/*============================================================================= This file is part of FLINT. FLINT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FLINT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FLINT; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =============================================================================*/ /****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013 Mike Hansen ******************************************************************************/ #ifdef T #include "flint.h" #include "templates.h" #include #include #include "profiler.h" #include "fmpz_mat.h" #define nalgs 2 #define cpumin 1 #define ncases 2 int get_timings(double* s, slong degree, mp_bitcnt_t bits, slong length) { TEMPLATE(T, ctx_t) ctx; TEMPLATE(T, poly_t) f, *h, finv; TEMPLATE(T, mat_t) HH; fmpz_t p, q; double beta; slong i, l; int n, c, reps = 0; FLINT_TEST_INIT(state); fmpz_init(p); fmpz_init(q); beta = 0.5 * (1. - (log(2) / log(length))); l = ceil(pow(length, beta)); if (!(h = flint_malloc((l + 1) * sizeof(TEMPLATE(T, poly_struct))))) { flint_printf("Exception (p-iterated_frobenius):\n"); flint_printf("Not enough memory.\n"); abort(); } flint_printf("Trying %d %d %d\n", degree, bits, length); for (c = 0; c < nalgs; c++) s[c] = 0.0; reps = 0; /* Compute the timings */ for (n = 0; n < ncases; n++) { double t[nalgs]; int lo, loops = 1; #ifdef FQ_ZECH_VEC_NORM do { fmpz_set_ui(p, n_randprime(state, bits, 1)); fmpz_pow_ui(q, p, degree); } while (fmpz_cmp_ui(q, 1048576) > 0); #else fmpz_set_ui(p, n_randprime(state, bits, 1)); fmpz_pow_ui(q, p, degree); #endif TEMPLATE(T, ctx_init)(ctx, p, degree, "a"); TEMPLATE(T, poly_init)(f, ctx); TEMPLATE(T, poly_init)(finv, ctx); TEMPLATE(T, ctx_order)(q, ctx); #ifdef FQ_ZECH_VEC_NORM if (fmpz_cmp_ui(q, 1048576) > 0) { flint_printf("Order too big for zech representation: "); fmpz_print(q); flint_printf("\n"); abort(); } #endif for (i = 0; i < l + 1; i++) TEMPLATE(T, poly_init)(h[i], ctx); /* Construct random elements of fq */ { TEMPLATE(T, poly_randtest_monic)(f, state, length, ctx); TEMPLATE(T, poly_reverse)(finv, f, f->length, ctx); TEMPLATE(T, poly_inv_series_newton)(finv, finv, f->length, ctx); } loop: t[0] = 0.0; init_clock(0); prof_start(); for (lo = 0; lo < loops; lo++) { TEMPLATE(T, poly_gen)(h[0], ctx); TEMPLATE(T, mat_init)(HH, n_sqrt(f->length - 1) + 1, f->length - 1, ctx); TEMPLATE(T, poly_powmod_fmpz_sliding_preinv)(h[1], h[0], q, 0, f, finv, ctx); TEMPLATE(T, poly_precompute_matrix)(HH, h[1], f, finv, ctx); for (i = 2; i < l + 1; i++) TEMPLATE(T, poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_precomp_preinv)(h[i], h[i - 1], HH, f, finv, ctx); TEMPLATE(T, mat_clear)(HH, ctx); } prof_stop(); t[0] += get_clock(0); t[1] = 0.0; init_clock(0); prof_start(); for (lo = 0; lo < loops; lo++) { TEMPLATE(T, poly_gen)(h[0], ctx); TEMPLATE(T, poly_powmod_fmpz_sliding_preinv)(h[1], h[0], q, 0, f, finv, ctx); for (i = 2; i < l + 1; i++) TEMPLATE(T, poly_powmod_fmpz_sliding_preinv)(h[i], h[i-1], q, 0, f, finv, ctx); } prof_stop(); t[1] += get_clock(0); for (c = 0; c < nalgs; c++) if (t[c] * FLINT_CLOCK_SCALE_FACTOR <= cpumin) { loops *= 2; goto loop; } for (c = 0; c < nalgs; c++) s[c] += t[c]; reps += loops; TEMPLATE(T, poly_clear)(f, ctx); TEMPLATE(T, poly_clear)(finv, ctx); for (i = 0; i < l + 1; i++) TEMPLATE(T, poly_clear)(h[i], ctx); TEMPLATE(T, ctx_clear)(ctx); } for (c = 0; c < nalgs; c++) { s[c] = s[c] / (double) reps; } fmpz_clear(p); fmpz_clear(q); flint_free(h); FLINT_TEST_CLEANUP(state); return s[0] > s[1]; } long a(fmpz_mat_t array, slong i, slong j) { return fmpz_get_si(fmpz_mat_entry(array, i, j)); } int file_exists(char *filename) { struct stat buffer; return (stat (filename, &buffer) == 0); } int