
849 lines
24 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
2022-07-27 16:13:09 +00:00
repo = 'dstein64/nvim-scrollview'
hook_add = '''
lua require('scrollview').setup({ excluded_filetypes = {'nerdtree'}, current_only = true, winblend = 75, base = 'right', column = 1 })
on_if = 'has("nvim") && !exists("g:vscode")'
lazy = false
repo = 'romgrk/fzy-lua-native'
repo = 'gelguy/wilder.nvim'
on_event = 'CmdlineEnter'
hook_post_source = '''
call wilder#setup({
\ 'modes': [':', '/', '?'],
\ 'enable_cmdline_enter': 0,
\ })
call wilder#set_option('noselect', 0)
call wilder#set_option('pipeline', [
\ wilder#branch(
\ wilder#python_file_finder_pipeline({
\ 'file_command': {_, arg -> stridx(arg, '.') != -1 ? ['fd', '-tf', '-H'] : ['fd', '-tf']},
\ 'dir_command': ['fd', '-td'],
\ 'filters': ['cpsm_filter'],
\ }),
\ wilder#substitute_pipeline({
\ 'pipeline': wilder#python_search_pipeline({
\ 'skip_cmdtype_check': 1,
\ 'pattern': wilder#python_fuzzy_pattern({
\ 'start_at_boundary': 0,
\ }),
\ }),
\ }),
\ wilder#cmdline_pipeline({
\ 'fuzzy': 2,
\ 'fuzzy_filter': has('nvim') ? wilder#lua_fzy_filter() : wilder#vim_fuzzy_filter(),
\ }),
\ [
\ wilder#check({_, x -> empty(x)}),
\ wilder#history(),
\ ],
\ wilder#python_search_pipeline({
\ 'pattern': wilder#python_fuzzy_pattern({
\ 'start_at_boundary': 0,
\ }),
\ }),
\ ),
\ ])
let s:highlighters = [
\ wilder#pcre2_highlighter(),
\ has('nvim') ? wilder#lua_fzy_highlighter() : wilder#cpsm_highlighter(),
\ ]
let s:popupmenu_renderer = wilder#popupmenu_renderer(wilder#popupmenu_border_theme({
\ 'border': 'rounded',
\ 'empty_message': wilder#popupmenu_empty_message_with_spinner(),
\ 'highlighter': s:highlighters,
\ 'left': [
\ ' ',
\ wilder#popupmenu_devicons(),
\ wilder#popupmenu_buffer_flags({
\ 'flags': ' a + ',
\ 'icons': {'+': '', 'a': '', 'h': ''},
\ }),
\ ],
\ 'right': [
\ ' ',
\ wilder#popupmenu_scrollbar(),
\ ],
\ }))
let s:wildmenu_renderer = wilder#wildmenu_renderer({
\ 'highlighter': s:highlighters,
\ 'separator': ' · ',
\ 'left': [' ', wilder#wildmenu_spinner(), ' '],
\ 'right': [' ', wilder#wildmenu_index()],
\ })
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#renderer_mux({
\ ':': s:popupmenu_renderer,
\ '/': s:wildmenu_renderer,
\ 'substitute': s:wildmenu_renderer,
\ }))
#repo = 'dstein64/vim-startuptime'
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
repo = 'purescript-contrib/purescript-vim'
repo = 'PProvost/vim-ps1'
repo = 'nvim-lua/popup.nvim'
on_if = 'has("nvim")'
repo = 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
on_if = 'has("nvim")'
repo = 'Twinside/vim-haskellFold'
hook_post_source = '''
call SetHaskellFolding()
on_ft = ['haskell']
repo = 'kana/vim-submode'
hook_add = '''
" A message will appear in the message line when you're in a submode
" and stay there until the mode has exited.
let g:submode_always_show_submode = 1
let g:submode_keep_leaving_key = 1
let g:submode_timeout = 0
" We're taking over the default <C-w> setting. Don't worry we'll do
" our best to put back the default functionality.
