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longlong.h -- 64 bit arithetic
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by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
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Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001,
2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2009 William Hart
Copyright (C) 2011 Fredrik Johansson
Auxiliary asm macros
umul_ppmm(high_prod, low_prod, multipler, multiplicand)
Multiplies two single limb integers \code{MULTIPLER} and
\code{MULTIPLICAND}, and generates a two limb product in
\code{HIGH_PROD} and \code{LOW_PROD}.
smul_ppmm(high_prod, low_prod, multipler, multiplicand)
As for \code{umul_ppmm()} but the numbers are signed.
udiv_qrnnd(quotient, remainder, high_numerator, low_numerator, denominator)
Divides an unsigned integer, composed by the limb integers
and places the quotient in \code{QUOTIENT} and the remainder in
\code{REMAINDER}. \code{HIGH_NUMERATOR} must be less than
\code{DENOMINATOR} for correct operation.
sdiv_qrnnd(quotient, remainder, high_numerator, low_numerator, denominator)
As for \code{udiv_qrnnd()} but the numbers are signed. The quotient is
rounded towards $0$. Note that as the quotient is signed it must lie in
the range $[-2^63, 2^63)$.
count_leading_zeros(count, x)
Counts the number of zero-bits from the msb to the first non-zero bit
in the limb \code{x}. This is the number of steps \code{x} needs to
be shifted left to set the msb. If \code{x} is $0$ then count is
count_trailing_zeros(count, x)
As for \code{count_leading_zeros()}, but counts from the least
significant end. If \code{x} is zero then count is undefined.
add_ssaaaa(high_sum, low_sum, high_addend_1, low_addend_1,
high_addend_2, low_addend_2)
Adds two limb integers, composed by \code{HIGH_ADDEND_1} and
\code{LOW_ADDEND_1}, and\\ \code{HIGH_ADDEND_2} and \code{LOW_ADDEND_2},
respectively. The result is placed in \code{HIGH_SUM} and
\code{LOW_SUM}. Overflow, i.e.\ carry out, is not stored anywhere,
and is lost.
add_sssaaaaaa(high_sum, mid_sum, low_sum, high_addend_1, mid_addend_1,
low_addend_1, high_addend_2, mid_addend_2, low_addend_2)
Adds two three limb integers. Carry out is lost.
sub_ddmmss(high_difference, low_difference, high_minuend, low_minuend,
high_subtrahend, low_subtrahend)
Subtracts two limb integers, composed by \code{HIGH_MINUEND_1} and
\code{LOW_MINUEND_1}, and \code{HIGH_SUBTRAHEND_2} and
\code{LOW_SUBTRAHEND_2}, respectively. The result is placed in\\
\code{HIGH_DIFFERENCE} and \code{LOW_DIFFERENCE}. Overflow, i.e.\
carry out is not stored anywhere, and is lost.
invert_limb(invxl, xl)
Computes an approximate inverse \code{invxl} of the limb \code{xl},
with an implicit leading~$1$. More formally it computes
invxl = (B^2 - B*x - 1)/x = (B^2 - 1)/x - B
Note that $x$ must be normalised, i.e.\ with msb set. This inverse
makes use of the following theorem of Torbjorn Granlund and Peter
Let $d$ be normalised, $d < B$, i.e.\ it fits in a word, and suppose
that $m d < B^2 \leq (m+1) d$. Let $0 \leq n \leq B d - 1$. Write
$n = n_2 B + n_1 B/2 + n_0$ with $n_1 = 0$ or $1$ and $n_0 < B/2$.
Suppose $q_1 B + q_0 = n_2 B + (n_2 + n_1) (m - B) + n_1 (d-B/2) + n_0$
and $0 \leq q_0 < B$. Then $0 \leq q_1 < B$ and $0 \leq n - q_1 d < 2 d$.
In the theorem, $m$ is the inverse of $d$. If we let
\code{m = invxl + B} and $d = x$ we have $m d = B^2 - 1 < B^2$ and
$(m+1) x = B^2 + d - 1 \geq B^2$.
The theorem is often applied as follows: note that $n_0$ and $n_1 (d-B/2)$
are both less than $B/2$. Also note that $n_1 (m-B) < B$. Thus the sum of
all these terms contributes at most $1$ to $q_1$. We are left with
$n_2 B + n_2 (m-B)$. But note that $(m-B)$ is precisely our precomputed
inverse \code{invxl}. If we write $q_1 B + q_0 = n_2 B + n_2 (m-B)$,
then from the theorem, we have $0 \leq n - q_1 d < 3 d$, i.e.\ the
quotient is out by at most $2$ and is always either correct or too small.
udiv_qrnnd_preinv(q, r, nh, nl, d, di)
As for \code{udiv_qrnnd()} but takes a precomputed inverse \code{di} as
computed by \code{invert_limb()}. The algorithm, in terms of the theorem
above, is:
nadj = n1*(d-B/2) + n0
xh, xl = (n2+n1)*(m-B)
xh, xl += nadj + n2*B ( xh, xl = n2*B + (n2+n1)*(m-B) + n1*(d-B/2) + n0 )
_q1 = B - xh - 1
xh, xl = _q1*d + nh, nl - B*d = nh, nl - q1*d - d so that xh = 0 or -1
r = xl + xh*d where xh is 0 if q1 is off by 1, otherwise -1
q = xh - _q1 = xh + 1 + n2