/*============================================================================= This file is part of FLINT. FLINT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FLINT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FLINT; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =============================================================================*/ /****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2011 Andy Novocin Copyright (C) 2011 Sebastian Pancratz ******************************************************************************/ #include <stdlib.h> #include "fmpz_poly.h" #define TRACE_ZASSENHAUS 0 /* Let $f$ be a polynomial of degree $m = \deg(f) \geq 2$. If another polynomial $g$ divides $f$ then, for all $0 \leq j \leq \deg(g)$, \begin{equation*} \abs{b_j} \leq \binom{n-1}{j} \abs{f} + \binom{n-1}{j-1} \abs{a_m} \end{equation*} where $\abs{f}$ denotes the $2$-norm of $f$. This bound is due to Mignotte, see e.g., Cohen p.\ 134. This function sets $B$ such that, for all $0 \leq j \leq \deg(g)$, $\abs{b_j} \leq B$. Consequently, when proceeding with Hensel lifting, we proceed to choose an $a$ such that $p^a \geq 2 B + 1$, e.g., $a = \ceil{\log_p(2B + 1)}$. Note that the formula degenerates for $j = 0$ and $j = n$ and so in this case we use that the leading (resp.\ constant) term of $g$ divides the leading (resp.\ constant) term of $f$. */ static void _fmpz_poly_factor_mignotte(fmpz_t B, const fmpz *f, slong m) { slong j; fmpz_t b, f2, lc, s, t; fmpz_init(b); fmpz_init(f2); fmpz_init(lc); fmpz_init(s); fmpz_init(t); for (j = 0; j <= m; j++) fmpz_addmul(f2, f + j, f + j); fmpz_sqrt(f2, f2); fmpz_add_ui(f2, f2, 1); fmpz_abs(lc, f + m); fmpz_abs(B, f + 0); /* We have $b = \binom{m-1}{j-1}$ on loop entry and $b = \binom{m-1}{j}$ on exit. */ fmpz_set_ui(b, m-1); for (j = 1; j < m; j++) { fmpz_mul(t, b, lc); fmpz_mul_ui(b, b, m - j); fmpz_divexact_ui(b, b, j); fmpz_mul(s, b, f2); fmpz_add(s, s, t); if (fmpz_cmp(B, s) < 0) fmpz_set(B, s); } if (fmpz_cmp(B, lc) < 0) fmpz_set(B, lc); fmpz_clear(b); fmpz_clear(f2); fmpz_clear(lc); fmpz_clear(s); fmpz_clear(t); } static void fmpz_poly_factor_mignotte(fmpz_t B, const fmpz_poly_t f) { _fmpz_poly_factor_mignotte(B, f->coeffs, f->length - 1); } void _fmpz_poly_factor_zassenhaus(fmpz_poly_factor_t final_fac, slong exp, const fmpz_poly_t f, slong cutoff) { const slong lenF = f->length; #if TRACE_ZASSENHAUS == 1 flint_printf("\n[Zassenhaus]\n"); flint_printf("|f = "), fmpz_poly_print(f), flint_printf("\n"); #endif if (lenF == 2) { fmpz_poly_factor_insert(final_fac, f, exp); } else { slong i; slong r = lenF; mp_limb_t p = 2; nmod_poly_t d, g, t; nmod_poly_factor_t fac; nmod_poly_factor_init(fac); nmod_poly_init_preinv(t, 1, 0); nmod_poly_init_preinv(d, 1, 0); nmod_poly_init_preinv(g, 1, 0); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for ( ; ; p = n_nextprime(p, 0)) { nmod_t mod; nmod_init(&mod, p); d->mod = mod; g->mod = mod; t->mod = mod; fmpz_poly_get_nmod_poly(t, f); if (t->length == lenF) { nmod_poly_derivative(d, t); nmod_poly_gcd(g, t, d); if (nmod_poly_is_one(g)) { nmod_poly_factor_t temp_fac; nmod_poly_factor_init(temp_fac); nmod_poly_factor(temp_fac, t); if (temp_fac->num <= r) { r = temp_fac->num; nmod_poly_factor_set(fac, temp_fac); } nmod_poly_factor_clear(temp_fac); break; } } } p = n_nextprime(p, 0); } nmod_poly_clear(d); nmod_poly_clear(g); nmod_poly_clear(t); if (r > cutoff) { flint_printf("Exception (fmpz_poly_factor_zassenhaus). r > cutoff.\n"); nmod_poly_factor_clear(fac); abort(); } else if (r == 1) { fmpz_poly_factor_insert(final_fac, f, exp); } else { slong a; fmpz_poly_factor_t lifted_fac; fmpz_poly_factor_init(lifted_fac); p = (fac->p + 0)->mod.n; { fmpz_t B; fmpz_init(B); fmpz_poly_factor_mignotte(B, f); fmpz_mul_ui(B, B, 2); fmpz_add_ui(B, B, 1); a = fmpz_clog_ui(B, p); fmpz_clear(B); } /* TODO: Check if use_Hoeij_Novocin and try smaller a. */ fmpz_poly_hensel_lift_once(lifted_fac, f, fac, a); #if TRACE_ZASSENHAUS == 1 flint_printf("|p = %wd, a = %wd\n", p, a); flint_printf("|Pre hensel lift factorisation (nmod_poly):\n"); nmod_poly_factor_print(fac); flint_printf("|Post hensel lift factorisation (fmpz_poly):\n"); fmpz_poly_factor_print(lifted_fac); #endif /* Recombination */ { fmpz_t P; fmpz_init(P); fmpz_set_ui(P, p); fmpz_pow_ui(P, P, a); fmpz_poly_factor_zassenhaus_recombination(final_fac, lifted_fac, f, P, exp); fmpz_clear(P); } fmpz_poly_factor_clear(lifted_fac); } nmod_poly_factor_clear(fac); } } void fmpz_poly_factor_zassenhaus(fmpz_poly_factor_t fac, const fmpz_poly_t G) { const slong lenG = G->length; fmpz_poly_t g; if (lenG == 0) { fmpz_set_ui(&fac->c, 0); return; } if (lenG == 1) { fmpz_set(&fac->c, G->coeffs); return; } fmpz_poly_init(g); if (lenG == 2) { fmpz_poly_content(&fac->c, G); if (fmpz_sgn(fmpz_poly_lead(G)) < 0) fmpz_neg(&fac->c, &fac->c); fmpz_poly_scalar_divexact_fmpz(g, G, &fac->c); fmpz_poly_factor_insert(fac, g, 1); } else { slong j, k; fmpz_poly_factor_t sq_fr_fac; /* Does a presearch for a factor of form x^k */ for (k = 0; fmpz_is_zero(G->coeffs + k); k++) ; if (k != 0) { fmpz_poly_t t; fmpz_poly_init(t); fmpz_poly_set_coeff_ui(t, 1, 1); fmpz_poly_factor_insert(fac, t, k); fmpz_poly_clear(t); } fmpz_poly_shift_right(g, G, k); /* Could make other tests for x-1 or simple things maybe take advantage of the composition algorithm */ fmpz_poly_factor_init(sq_fr_fac); fmpz_poly_factor_squarefree(sq_fr_fac, g); fmpz_set(&fac->c, &sq_fr_fac->c); /* Factor each square-free part */ for (j = 0; j < sq_fr_fac->num; j++) _fmpz_poly_factor_zassenhaus(fac, sq_fr_fac->exp[j], sq_fr_fac->p + j, 10); fmpz_poly_factor_clear(sq_fr_fac); } fmpz_poly_clear(g); } #undef TRACE_ZASSENHAUS