call submode#enter_with('nav', 'n', '', '<C-ENTER>')
call submode#map('nav', 'n', 's', 'e', ':normal! 6j<cr>')
call submode#map('nav', 'n', 's', 'o', ':normal! 6k<cr>')
call submode#map('nav', 'n', 's', ',', '<Cmd>normal! <C-d><CR>')
call submode#map('nav', 'n', 's', '.', '<Cmd>normal! <C-u><CR>')
call submode#map('nav', 'n', 's', ']', '<Cmd>normal! <C-b><CR>')
call submode#map('nav', 'n', 's', '[', '<Cmd>normal! <C-f><CR>')
call submode#map('nav', 'n', '', 'n', 'B')
call submode#map('nav', 'n', '', 'i', 'W')
call submode#map('nav', 'n', 's', '<ENTER>', ':tabprevious<cr>')
call submode#map('nav', 'n', 's', '=', ':tabnext<cr>')
on_if = '!exists("g:vscode")'
repo = 'jparise/vim-graphql'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'mileszs/ack.vim'
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
# [[plugins]]
# repo = 'vim-scripts/cmdalias.vim'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
repo = 'easymotion/vim-easymotion'
hook_add = '''
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'Raimondi/delimitMate'
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
hook_add = '''
let g:delimitMate_matchpairs = "(:),[:],{:}"
let g:delimitMate_expand_cr = 1
let g:delimitMate_expand_space = 1
let g:delimitMate_autoclose = 1
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'vim-scripts/genindent.vim'
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = '!exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter'
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
hook_add = '''
let NERDSpaceDelims=1
let NERDCreateDefaultMappings=0
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = '!exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
2020-10-12 19:33:25 +00:00
on_event = 'NERDTreeToggle'
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
hook_add = '''
let g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode = '<CR>'
let g:NERDTreeMapCustomOpen = ''
let g:NERDTreeMapOpenExpl = 'n'
let g:NERDTreeMapJumpNextSibling = ''
" let g:NERDTreeMapOpenSplit = ''
" use NERDTree instead of netrw
autocmd StdinReadPre * let s:std_in=1
autocmd VimEnter * if argc() == 1 && isdirectory(argv()[0]) && !exists("s:std_in") | exe 'NERDTree' argv()[0] | wincmd p | ene | exe 'cd '.argv()[0] | endif
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = '!exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin'
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = '!exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'xolox/vim-easytags'
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
hook_add = '''
let g:easytags_async = 1
on_if = '!exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'xolox/vim-misc'
repo = 'nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides'
repo = 'Shougo/vimproc.vim'
build = 'make'
repo = 'sjbach/lusty'
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
hook_add = '''
let g:LustyExplorerSuppressRubyWarning = 1
on_if = '!exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'nixprime/cpsm'
build = 'sh -c "PY3=ON ./"'
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = '!exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'liuchengxu/vista.vim'
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
hook_add = '''
let g:vista#renderer#enable_icon = 0
let g:vista_ctags_cmd = {
\ 'haskell': 'hasktags -x -o - -c',
\ 'yaml': 'hasktags -x -o - -c',
\ }
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = '!exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'sbdchd/neoformat'
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
hook_add = '''
let g:neoformat_enabled_haskell = ['brittany']
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
let g:neoformat_enabled_typescript = ['prettier']
let g:neoformat_try_node_exe = 1
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = '!exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'AndrewRadev/bufferize.vim'
repo = 'vmchale/dhall-vim'
repo = 'Shougo/echodoc.vim'
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
hook_add = '''
" set cmdheight=2
let g:echodoc#enable_at_startup = 1
let g:echodoc#type = 'signature'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'tpope/vim-scriptease'
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = '!has("nvim")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'Konfekt/FastFold'
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
hook_add = '''
let g:fastfold_savehook = 1
let g:fastfold_fold_command_suffixes = ['x','X','a','A','o','O','c','C']
let g:fastfold_fold_movement_commands = [']z', '[z', 'zj', 'zk']
let g:markdown_folding = 1
let g:tex_fold_enabled = 1
let g:vimsyn_folding = 'af'
let g:xml_syntax_folding = 1
let g:html_syntax_folding = 1
let g:javaScript_fold = 1
let g:sh_fold_enabled= 7
let g:ruby_fold = 1
let g:perl_fold = 1
let g:perl_fold_blocks = 1
let g:r_syntax_folding = 1
let g:rust_fold = 1
let g:haskell_fold = 1
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'editorconfig/editorconfig-vim'
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
hook_add = '''
" overwrite nonsense from editorconfig
let g:EditorConfig_max_line_indicator = 'none'
" let g:EditorConfig_preserve_formatoptions = 1
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'hasufell/ghcup.vim'
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = '!exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'junegunn/vim-easy-align'
repo = 'dominikduda/vim_current_word'
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
hook_add = '''
let g:vim_current_word#highlight_current_word = 0
hi default link CurrentWordTwins CursorColumn
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
# repo = 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
# repo = 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
repo = 'mkitt/tabline.vim'
2020-10-18 17:45:39 +00:00
repo = 'kshenoy/vim-signature'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
# finder
2022-07-27 16:13:09 +00:00
#repo = 'liuchengxu/vim-clap'
#build = 'make'
#hook_add = '''
# autocmd Filetype clap_input inoremap <silent> <buffer> <kPageDown> <C-R>=clap#navigation#scroll('down')<CR>
# autocmd Filetype clap_input inoremap <silent> <buffer> <kPageUp> <C-R>=clap#navigation#scroll('up')<CR>
# autocmd Filetype clap_input nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <kPageDown> <C-R>=clap#navigation#scroll('down')<CR>
# autocmd Filetype clap_input nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <kPageUp> <C-R>=clap#navigation#scroll('up')<CR>
# let g:clap_popup_move_manager = {
# \ "\<kPageUp>": "\<PageUp>",
# \ "\<kPageDown>": "\<PageDown>",
# \ }
# let g:clap_layout = {'relative': 'editor', 'width': '95%', 'height': '33%', 'row': '33%', 'col': '5%'}
# let g:clap_use_pure_python = 1
# function! MultiClap(com, ...) abort
# let opts = map(copy(a:000), "printf('++query=%s', v:val)")
# execute 'Clap ' a:com join(opts, ' ')
# endfunction
# command! -nargs=* Rag call MultiClap('grep', <f-args>)
# command! -nargs=* Dag call MultiClap('dumb_jump', <f-args>)
# let g:clap_provider_generated_tags = {
# \ 'source': {-> Tags__source()},
# \ 'sink': {line -> Tags__sink(line)},
# \}
# function! Tags__source ()
# return flatten(map(tagfiles(), {_, file -> filter(readfile(file), 'stridx(v:val, "!_TAG") != 0')}))
# endfunc
# function! Tags__sink (line)
# " Let vim handle the tag
# execute 'tag' split(a:line, '\t')[0]
# endfunc
# cabbrev C Clap
# cabbrev c Clap
# cabbrev cp Clap proj_tags
#on_if = '!has("nvim") && !exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
# scm
repo = 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = '!exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'tpope/vim-rhubarb'
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = '!exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'tommcdo/vim-fubitive'
repo = 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
hook_add = '''
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight! link SignColumn LineNr
