/*============================================================================= This file is part of FLINT. FLINT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FLINT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FLINT; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =============================================================================*/ /****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2011 Fredrik Johansson ******************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "flint.h" #include "fmpz.h" #include "fmpq.h" #include "arith.h" #include "ulong_extras.h" #include "math.h" /* The results in the following random test cases were computed with the naive implementation. Doing a live comparison with large values against the naive implementation would take too much time. */ static const slong testdata[][4] = { /* h, k, p/q */ {WORD(20816815), WORD(29229), WORD(-10669), WORD(87687)}, {WORD(-481962612), WORD(709105), WORD(-910639), WORD(141821)}, {WORD(-70965), WORD(3384), WORD(1785), WORD(752)}, {WORD(1899905), WORD(6657), WORD(-43795), WORD(5706)}, {WORD(-1893), WORD(511167), WORD(-3411568), WORD(170389)}, {WORD(1417295), WORD(10180), WORD(3543), WORD(4072)}, {WORD(-1149), WORD(9350), WORD(6971), WORD(9350)}, {WORD(-15520), WORD(22977640), WORD(-70331425), WORD(574441)}, {WORD(3339), WORD(9873153), WORD(270746882), WORD(1097017)}, {WORD(470645896), WORD(71754), WORD(-21713), WORD(107631)}, {WORD(1153), WORD(1332403), WORD(258755243), WORD(2664806)}, {WORD(-501576), WORD(292801), WORD(269095), WORD(292801)}, {WORD(1861), WORD(34440), WORD(-723059), WORD(206640)}, {WORD(-4278761), WORD(239321), WORD(791947), WORD(239321)}, {WORD(9414763), WORD(30776409), WORD(-93285463), WORD(92329227)}, {WORD(4872687), WORD(2199), WORD(146), WORD(733)}, {WORD(-22349505), WORD(60581653), WORD(27694241), WORD(60581653)}, {WORD(85739724), WORD(9289), WORD(961), WORD(2654)}, {WORD(-5616), WORD(124023), WORD(-31447), WORD(41341)}, {WORD(99382204), WORD(1378843), WORD(-2537405), WORD(2757686)}, {WORD(1903), WORD(15842), WORD(102), WORD(89)}, {WORD(-907226), WORD(5818), WORD(5608), WORD(2909)}, {WORD(-948920), WORD(4768), WORD(-4815), WORD(1192)}, {WORD(-352220914), WORD(15390287), WORD(-171358081), WORD(30780574)}, {WORD(-159206), WORD(3028284), WORD(12921745), WORD(4542426)}, {WORD(61951448), WORD(1624), WORD(-341), WORD(406)}, {WORD(-49167), WORD(2092), WORD(-32915), WORD(4184)}, {WORD(-20878222), WORD(586303210), WORD(-530581301), WORD(293151605)}, {WORD(-1435637), WORD(3483), WORD(-4787), WORD(20898)}, {WORD(-1129797), WORD(171620), WORD(238211), WORD(68648)}, {WORD(-177095), WORD(2914), WORD(1132), WORD(1457)}, {WORD(-343227551), WORD(1509), WORD(-3289), WORD(4527)}, {WORD(57497376), WORD(1351), WORD(373), WORD(2702)}, {WORD(3350543), WORD(5771893), WORD(-51196457), WORD(5771893)}, {WORD(-44408), WORD(1670), WORD(367), WORD(1670)}, {WORD(-4139), WORD(59959), WORD(-286689), WORD(119918)}, {WORD(7397588), WORD(16695), WORD(-41627), WORD(20034)}, {WORD(-78900791), WORD(10792), WORD(-30905), WORD(21584)}, {WORD(-1204294), WORD(10134), WORD(-8945), WORD(30402)}, {WORD(27649424), WORD(57014291), WORD(731583513), WORD(114028582)}, {WORD(3275043), WORD(436410815), WORD(2018428417), WORD(174564326)}, #if FLINT64 /* skip on 32 bit only because of the literals */ {WORD(61247), WORD(81381215), WORD(3622491319), WORD(32552486)}, {WORD(-52118), WORD(125095621), WORD(-24931204413), WORD(125095621)}, {WORD(201446493), WORD(951783261), WORD(2467429915), WORD(634522174)}, {WORD(176112), WORD(72187934), WORD(2692844825), WORD(72187934)}, {WORD(1272), WORD(8722219), WORD(9972821075), WORD(17444438)}, #endif {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int main(void) { fmpz_t hh, kk; fmpq_t s1, s2; slong i, h, k; FLINT_TEST_INIT(state); flint_printf("dedekind_sum...."); fflush(stdout); fmpz_init(hh); fmpz_init(kk); fmpq_init(s1); fmpq_init(s2); for (k = -200; k < 200; k++) { for (h = -200; h < 200; h++) { fmpz_set_si(hh, h); fmpz_set_si(kk, k); arith_dedekind_sum(s1, hh, kk); arith_dedekind_sum_naive(s2, hh, kk); if (!fmpq_equal(s1, s2)) { flint_printf("FAIL:\n"); flint_printf("s(%wd,%wd)\n", h, k); flint_printf("s1: "); fmpq_print(s1); flint_printf("\n"); flint_printf("s2: "); fmpq_print(s2); flint_printf("\n"); abort(); } } } /* Test large values, 10-30 bits */ for (i = 0; testdata[i][0] != 0; i++) { h = testdata[i][0]; k = testdata[i][1]; fmpz_set_si(hh, h); fmpz_set_si(kk, k); arith_dedekind_sum(s1, hh, kk); fmpz_set_si(fmpq_numref(s2), testdata[i][2]); fmpz_set_si(fmpq_denref(s2), testdata[i][3]); if (!fmpq_equal(s1, s2)) { flint_printf("FAIL:\n"); flint_printf("s(%wd,%wd)\n", h, k); flint_printf("s1: "); fmpq_print(s1); flint_printf("\n"); flint_printf("s2: "); fmpq_print(s2); flint_printf("\n"); abort(); } } /* Check a large value computed with Pari */ fmpz_set_ui(hh, 1); fmpz_mul_2exp(hh, hh, 1000); fmpz_add_ui(hh, hh, 1); fmpz_set_ui(kk, 1); fmpz_mul_2exp(kk, kk, 1001); fmpz_add_ui(kk, kk, 1); arith_dedekind_sum(s1, hh, kk); if ((fmpz_fdiv_ui(fmpq_numref(s1), 1000000000) != 906445312) || (fmpz_fdiv_ui(fmpq_denref(s1), 1000000000) != 8416259)) { flint_printf("Wrong large value:\n"); fmpq_print(s1); flint_printf("\n"); abort(); } /* Just check that nothing crashes with bignums */ for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { fmpz_randtest(hh, state, 300); fmpz_randtest(kk, state, 300); arith_dedekind_sum(s1, hh, kk); } fmpz_clear(hh); fmpz_clear(kk); fmpq_clear(s1); fmpq_clear(s2); FLINT_TEST_CLEANUP(state); flint_printf("PASS\n"); return 0; }