/*============================================================================= This file is part of FLINT. FLINT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FLINT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FLINT; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =============================================================================*/ /****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2011 Andy Novocin ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "flint.h" #include "fmpz.h" #include "fmpz_mat.h" #if !defined (__WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) /* The function fdopen is declared in stdio.h. It is POSIX.1 compliant, but not ANSI compliant. The following line enables compilation with the "-ansi" flag. */ extern FILE * fdopen(int fildes, const char *mode); int main(void) { int i, j, m, n, k = 1000, result; FILE *in, *out; int fd[2]; pid_t childpid; FLINT_TEST_INIT(state); flint_printf("print/ read...."); fflush(stdout); /* Randomise k mats, write to and read from a pipe */ { fmpz_mat_t *M; M = flint_malloc(k * sizeof(fmpz_mat_t)); for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { m = n_randint(state, 10); n = n_randint(state, 10); fmpz_mat_init(M[i], m, n); fmpz_mat_randtest(M[i], state, 100); } if (pipe(fd)) { flint_printf("FAIL:\n"); flint_printf("Failed to set-up the pipe.\n"); abort(); } if((childpid = fork()) == -1) { flint_printf("FAIL:\n"); flint_printf("Failed to fork the process.\n"); abort(); } if(childpid == 0) /* Child process */ { int r; close(fd[0]); out = fdopen(fd[1], "w"); if (out == NULL) { flint_printf("FAIL:\n"); flint_printf("Could not open output file at the pipe.\n"); abort(); } for (j = 0; j < k; j++) { r = fmpz_mat_fprint(out, M[j]); if ((j < k - 1) && (r > 0)) r = flint_fprintf(out, "\n"); if (r <= 0) { flint_printf("FAIL:\n"); flint_printf("Write error.\n"); abort(); } } fclose(out); exit(0); } else /* Parent process */ { int r; fmpz_mat_t t; close(fd[1]); in = fdopen(fd[0], "r"); if (in == NULL) { flint_printf("FAIL:\n"); flint_printf("Could not open input file at the pipe.\n"); abort(); } for (i = 0; i < k && !feof(in); i++) { fmpz_mat_init(t, 0, 0); r = fmpz_mat_fread(in, t); if (r <= 0) { flint_printf("FAIL:\n"); flint_printf("Read error.\n"); abort(); } result = fmpz_mat_equal(t, M[i]); if (!result) { flint_printf("FAIL:\n"); flint_printf("M[i] = "), fmpz_mat_print(M[i]), flint_printf("\n"); flint_printf("t = "), fmpz_mat_print(t), flint_printf("\n"); abort(); } fmpz_mat_clear(t); } fclose(in); } if (i != k) { flint_printf("FAIL:\n"); flint_printf("Only %d out of %d objects were processed.\n", i, n); abort(); } for (i = 0; i < k; i++) fmpz_mat_clear(M[i]); flint_free(M); } /* Write bad data to a pipe and read it */ { char str[5] = {'b', 'l', 'a', 'h', '\0'}; if (pipe(fd)) { flint_printf("FAIL:\n"); flint_printf("Failed to set-up the pipe.\n"); abort(); } if((childpid = fork()) == -1) { flint_printf("FAIL:\n"); flint_printf("Failed to fork the process.\n"); abort(); } if(childpid == 0) /* Child process */ { int r; close(fd[0]); out = fdopen(fd[1], "w"); if (out == NULL) { flint_printf("FAIL:\n"); flint_printf("Could not open output file at the pipe.\n"); abort(); } r = flint_fprintf(out, "blah"); if (r <= 0) { flint_printf("FAIL:\n"); flint_printf("Write error.\n"); abort(); } fclose(out); exit(0); } else /* Parent process */ { int r; fmpz_mat_t t; close(fd[1]); in = fdopen(fd[0], "r"); if (in == NULL) { flint_printf("FAIL:\n"); flint_printf("Could not open input file at the pipe.\n"); abort(); } fmpz_mat_init(t,0,0); i = 0; while (!feof(in)) { r = fmpz_mat_fread(in, t); if (r > 0) { flint_printf("FAIL:\n"); flint_printf("r = %d\n", r); abort(); } ++i; } fmpz_mat_clear(t); fclose(in); } /* For {'b','l','a','h','\0'} we expect 5 reads */ if (i != 5) { flint_printf("FAIL:\n"); flint_printf("Carried out %d reads, but \"%s\" has only 4 characters.\n", i, str); abort(); } } FLINT_TEST_CLEANUP(state); flint_printf("PASS\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #else int main(void) { flint_printf("print/ read...."); fflush(stdout); flint_printf("SKIPPED\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #endif