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = '!exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
# local vimrc
repo = 'LucHermitte/lh-vim-lib'
repo = 'LucHermitte/local_vimrc'
# completion
2020-10-18 17:45:39 +00:00
#repo = 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe'
#build = './ --clang-completer --go-completer --rust-completer --system-boost --system-libclang'
#on_ft = ['c', 'go', 'clojure']
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
#hook_add = '''
# youcompleteme
# let g:ycm_filetype_blacklist = {
# \ 'notes' : 1,
# \ 'markdown' : 1,
# \ 'text' : 1,
# \ 'java' : 1,
# \}
# let g:ycm_confirm_extra_conf = 0
# let g:ycm_global_ycm_extra_conf='~/.vim/'
# let g:ycm_collect_identifiers_from_tags_files = 1
# let g:ycm_seed_identifiers_with_syntax = 0
# " let g:ycm_always_populate_location_list = 1
# let g:ycm_autoclose_preview_window_after_completion = 1
# let g:ycm_key_invoke_completion = '<C-Space>'
# let g:ycm_key_list_select_completion = ['<TAB>']
# let g:ycm_key_list_previous_completion = ['<S-TAB>']
# " nnoremap <F4> :YcmCompleter GoToDefinition<CR>
# let g:ycm_server_log_level = 'error'
# let g:ycm_semantic_triggers = {'haskell' : ['. ', '$ ']}
# let g:ycm_goto_buffer_command = 'horizontal-split'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim'
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
hook_add = '''
2022-07-27 16:13:09 +00:00
let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
autocmd FileType TelescopePrompt call deoplete#custom#buffer_option('auto_complete', v:false)
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = '!exists("g:vscode")'
2022-07-27 16:13:09 +00:00
lazy = false
repo = 'Shougo/deoplete-lsp'
on_if = '!exists("g:vscode")'
lazy = false
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'roxma/nvim-yarp'
on_if = '!has("nvim")'
repo = 'roxma/vim-hug-neovim-rpc'
on_if = '!has("nvim")'
# linting/compilation
2020-12-04 22:17:32 +00:00
repo = 'dense-analysis/ale'
# build = 'bash -c "cp -R ~/.vim/ale_linters ."'
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
hook_add = '''
2020-12-04 22:17:32 +00:00
let g:ale_enabled = 1
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
" let g:ale_haskell_hie_executable = $HOME . '/.ghcup/bin/haskell-language-server-wrapper'
" let g:ale_linters = {'haskell':['hie'], 'c':[]}
2020-12-04 22:17:32 +00:00
let g:ale_linters_explicit = 1
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
let g:ale_haskell_argon_error_level = 14
let g:ale_haskell_argon_warn_level = 10
let g:ale_haskell_argon_info_level = 6
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = 'index(["sh", "vim"], &ft) >= 0 && !exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
2020-10-11 22:05:01 +00:00
repo = 'autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim'
rev = 'dev'
build = 'bash ./'
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
hook_add = '''
" Required for operations modifying multiple buffers like rename.
set hidden
let g:LanguageClient_autoStart = 0
let g:LanguageClient_diagnosticsEnable = 1
let g:LanguageClient_diagnosticsList = "Quickfix"
let g:LanguageClient_diagnosticsDisplay = {
\ 1: {
\ "name": "Error",
\ "texthl": "ALEError",
\ "signText": "✖",
\ "signTexthl": "ALEErrorSign",
\ "virtualTexthl": "Error",
\ },
\ 2: {
\ "name": "Warning",
\ "texthl": "ALEWarning",
\ "signText": "⚠",
\ "signTexthl": "ALEWarningSign",
\ "virtualTexthl": "Virtual",
\ },
\ 3: {
\ "name": "Information",
\ "texthl": "ALEInfo",
\ "signText": "",
\ "signTexthl": "ALEInfoSign",
\ "virtualTexthl": "Virtual",
\ },
\ 4: {
\ "name": "Hint",
\ "texthl": "ALEInfo",
\ "signText": "➤",
\ "signTexthl": "ALEInfoSign",
\ "virtualTexthl": "Virtual",
\ },
\ }
" hi link ALEError Error
hi ALEError term=underline cterm=underline ctermfg=Red gui=undercurl guisp=Red
hi link ALEWarning Warning
hi Virtual cterm=italic ctermfg=10 gui=italic guifg=#4b5558
hi link ALEInfo SpellCap
let g:LanguageClient_loggingLevel='DEBUG'
let g:LanguageClient_virtualTextPrefix = ''
