FLINT has been developed since 2007 by a large number of people. Initially the library was started by David Harvey and William Hart. Later maintenance of the library was taken over solely by William Hart. The authors of FLINT to date: $\bullet$ William Hart -- integer and polynomial arithmetic, factorisation and primality testing, general infrastructure (supported by EPSRC Grant EP/G004870/1 and DFG Priority programme SPP1489) $\bullet$ Sebastian Pancratz -- polynomial arithmetic over $\Z$, $\Z/n\Z$ and $\Q$, $p$-adic and $q$-adic arithmetic, including polynomials and matrices (supported by ERC Grant 204083) $\bullet$ Andy Novocin -- LLL, polynomial factorisation over $Z$, polynomial composition $\bullet$ Fredrik Johansson -- matrices, polynomial and power series arithmetic, special functions (supported by Austrian Science Fund FWF Grant Y464-N18) $\bullet$ Tom Bachmann -- \code{C++} expressions template wrapper, documentation parser (Google Summer of Code 2013) $\bullet$ Mike Hansen -- Finite fields (small and large $\F_q$), polynomials/matrices over $\F_q$, Finite fields with Zech logarithm representation, Fast factorisation of polynomials over $\F_q$ (supported by Macaulay2 developers NSF Grant 1002171) $\bullet$ Martin Lee -- Fast factorisation of polynomials over $\Z/n\Z$, faster Brent-Kung modular composition $\bullet$ David Harvey -- Fast Fourier Transform code, \code{zn_poly} for polynomial arithmetic over $\Z/n\Z$, \code{mpz_poly}, profiling and graphing code and many other parts of the FLINT library $\bullet$ Jan Tuitman -- helped with the $p$-adic interface $\bullet$ Jason Papadopoulos -- Block Lanczos code for quadratic sieve and multiprecision complex root finding code for polynomials. $\bullet$ Gonzalo Tornaria -- Theta function module, Montgomery multiplication and significant contributions to the $\Z[x]$ modular multiplication code. $\bullet$ Burcin Erocal -- wrote the primary FLINT wrapper in the SAGE system (Robert Bradshaw also wrote a preliminary version of this and Martin Albrecht and others have also contributed to it.) Burcin also contributed by writing grant applications via his Lmonade organisation to Google. (Supported by DFG Priority programme SPP1489.) $\bullet$ Tom Boothby -- Improved factoring of unsigned longs, detection of perfect powers $\bullet$ Andres Goens -- $\F_q$ module and polynomials over $\F_q$ (supported by DFG Priority program SPP1489) $\bullet$ Lina Kulakova -- factorisation for polynomials over $\F_p$ for large $p$ (Google Summer of Code 2012) $\bullet$ Thomas DuBuisson -- logical ops for fmpz module, patches to the build system $\bullet$ Jean-Pierre Flori -- many build system patches and Sage integration $\bullet$ Frithjof Schulze -- some fmpz functions and various patches $\bullet$ Curtis Bright -- numerous patches including 32 bit support $\bullet$ Daniel Woodhouse -- Contributed an implementation of multivariate multiplication over $\Z/n\Z$ and used this to implement a fast ``saturation'' algorithm for Laurent polynomials. (Funded by Alessio Corti and Tom Coates at Imperial College) $\bullet$ Tomasz Lechowski -- Contributed some NTL and Pari polynomial profiling code and researched algorithms for polynomials over finite fields. (Funded by the Nuffield Foundation) $\bullet$ Daniel Scott -- Researched lazy and relaxed algorithms of Joris van der Hoeven. (Funded by Warwick University's Undergraduate Research Scholars Scheme) $\bullet$ David Howden -- Wrote code for computing Bernoulli numbers mod many primes, including fast polynomial multiplication over $\Z/p\Z$ specifically for the task. (Funded by Warwick University's Undergraduate Research Scholars Scheme) $\bullet$ Daniel Ellam -- Helped design a module for $p$-adic arithmetic for FLINT. (Funded by Warwick University's Undergraduate Research Scholars Scheme) $\bullet$ Richard Howell-Peak -- Wrote polynomial factorisation and irreducibility testing code for polynomials over $\Z/p\Z$. (Funded by Warwick University's Undergraduate Research Scholars Scheme) $\bullet$ Peter Shrimpton -- Wrote code for a basic prime sieve, Pocklington-Lehmer, Lucas, Fibonacci, BSPW and $n-1$ primality tests and a Weiferich prime search. (Funded by the Nuffield Foundation) $\bullet$ Patches and bug reports have been made by Michael Abshoff, Didier Deshommes, Craig Citro, Timothy Abbot, Carl Witty, Gonzalo Tornaria, Jaap Spies, Kiran Kedlaya, William Stein, Kate Minola, Didier Deshommes, Robert Bradshaw, Serge Torres, Dan Grayson, Martin Lee, Bob Smith, Antony Vennard, Fr\'{e}d\'{e}ric Chyzak, Julien Puydt, Dana Jacobsen, Michael Jacobson Jr., Mike Stillman, Jan Englehardt, Jean-Pierre Flori, Jeroen Demeyer, Shi Bai, Qingwen Guan, Frithjof Schulze, Robert Baillie, Oleksandr Motsak, Hans Schoenemann, Janko Boehm, Ahmed Soliman, Francois Bissey and others. $\bullet$ In addition Michael Abshoff, William Stein and Robert Bradshaw have contributed to the build system of FLINT. $\bullet$ Michael Abshoff deserves special recognition for his help in resolving a number of difficult build issues which came to light as FLINT was incorporated into SAGE and for bringing numerous bugs to the attention of the FLINT maintainers. Michael regularly checked FLINT for memory leaks and corruption, which directly led to numerous issues being identified early! He also helped with setting up various pieces of infrastructure for the FLINT project. $\bullet$ Numerous people have contributed to wrapping FLINT in Sage and debugging, including Mike Hansen, Jean-Pierre Flori, Burcin Erocal, Robert Bradshaw, Martin Albrecht, Sebastian Pancratz, Fredrik Johansson, Jeroen Demeyer and Leif Lionhardy, amongst others. Some code (notably \code{longlong.h} and \code{clz_tab.c}) has been used from the GMP library, whose main author is Torbjorn Granlund. FLINT 2 was a complete rewrite from scratch which began in about 2010.