/*============================================================================= This file is part of FLINT. FLINT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FLINT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FLINT; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =============================================================================*/ /****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013 Tom Bachmann ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "qadicxx.h" #include "flintxx/test/helpers.h" // This is a test in itself: used to not compile. #include "padic_polyxx.h" using namespace flint; void test_init() { qadicxx_ctx ctx(fmpzxx(5), 3, 10, 20, PADIC_TERSE); qadicxx a(ctx, 20); tassert(&a.get_qctx() == &ctx); tassert(a.prec() == 20); qadicxx c(a); tassert(a == c); qadicxx b(ctx, 30); tassert(&(a + b).estimate_ctx() == &ctx); tassert((a + b).prec() == 30); tassert((a + b).create_temporary().prec() == 30); qadicxx d((a + b).create_temporary()); tassert(&d.get_qctx() == &ctx); tassert(d.prec() == 30); qadicxx e(a + b); tassert(e.prec() == 30); tassert(qadicxx::zero(ctx).is_zero() && qadicxx::zero(ctx, 25).is_zero()); tassert(qadicxx::one(ctx).is_one() && qadicxx::one(ctx, 25).is_one()); qadicxx zero = qadicxx::zero(ctx); tassert((zero + zero).val() == 0); } void test_assignment() { qadicxx_ctx ctx(fmpzxx(5), 3, 10, 20, PADIC_TERSE); qadicxx a(ctx, 20), b(ctx, 20); a = 17u; tassert(a != b); b = 17u; tassert(a == b); } void test_conversion() { qadicxx_ctx ctx(fmpzxx(5), 3, 10, 20, PADIC_TERSE); frandxx state; padicxx p = padicxx::randtest(state, ctx.pctx()); qadicxx a = qadicxx::from_ground(ctx, p); tassert(a.to() == p); assert_exception(qadicxx::gen(ctx).to()); } void test_arithmetic() { qadicxx_ctx ctx(fmpzxx(5), 3, 10, 20, PADIC_TERSE); frandxx state; padicxx pa = padicxx::randtest(state, ctx.pctx()); padicxx pb = padicxx::randtest(state, ctx.pctx()); qadicxx qa = qadicxx::from_ground(ctx, pa); qadicxx qb = qadicxx::from_ground(ctx, pb); tassert((qa + qb).to() == pa + pb); tassert((qa - qb).to() == pa - pb); tassert((qa * qb).to() == pa * pb); tassert((-qa).to() == -pa); } void test_functions() { qadicxx_ctx ctx(fmpzxx(5), 3, 10, 20, PADIC_TERSE); frandxx state; padicxx pa = padicxx::randtest_not_zero(state, ctx.pctx()); padicxx pb(padicxx::randtest_int(state, ctx.pctx()) * padicxx::from_QQ(5*5*5, ctx.pctx())); qadicxx qa = qadicxx::from_ground(ctx, pa); qadicxx qb = qadicxx::from_ground(ctx, pb); qadicxx qc = qadicxx::randtest_val(state, 5, ctx); tassert(qa.inv().to() == pa.inv()); tassert(qc.pow(fmpzxx(3)) == qc*qc*qc); tassert(qb.exp().to() == pb.exp()); tassert(qc.exp() == qc.exp_rectangular()); tassert(qc.exp() == qc.exp_balanced()); tassert((qadicxx::one(ctx) + qb).log().to() == (padicxx::one(ctx.pctx()) + pb).log()); qc += qadicxx::one(ctx); tassert(qc.log() == qc.log_balanced()); qadicxx res(ctx, PADIC_DEFAULT_PREC); qadic_frobenius(res._qadic(), qc._qadic(), 3, ctx._ctx()); tassert(res == qc.frobenius(3)); qadic_teichmuller(res._qadic(), qc._qadic(), ctx._ctx()); tassert(res == qc.teichmuller()); padicxx resp(ctx.pctx(), PADIC_DEFAULT_PREC); qadic_trace(resp._padic(), qc._qadic(), ctx._ctx()); tassert(resp == qc.trace()); qadic_norm(resp._padic(), qc._qadic(), ctx._ctx()); tassert(resp == qc.norm()); tassert(qc.norm() == qc.norm_analytic()); tassert(qc.norm() == qc.norm_resultant()); } // test stuff which we should get automatically - references etc void test_extras() { qadicxx_ctx ctx(fmpzxx(5), 3, 10, 20, PADIC_TERSE); qadicxx a(ctx); qadicxx b(ctx);b = 3u; qadicxx_ref ar(a); qadicxx_srcref asr(a); tassert(a == ar && ar == asr); ar = 3u; tassert(a == b && asr == b); tassert(ar + asr == a + a); tassert(qadicxx(ar) == ar); tassert(qadicxx(asr) == ar); } void test_prec() { qadicxx_ctx ctx(fmpzxx(5), 3, 10, 20, PADIC_TERSE); qadicxx a(ctx, 5), b(ctx, 7); qadicxx_ref ar(a); qadicxx_srcref br(b); tassert((a + a).prec() == 5); tassert((a + ar).prec() == 5); tassert((a + b).prec() == 7); tassert((a + br).prec() == 7); tassert((a.toN(15) + br.toN(10)).prec() == 15); } void test_printing() { qadicxx_ctx ctx(fmpzxx(5), 3, 10, 20, PADIC_TERSE); if(0) print(ctx); // make sure this compiles tassert_fprint_pretty(qadicxx::gen(ctx).pow(fmpzxx(2)), "x^2"); } int main() { std::cout << "qadicxx...."; test_init(); test_assignment(); test_conversion(); test_arithmetic(); test_functions(); test_extras(); test_prec(); test_printing(); std::cout << "PASS" << std::endl; return 0; }