let g:LanguageClient_loggingFile = expand('~/LanguageClient.log')
let g:LanguageClient_serverStderr = expand('~/LanguageServer.log')
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
let g:LanguageClient_rootMarkers = {
\ 'haskell': ['cabal.project', '*.cabal', 'stack.yaml'],
\ 'elm': ['elm.json']
\ }
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
let g:LanguageClient_serverCommands = {
\ 'haskell': ['haskell-language-server-wrapper', '--lsp', '--logfile', $HOME.'/hls-server.log'],
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
\ 'purescript': ['~/.npm-modules/bin/purescript-language-server', '--stdio'],
\ 'elm': ['elm-language-server'],
\ 'typescript': ['typescript-language-server', '--stdio']
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
\ }
2022-07-27 16:13:09 +00:00
on_if = '!has("nvim")'
2020-10-11 22:05:01 +00:00
#repo = 'prabirshrestha/vim-lsp'
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
#hook_add = '''
# function! s:on_lsp_buffer_enabled() abort
# setlocal omnifunc=lsp#complete
# setlocal signcolumn=yes
# if exists('+tagfunc') | setlocal tagfunc=lsp#tagfunc | endif
# nmap <buffer> gd <plug>(lsp-definition)
# nmap <buffer> gr <plug>(lsp-references)
# " nmap <buffer> gi <plug>(lsp-implementation)
# " nmap <buffer> gt <plug>(lsp-type-definition)
# nmap <buffer> <leader>rn <plug>(lsp-rename)
# nmap <buffer> .g <Plug>(lsp-previous-diagnostic)
# nmap <buffer> ,g <Plug>(lsp-next-diagnostic)
# nmap <buffer> T <plug>(lsp-hover)
# nmap <buffer> <leader>la <plug>(lsp-code-action)
# nmap <buffer> <leader>sd <plug>(lsp-document-diagnostics)
# " refer to doc to add more commands
# endfunction
# augroup lsp_install
# au!
# " call s:on_lsp_buffer_enabled only for languages that has the server registered.
# autocmd User lsp_buffer_enabled call s:on_lsp_buffer_enabled()
# augroup END
# let g:lsp_auto_enable = 0
# " command -nargs=0 LspStart call lsp#activate()
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
# snippets
#repo = 'Shougo/neosnippet.vim'
#repo = 'honza/vim-snippets'
# multi language
repo = 'luochen1990/rainbow'
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
hook_add = '''
let g:rainbow_conf = {
\ 'guifgs': ['#DC322F', 'royalblue3', 'darkorange3', 'seagreen3'],
\ 'ctermfgs': ['lightred', 'lightblue', 'lightyellow', 'lightcyan', 'lightmagenta'],
let g:rainbow_active = 1
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = 'index(["clojure", "haskell", "python"], &ft) >= 0 && !exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
# haskell
repo = 'neovimhaskell/haskell-vim'
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
hook_add = '''
let g:haskell_classic_highlighting = 1
2020-12-04 22:17:32 +00:00
let g:haskell_indent_disable = 1
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
" let g:haskell_enable_quantification = 1
" let g:haskell_enable_recursivedo = 1
" let g:haskell_enable_arrowsyntax = 1
" let g:haskell_enable_pattern_synonyms = 1
" let g:haskell_enable_typeroles = 1
let g:haskell_indent_if = 0
let g:haskell_indent_case = 4
let g:haskell_indent_let = 4
let g:haskell_indent_where = 6
let g:haskell_indent_before_where = 2
let g:haskell_indent_after_bare_where = 2
let g:haskell_indent_do = 4
let g:haskell_indent_in = 0
let g:haskell_indent_guard = 4
" let g:haskell_disable_TH = 1
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = 'index(["haskell", "cabal"], &ft) >= 0 && !exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'Twinside/vim-hoogle'
2020-12-04 22:17:32 +00:00
hook_source = '''
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
nnoremap <leader>ho :Hoogle<CR>
nnoremap <leader>hc :HoogleClose<CR>
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = 'index(["haskell"], &ft) >= 0 && !exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'alx741/vim-stylishask'
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
hook_add = '''
let g:stylishask_on_save = 0
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = 'index(["haskell"], &ft) >= 0 && !exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'fatih/vim-go'
