#!/bin/bash cd "$HOME" git config --global user.email "travis@travis-ci.org" git config --global user.name "travis-ci" git clone --branch=gh-pages https://${GH_TOKEN}@github.com/hasufell/pqc gh-pages || exit 1 # C docs cd gh-pages || exit 1 echo "Removing old C docs." git rm -rf . echo "Adding new C docs." cp -rf "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR"/doxygen/html/* . || exit 1 git add * if [[ -e ./index.html ]] ; then echo "Commiting docs." git commit -m "Lastest doxygen docs updated travis build: $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER commit: $TRAVIS_COMMIT auto-pushed to gh-pages" git push origin gh-pages echo "Published docs to gh-pages." else echo "Error docs are empty." exit 1 fi