init_array(fmpz_mat_t array, slong max_degree, slong max_bits, slong max_length, char* filename) { int bigger_length = 0; fmpz_mat_t old_array; slong i, j; FILE * old_file; if( file_exists(filename) ) { flint_printf(filename); /* old file exists */ fmpz_mat_init(old_array, max_degree, max_bits); old_file = fopen(filename, "r"); fmpz_mat_fread(old_file, old_array); fclose(old_file); if (fmpz_get_ui(fmpz_mat_entry(old_array, 0, 2)) < max_length) bigger_length = 1; } fmpz_mat_init(array, max_degree, max_bits); max_bits = FLINT_MAX(max_bits, 3); fmpz_set_si(fmpz_mat_entry(array, 0, 0), max_degree); fmpz_set_si(fmpz_mat_entry(array, 0, 1), max_bits); fmpz_set_si(fmpz_mat_entry(array, 0, 2), max_length); if( file_exists(filename) ) { for (i = 2; i < max_degree; i++) { for (j = 0; j < max_bits; j++) { fmpz_set(fmpz_mat_entry(array, i, j), fmpz_mat_entry(old_array, i, j)); } } fmpz_mat_clear(old_array); } fmpz_mat_print_pretty(array); return bigger_length; } void write_array(fmpz_mat_t array, char * filename) { FILE * tmp; tmp = fopen(filename, "w"); fmpz_mat_fprint(tmp, array); fclose(tmp); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { mp_bitcnt_t bits, max_bits, max_bits_used, max_bits_e; int is_hit, bigger_length; slong degree, length, max_degree, max_length, imin, imax, imid, diff; fmpz_mat_t array; char* filename; double s[nalgs]; max_degree = atol(argv[1]); max_bits = atol(argv[2]); max_length = atol(argv[3]); filename = argv[4]; bigger_length = init_array(array, max_degree, max_bits, max_length, filename); max_bits_used = 0; max_bits_e = 0; for (degree = 2; degree < max_degree; degree++) { flint_printf("Degree %d\n", degree); fflush(stdout); bits = 2; length = 3; while (bits < max_bits && (max_bits_e == 0 || bits < max_bits_e) ) { if (a(array, degree, bits) != 0 || (!bigger_length && bits >= a(array, degree, 0))) { bits += 1; continue; } #ifdef FQ_ZECH_VEC_NORM /* Don't make zech fields too big */ if (degree * bits >= 20) { bits += 1; continue; } #endif /* Set the initial state */ if (bits == 2 || bits == 3) { if (degree == 2) { length = 3; } else { if (a(array, degree - 1, bits) > length) length = a(array, degree - 1, bits); } diff = length; } else { length = a(array, degree, bits - 1); diff = length - a(array, degree, bits - 2); if (diff < degree) { diff = degree; } } /* Set the min */ imax = 0; imin = length; is_hit = get_timings(s, degree, bits, imin); while (is_hit != 0) { imax = imin; imin -= 1; if (imin < 3) { break; } is_hit = get_timings(s, degree, bits, imin); } if (imin < 3) { bits += 1; continue; } /* Set the max */ if (imax == 0) { imax = FLINT_MIN(imin + 2 * diff, max_length); is_hit = get_timings(s, degree, bits, imax); while (is_hit != 1) { flint_printf("Finding max, %d\n", diff); if (imax == max_length) { imax = max_length + 1; break; } imin = imax; imax += 2 * diff; imax = FLINT_MIN(imax, max_length); is_hit = get_timings(s, degree, bits, imax); } } if (imax > max_length) { max_bits_e = bits; fmpz_set_si(fmpz_mat_entry(array, degree, 0), bits); write_array(array, filename); break; } flint_printf("Min - Max: %d - %d\n", imin, imax); while (imin < imax) { imid = imin + ((imax - imin) / 2); if (imid >= imax) { flint_printf("Error in computing midpoint\n"); abort(); } is_hit = get_timings(s, degree, bits, imid); if (is_hit) { imax = imid; } else { imin = imid + 1; } } length = imin; /* Set the array */ flint_printf("%d - %d %d\n", degree, bits, length); fmpz_set_si(fmpz_mat_entry(array, degree, bits), length); fmpz_set_si(fmpz_mat_entry(array, degree, 0), bits); if (degree == 2 && bits > max_bits_used) max_bits_used = bits + 1; fflush(stdout); write_array(array, filename); bits += 1; } } fmpz_mat_print_pretty(array); fmpz_mat_clear(array); return 0; } #endif