on_ft = ['go']
hook_post_source = 'GoInstallBinaries'
# rust
repo = 'rust-lang/rust.vim'
on_ft = ['rust']
# python
repo = 'python-mode/python-mode'
on_ft = ['python']
# repo = 'zchee/deoplete-jedi'
# on_ft = ['python']
# repo = 'davidhalter/jedi-vim'
# on_ft = ['python']
repo = 'manicmaniac/coconut.vim'
on_ft = ['python']
repo = 'alfredodeza/pytest.vim'
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = 'index(["python"], &ft) >= 0 && !exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = 'idanarye/vim-vebugger'
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = 'index(["python"], &ft) >= 0 && !exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
# scala
repo = 'derekwyatt/vim-scala'
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = 'index(["scala"], &ft) >= 0 && !exists("g:vscode")'
# javascript
repo = 'pangloss/vim-javascript'
on_ft = ['typescript', 'javascript']
repo = 'MaxMEllon/vim-jsx-pretty'
on_ft = ['typescript', 'javascript']
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
# typescript
repo = 'leafgarland/typescript-vim'
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_ft = ['typescript', 'javascript']
#repo = 'Quramy/tsuquyomi'
#on_ft = ['typescript', 'javascript']
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
repo = 'prettier/vim-prettier'
on_ft = ['typescript', 'javascript']
build = 'npm install'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
# color and beauty
# [[plugins]]
# repo = 'tomasiser/vim-code-dark'
# [[plugins]]
# repo = 'romainl/Apprentice'
# [[plugins]]
# repo = 'chriskempson/base16-vim'
# [[plugins]]
# repo = 'fneu/breezy'
# [[plugins]]
# repo = 'romainl/Disciple'
# [[plugins]]
# repo = 'wimstefan/Lightning'
# [[plugins]]
# repo = 'NLKNguyen/papercolor-theme'
# [[plugins]]
# repo = 'flazz/vim-colorschemes'
2020-10-18 17:45:39 +00:00
repo = 'overcache/NeoSolarized'
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
hook_add = '''
let g:neosolarized_contrast = 'normal'
let g:neosolarized_visibility = 'normal'
let g:neosolarized_vertSplitBgTrans = 0
let g:neosolarized_bold = 1
let g:neosolarized_underline = 1
let g:neosolarized_italic = 1
set background=dark
colorscheme NeoSolarized
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
# repo = 'reedes/vim-colors-pencil'
# [[plugins]]
# repo = 'whatyouhide/vim-gotham'
# [[plugins]]
# repo = 'noahfrederick/vim-hemisu'
# [[plugins]]
# repo = 'morhetz/gruvbox'
2020-10-18 21:05:59 +00:00
# toml
repo = ''
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
# unmanaged
2020-10-18 17:45:39 +00:00
name = 'L9'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = ''
rtp = 'L9'
2020-10-18 17:45:39 +00:00
name = 'ScrollColor'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = ''
rtp = 'ScrollColor'
2020-10-18 17:45:39 +00:00
name = 'bufonly'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = ''
rtp = 'bufonly'
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = '!exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
2020-10-18 17:45:39 +00:00
name = 'colorschemedgrade'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = ''
rtp = 'colorschemedegrade'
2020-10-18 17:45:39 +00:00
name = 'exheres-syntax'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = ''
2020-12-04 22:17:32 +00:00
rtp = 'exheres-syntax-20160115'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
2020-10-18 17:45:39 +00:00
name = 'fontzoom'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = ''
rtp = 'fontzoom'
on_if = '!has("nvim")'
2022-07-27 16:13:09 +00:00
#name = 'fuzzyfinder'
#repo = ''
#rtp = 'fuzzyfinder'
#on_if = '!exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
2020-10-18 17:45:39 +00:00
name = 'log'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = ''
rtp = 'log'
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = '!exists("g:vscode")'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
#repo = ''
#rtp = 'paredit'
#repo = ''
