#include <tompoly.h> void draw_poly(pb_poly *a) { int x; char buf[8192]; if (a->used == 0) { printf("0"); } else { for (x = a->used - 1; x >= 0; x--) { if (mp_iszero(&(a->terms[x])) == MP_YES) continue; mp_toradix(&(a->terms[x]), buf, 10); if ((x != a->used - 1) && a->terms[x].sign == MP_ZPOS) { printf("+"); } printf(" %sx^%d ", buf, x); } } if (mp_iszero(&(a->characteristic)) == MP_NO) { mp_toradix(&(a->characteristic), buf, 10); printf(" (mod %s)", buf); } printf("\n"); } int main(void) { mp_int chara; pb_poly a,b,c,d,e; mp_int aa,bb,cc,dd,ee; int res; mp_init(&chara); mp_init_multi(&aa,&bb,&cc,&dd,&ee,NULL); pb_init_size(&a, &chara, 32); pb_init_size(&b, &chara, 32); pb_init_size(&c, &chara, 32); pb_init_size(&d, &chara, 32); pb_init_size(&e, &chara, 32); /* a = 3x + 4 */ mp_set(&(a.terms[1]), 3); mp_set(&(a.terms[0]), 4); a.used = 2; pb_clamp(&a); printf("a == \n"); draw_poly(&a); /* b = 7x^2 + 5x + 7 */ mp_set(&(b.terms[2]), 7); mp_set(&(b.terms[1]), 5); mp_set(&(b.terms[0]), 7); b.used = 3; pb_clamp(&b); printf("b == \n"); draw_poly(&b); /* c = a + b */ printf("a + b\n"); pb_add(&a, &b, &c); draw_poly(&c); /* c = b + a */ printf("b + a\n"); pb_add(&b, &a, &c); draw_poly(&c); /* now test clearing */ printf("Shifting previous up one\n"); pb_lshd(&c, 1); draw_poly(&c); pb_rshd(&c, 1); draw_poly(&c); pb_lshd(&c, 1); pb_add(&a, &b, &c); printf("previous add (test if excess cleared)\n"); draw_poly(&c); /* multiply */ printf("Multiply:\n"); draw_poly(&a); draw_poly(&b); pb_mul(&a, &b, &c); draw_poly(&c); /* subtract */ printf("a - b\n"); pb_sub(&a, &b, &c); draw_poly(&c); printf("b - a\n"); pb_sub(&b, &a, &c); draw_poly(&c); /* now hijack the char */ mp_set(&(a.characteristic), 17); mp_set(&(b.characteristic), 17); mp_set(&(c.characteristic), 17); mp_set(&(d.characteristic), 17); mp_set(&(e.characteristic), 17); /* perform modular addition */ printf("a + b (in GF(17))\n"); pb_add(&a, &b, &c); draw_poly(&c); pb_add(&b, &a, &c); draw_poly(&c); /* perform modular subtaction */ printf("a - b (in GF(17))\n"); pb_sub(&a, &b, &c); draw_poly(&c); printf("b - a (in GF(17))\n"); pb_sub(&b, &a, &c); draw_poly(&c); /* perform division */ printf("Division (b/a)\n"); pb_div(&b, &a, &c, &d); draw_poly(&a); draw_poly(&b); printf("Q == \n"); draw_poly(&c); printf("R == \n"); draw_poly(&d); /* now test it */ pb_mul(&a, &c, &c); pb_add(&c, &d, &c); printf("aQ + R =\n"); draw_poly(&c); /* test mod */ pb_mod(&b, &a, &c); printf("b mod a == "); draw_poly(&c); /* test GCD of (x^2 - 1) and 5*x^4+5*x^3+7*x^2+8*x+1 [should be x+1] */ printf("GCD Test\n"); pb_zero(&a); mp_set(&(a.terms[2]), 1); mp_set(&(a.terms[0]), 16); a.used = 3; pb_clamp(&a); printf("a == \n"); draw_poly(&a); pb_zero(&b); mp_set(&(b.terms[4]), 5); mp_set(&(b.terms[3]), 5); mp_set(&(b.terms[2]), 7); mp_set(&(b.terms[1]), 8); mp_set(&(b.terms[0]), 1); b.used = 6; pb_clamp(&b); printf("b == \n"); draw_poly(&b); pb_gcd(&a, &b, &c); printf("GCD: "); draw_poly(&c); /* test GCD */ pb_div(&a, &c, &d, &e); printf("a/c == "); draw_poly(&d); printf("a mod c == "); draw_poly(&e); pb_mul(&d, &c, &e); printf("should be a: "); draw_poly(&e); pb_div(&b, &c, &d, &e); printf("b/c == "); draw_poly(&d); printf("b mod c == "); draw_poly(&e); pb_mul(&d, &c, &e); printf("should be b: "); draw_poly(&e); /* test modular inverse... x^2 + 3 or so should work nice */ printf("Modular Inverse\n"); pb_zero(&a); mp_set(&(a.terms[2]), 1); mp_set(&(a.terms[1]), 0); mp_set(&(a.terms[0]), 3); a.used = 3; pb_clamp(&a); printf("a == \n"); draw_poly(&a); /* take inverse of 2x + 9 */ pb_zero(&b); mp_set(&(b.terms[1]), 2); mp_set(&(b.terms[0]), 9); b.used = 2; pb_clamp(&b); printf("b == \n"); draw_poly(&b); /* invert */ pb_invmod(&b, &a, &c); printf("Inverse\n"); draw_poly(&c); /* test */ pb_mulmod(&b, &c, &a, &d); pb_mul(&b, &c, &e); printf("This should be 1 : "); draw_poly(&d); printf("This should be equal to k*a + 1: "); draw_poly(&e); /* now b has order [dividing] 17^2 - 1 == 288 so b^287 should equal c */ printf("exptmod test\n"); mp_set(&aa, 287); pb_exptmod(&b, &aa, &a, &d); printf("This should be invmod : "); draw_poly(&d); /* test irreduc */ printf("Irreducibility testing\n"); pb_isirreduc(&a, &res); printf("This should be 1 : %d\n", res); pb_isirreduc(&b, &res); printf("This should be 0 : %d\n", res); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }