/*============================================================================= This file is part of FLINT. FLINT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FLINT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FLINT; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =============================================================================*/ /****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013 Tom Bachmann ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "fmpq_matxx.h" #include "flintxx/test/helpers.h" using namespace flint; void test_init() { fmpq_matxx A(3, 4); tassert(A.rows() == 3 && A.cols() == 4); tassert(A.at(0, 0).is_zero()); A.at(0, 0) = 1; fmpq_matxx B(A); tassert(B.rows() == 3 && B.cols() == 4); tassert(B.at(0, 0).is_one()); B.at(0, 0) = 0; tassert(A.at(0, 0).is_one()); tassert(fmpq_matxx::zero(3, 4).is_zero()); fmpq_matxx eye = fmpq_matxx::one(4, 4); for(slong i = 0;i < eye.rows();++i) for(slong j = 0;j < eye.cols();++j) tassert(eye.at(i, j) == fmpqxx::integer(int(i == j))); } void test_assignment() { frandxx state; fmpz_matxx A = fmpz_matxx::randtest(3, 4, state, 10); fmpq_matxx Aq(A.rows(), A.cols()); Aq = A; tassert(Aq == fmpq_matxx::integer_matrix(A)); } void test_conversion() { frandxx state; fmpz_matxx A = fmpz_matxx::randtest(3, 4, state, 10); fmpq_matxx Aq = fmpq_matxx::integer_matrix(A); tassert(Aq.rows() == A.rows() && Aq.cols() == A.cols()); for(slong i = 0;i < A.rows();++i) for(slong j = 0;j < A.cols();++j) tassert(Aq.at(i, j) == fmpqxx::integer(A.at(i, j))); tassert(A == fmpz_matxx::from_integral_fraction(Aq)); Aq.at(0, 0) = fmpqxx::frac(1, 2); assert_exception(fmpz_matxx::from_integral_fraction(Aq)); tassert(Aq.numden_entrywise().get<0>().rows() == A.rows() && Aq.numden_entrywise().get<0>().cols() == A.cols() && Aq.numden_entrywise().get<1>().rows() == A.rows() && Aq.numden_entrywise().get<1>().cols() == A.cols()); tassert(Aq.numden_matwise().get<0>().rows() == A.rows() && Aq.numden_matwise().get<0>().cols() == A.cols()); tassert(Aq.numden_rowwise().get<0>().rows() == A.rows() && Aq.numden_rowwise().get<0>().cols() == A.cols() && Aq.numden_rowwise().get<1>().size() == A.rows()); tassert(Aq.numden_colwise().get<0>().rows() == A.rows() && Aq.numden_colwise().get<0>().cols() == A.cols() && Aq.numden_colwise().get<1>().size() == A.cols()); fmpz_matxx den(A.rows(), A.cols()); for(slong i = 0;i < A.rows();++i) for(slong j = 0;j < A.cols();++j) den.at(i, j) = 1u; den.at(0, 0) = 2u; A.at(0, 0) = 1; tassert(Aq.numden_entrywise() == ltupleref(A, den)); tassert(Aq.num_rowwise().at(0, 0) == 1); tassert(Aq.num_colwise().at(0, 0) == 1); tassert(Aq.numden_matwise().get<1>() == 2); fmpz_vecxx rowdens(A.rows()); rowdens[0] = 2; for(slong i = 1;i < A.rows();++i) rowdens[i] = 1; for(slong i = 1;i < A.cols();++i) A.at(0, i) *= 2; tassert(Aq.numden_rowwise() == ltupleref(A, rowdens)); tassert(Aq.numden_colwise().get<1>()[0] == 2); } template bool has_explicit_temporaries(const Expr&) { return Expr::ev_traits_t::rule_t::temporaries_t::len != 0; } void test_arithmetic() { fmpq_matxx A(10, 10); fmpq_matxx v(10, 1); for(int i = 0;i < 10;++i) v.at(i, 0) = i; fmpzxx two(2); tassert(transpose(v).rows() == 1); tassert(v.transpose().cols() == 10); tassert((two*v).rows() == 10); tassert((v*two).rows() == 10); tassert((v*transpose(v)).rows() == 10 && (v*transpose(v)).cols() == 10); tassert(!has_explicit_temporaries(trace(transpose(v)))); tassert(!has_explicit_temporaries(trace(A + v*transpose(v)))); tassert(!has_explicit_temporaries(A + v*transpose(v))); tassert(!has_explicit_temporaries(trace((v*transpose(v) + A)))); tassert(!has_explicit_temporaries(trace(v*transpose(v) + v*transpose(v)))); tassert(!has_explicit_temporaries(v*transpose(v) + v*transpose(v))); tassert(trace(transpose(v)).is_zero()); tassert(trace(A + v*transpose(v)) == fmpqxx(285, 1u)); tassert(trace(v*transpose(v) + A) == fmpqxx(285, 1u)); tassert(trace(v*transpose(v) + v*transpose(v)) == fmpqxx(2*285, 1u)); tassert(trace((A+A)*(two + two)).is_zero()); for(int i = 0;i < 10; ++i) for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) A.at(i, j) = i*j; tassert(A == v*transpose(v)); tassert(A != transpose(v)*v); A.at(0, 0) = 15; tassert(A != v*transpose(v)); A.at(0, 0) = 0; for(unsigned i = 0;i < 10; ++i) for(unsigned j = 0; j < 10; ++j) A.at(i, j) *= two; tassert(A == v*transpose(v) + v*transpose(v)); tassert(A - v*transpose(v) == v*transpose(v)); tassert(((-A) + A).is_zero()); tassert((A + A).at(0, 0) == A.at(0, 0) + A.at(0, 0)); tassert((A + A) == A*two); tassert((two*A) / two == A); frandxx state; A.set_randtest(state, 15); fmpz_matxx B(A.rows(), A.cols()); B.set_randtest(state, 15); fmpq_matxx C(A.rows(), A.cols()); for(slong i = 0;i < A.rows();++i) for(slong j = 0;j < A.cols();++j) C.at(i, j).num() = B.at(i, j); tassert(C*A == B*A && A*C == A*B); tassert(C.mul_direct(A) == C*A && C.mul_cleared(A) == C*A); } void test_functions() { fmpq_matxx A(2, 3), B(2, 2), empty(0, 15); B.at(0, 0) = 1; tassert(A.is_zero() && !A.is_empty() && !A.is_square()); tassert(!B.is_zero() == B.is_square()); tassert(empty.is_zero() && empty.is_empty()); // transpose tested in arithmetic // mul tested in arithmetic // trace tested in arithmetic tassert(hilbert_matrix(4, 6).rows() == 4); tassert(hilbert_matrix(4, 6).cols() == 6); A.set_hilbert_matrix(); fmpq_matxx H(hilbert_matrix(2, 3)); tassert(A == H); for(slong i = 0;i < A.rows();++i) for(slong j = 0;j < A.rows();++j) tassert(A.at(i, j).num() == 1 && A.at(i, j).den() == i + j + 1); tassert(A.is_integral() == false); frandxx rand; fmpz_matxx Bp(B.rows(), B.cols()); Bp.set_randtest(rand, 10); for(slong i = 0;i < B.rows();++i) for(slong j = 0;j < B.rows();++j) B.at(i, j) = fmpqxx(Bp.at(i, j), fmpzxx(1)); tassert(B.det().num() == Bp.det() && B.det().den() == 1); B.at(0, 0) = fmpqxx::randtest_not_zero(rand, 10); B.at(0, 1) = 0; B.at(1, 0) = fmpqxx::randtest(rand, 10); B.at(1, 1) = fmpqxx::randtest_not_zero(rand, 10); tassert(B*B.solve_fraction_free(A) == A); tassert(B*B.solve_dixon(A) == A); fmpq_matxx eye(B.rows(), B.cols()); for(slong i = 0;i < B.rows();++i) eye.at(i, i) = 1; tassert(B*B.inv() == eye); assert_exception(fmpq_matxx(2, 2).solve_fraction_free(A).evaluate()); assert_exception(fmpq_matxx(2, 2).solve_dixon(A).evaluate()); // make sure this compiles if(0) print(B); } void test_extras() { fmpq_matxx A(10, 10), B(10, 10); frandxx rand; A.set_randtest(rand, 15); B.set_randtest(rand, 15); A.at(0, 0) = B.at(0, 0) + fmpqxx(1, 1u); fmpq_matxx_srcref Asr(A); fmpq_matxx_ref Br(B); tassert((A + A) + (B + B) == (Asr + Asr) + (Br + Br)); Br = Asr; tassert(A == B); fmpq_matxx C(Asr); tassert(C == A); C.at(0, 0) += fmpqxx(2, 1u); tassert(C != A); } void test_randomisation() { frandxx rand; fmpq_matxx A(2, 2); A.set_randbits(rand, 5); tassert(height(A.at(0, 0)) <= 31); A.set_randtest(rand, 5); tassert(height(A.at(0, 0)) <= 31); frandxx rand2, rand3; A.set_randbits(rand2, 5); tassert(A == fmpq_matxx::randbits(2, 2, rand3, 5)); A.set_randtest(rand2, 5); tassert(A == fmpq_matxx::randtest(2, 2, rand3, 5)); } void test_reduction_reconstruction() { fmpq_matxx A(4, 7); frandxx state; A.set_randtest(state, 4); fmpzxx M(UWORD(123457891)); fmpz_matxx Ar = fmpz_matxx::reduce(A, M); tassert(Ar.rows() == A.rows() && Ar.cols() == A.cols()); for(slong i = 0;i < A.rows();++i) for(slong j = 0;j < A.cols();++j) tassert(Ar.at(i, j) == A.at(i, j) % M); tassert(A == fmpq_matxx::reconstruct(Ar, M)); // TODO test exception } void test_row_reduction() { frandxx state; fmpq_matxx A = fmpq_matxx::randtest(5, 5, state, 15); slong rank1, rank2; permxx p1(5), p2(5); fmpq_matxx res1(A.rows(), A.cols()), res2(A.rows(), A.cols()); fmpq_matxx B(A); tassert(B.pivot(1, 1, &p1) == fmpq_mat_pivot(p1._data(), A._mat(), 1, 1)); tassert(A == B); ltupleref(rank1, res1) = rref(A); rank2 = fmpq_mat_rref(res2._mat(), A._mat()); tassert(rank1 == rank2 && res1 == res2); tassert(rref_classical(A) == rref(A) && rref_fraction_free(A) == rref(A)); } void test_unified_access() { fmpq_matxx A(2, 2); const fmpq_matxx& Ar = A; const fmpq_matxx_ref Ar2(A); Ar2.at(0, 0) = fmpqxx::one(); tassert(Ar.at(0, 0).is_one()); } int main() { std::cout << "fmpq_matxx...."; test_init(); test_assignment(); test_conversion(); test_arithmetic(); test_functions(); test_extras(); test_randomisation(); test_reduction_reconstruction(); test_row_reduction(); test_unified_access(); std::cout << "PASS" << std::endl; return 0; }