#rtp = 'tslime'
2020-10-18 17:45:39 +00:00
name = 'txtfmt'
2020-10-11 15:55:02 +00:00
repo = ''
rtp = 'txtfmt'
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = '!exists("g:vscode")'
2022-07-27 16:13:09 +00:00
repo = 'williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer'
hook_add = '''
lua << EOF
automatic_installation = false,
ui = {
icons = {
server_installed = "✓",
server_pending = "➜",
server_uninstalled = "✗"
on_if = 'has("nvim") && !exists("g:vscode")'
lazy = true
depends = 'nvim-lspconfig'
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
repo = 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig'
hook_add = '''
2022-07-27 16:13:09 +00:00
function! Diagnostic_open()
if len(filter(nvim_tabpage_list_wins(0), {k,v->nvim_win_get_config(v).relative!=""})) <= 1
lua vim.diagnostic.open_float({focusable = false})
lua << EOF
local on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
vim.cmd('autocmd CursorHold * call Diagnostic_open()')
cmd = { vim.fs.normalize('~/.ghcup/bin/haskell-language-server-wrapper'), '--lsp', '+RTS', '--nonmoving-gc', '-RTS' },
on_attach = on_attach,
settings = {
haskell = {
formattingProvider = "brittany",
plugin = {
["ghcide-hover-and-symbols"] = { globalOn = true },
["ghcide-code-actions-imports-exports"] = { globalOn = true },
["ghcide-code-actions-type-signatures"] = { globalOn = false },
["ghcide-code-actions-bindings"] = { globalOn = false },
["ghcide-code-actions-fill-holes"] = { globalOn = false },
["ghcide-completions"] = { globalOn = true },
["ghcide-type-lenses"] = { globalOn = false },
pragmas = { globalOn = false },
tactics = { globalOn = false },
rename = { globalOn = false },
retrie = { globalOn = false },
callHierarchy = { globalOn = true },
class = { globalOn = false },
haddockComments = { globalOn = true },
eval = { globalOn = false },
importLens = { globalOn = false },
qualifyImportNames = { globalOn = true },
refineImports = { globalOn = true },
moduleName = { globalOn = false },
hlint = { globalOn = true },
splice = { globalOn = false },
alternateNumberFormat = { globalOn = false },
selectionRange = { globalOn = false },
changeTypeSignature = { globalOn = false }
require('lspconfig').tsserver.setup{ on_attach = on_attach }
require('lspconfig').bashls.setup{ on_attach = on_attach }
require('lspconfig').jsonls.setup{ on_attach = on_attach }
require('lspconfig').vimls.setup{ on_attach = on_attach }
require('lspconfig').dockerls.setup{ on_attach = on_attach }
require('lspconfig').powershell_es.setup{ on_attach = on_attach, bundle_path = 'c:/w/PowerShellEditorServices', shell = 'pwsh' }
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
on_if = 'has("nvim") && !exists("g:vscode")'
2022-07-27 16:13:09 +00:00
lazy = true
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
repo = 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons'
on_if = 'has("nvim") && !exists("g:vscode")'
lazy = false
repo = 'folke/trouble.nvim'
hook_add = '''
lua << EOF
require("trouble").setup {
-- your configuration comes here
-- or leave it empty to use the default settings
-- refer to the configuration section below
action_keys = { -- key mappings for actions in the trouble list
jump_close = {"t"}, -- jump to the diagnostic and close the list
lazy = false
on_if = 'has("nvim") && !exists("g:vscode")'
2022-07-27 16:13:09 +00:00
repo = 'nvim-telescope/telescope-file-browser.nvim'
lazy = false
on_if = 'has("nvim") && !exists("g:vscode")'
2022-04-29 19:56:19 +00:00
repo = 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'
lazy = false
on_if = 'has("nvim") && !exists("g:vscode")'
2022-07-27 16:13:09 +00:00
hook_add = '''
command! -nargs=* Rag :lua require('telescope.builtin').live_grep({ default_text = vim.fn.expand(<f-args>) })
repo = 'ldelossa/litee.nvim'
lazy = false
hook_add = '''
lua << EOF
on_if = 'has("nvim") && !exists("g:vscode")'
repo = 'hasufell/litee-calltree.nvim'
lazy = false
hook_add = '''
lua << EOF
map_resize_keys = false
on_if = 'has("nvim") && !exists("g:vscode")'