/*============================================================================= This file is part of FLINT. FLINT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FLINT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FLINT; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =============================================================================*/ /****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013 Mike Hansen ******************************************************************************/ ******************************************************************************* Memory management ******************************************************************************* fq_nmod_struct * _fq_nmod_vec_init(slong len, const fq_nmod_ctx_t ctx) Returns an initialised vector of \code{fq_nmod}'s of given length. void _fq_nmod_vec_clear(fq_nmod * vec, slong len, const fq_nmod_ctx_t ctx) Clears the entries of \code{(vec, len)} and frees the space allocated for \code{vec}. ******************************************************************************* Randomisation ******************************************************************************* void _fq_nmod_vec_randtest(fq_nmod_struct * f, flint_rand_t state, slong len, const fq_nmod_ctx_t ctx) Sets the entries of a vector of the given length to elements of the finite field. ******************************************************************************* Input and output ******************************************************************************* int _fq_nmod_vec_fprint(FILE * file, const fq_nmod_struct * vec, slong len, const fq_nmod_ctx_t ctx) Prints the vector of given length to the stream \code{file}. The format is the length followed by two spaces, then a space separated list of coefficients. If the length is zero, only $0$ is printed. In case of success, returns a positive value. In case of failure, returns a non-positive value. int _fq_nmod_vec_print(const fq_nmod_struct * vec, slong len, const fq_nmod_ctx_t ctx) Prints the vector of given length to \code{stdout}. For further details, see \code{_fq_nmod_vec_fprint()}. ******************************************************************************* Assignment and basic manipulation ******************************************************************************* void _fq_nmod_vec_set(fq_nmod_struct * vec1, const fq_nmod_struct * vec2, slong len2, const fq_nmod_ctx_t ctx) Makes a copy of \code{(vec2, len2)} into \code{vec1}. void _fq_nmod_vec_swap(fq_nmod_struct * vec1, fq_nmod_struct * vec2, slong len2, const fq_nmod_ctx_t ctx) Swaps the elements in \code{(vec1, len2)} and \code{(vec2, len2)}. void _fq_nmod_vec_zero(fq_nmod_struct * vec, slong len, const fq_nmod_ctx_t ctx) Zeros the entries of \code{(vec, len)}. void _fq_nmod_vec_neg(fq_nmod_struct * vec1, const fq_nmod_struct * vec2, slong len2, const fq_nmod_ctx_t ctx) Negates \code{(vec2, len2)} and places it into \code{vec1}. ******************************************************************************* Comparison ******************************************************************************* int _fq_nmod_vec_equal(const fq_nmod_struct * vec1, const fq_nmod_struct * vec2, slong len, const fq_nmod_ctx_t ctx) Compares two vectors of the given length and returns $1$ if they are equal, otherwise returns $0$. int _fq_nmod_vec_is_zero(const fq_nmod_struct * vec, slong len, const ctx_ctx) Returns $1$ if \code{(vec, len)} is zero, and $0$ otherwise. ******************************************************************************* Addition and subtraction ******************************************************************************* void _fq_nmod_vec_add(fq_nmod_struct * res, const fq_nmod_struct * vec1, const fq_nmod_struct * vec2, slong len2, const fq_nmod_ctx_t ctx) Sets \code{(res, len2)} to the sum of \code{(vec1, len2)} and \code{(vec2, len2)}. void _fq_nmod_vec_sub(fq_nmod_struct * res, const fq_nmod_struct * vec1, const fq_nmod_struct * vec2, slong len2, const fq_nmod_ctx_t ctx) Sets \code{(res, len2)} to \code{(vec1, len2)} minus \code{(vec2, len2)}. ******************************************************************************* Scalar multiplication and division ******************************************************************************* void _fq_nmod_vec_scalar_addmul_fq_nmod(fq_nmod_struct * vec1, const fq_nmod_struct * vec2, slong len2, const fq_nmod_t c, const fq_nmod_ctx_t ctx) Adds \code{(vec2, len2)} times $c$ to \code{(vec1, len2)}, where $c$ is a \code{fq_nmod_t}. void _fq_nmod_vec_scalar_submul_fq_nmod(fq_nmod_struct * vec1, const fq_nmod_struct * vec2, slong len2, const fq_nmod_t c, const fq_nmod_ctx_t ctx) Subtracts \code{(vec2, len2)} times $c$ from \code{(vec1, len2)}, where $c$ is a \code{fq_nmod_t}. ******************************************************************************* Dot products ******************************************************************************* void _fq_nmod_vec_dot(fq_nmod_t res, const fq_nmod_struct * vec1, const fq_nmod_struct * vec2, slong len2, const fq_nmod_ctx_t ctx) Sets \code{res} to the dot product of (\code{vec1}, \code{len}) and (\code{vec2}, \code{len}).