts=4 :