BUILD: add external libtompoly library

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hasufell 2014-04-14 22:22:07 +02:00
parent 5222ae9c33
commit 166effad36
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 220CD1C5BDEED020
40 changed files with 2507 additions and 0 deletions

external/libtompoly-0.04/LICENSE vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
LibTomPoly is hereby placed in the Public Domain.
-- Tom St Denis

external/libtompoly-0.04/changes.txt vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
May 5th, 2004
v0.04 - Fixed a bug in pb_monic() which for zero valued inputs could cause a segfault
- Daniel Richards ( found several typos in the manual.
- Fixed bug in pb_shrink() that would leak memory
Jan 25th, 2004
v0.03 - Added pb_rawsize(), pb_readraw(), pb_toraw()
- Fixed bug in pb_monic() where it would only check the first [not leading] coefficient for one
Jan 3rd, 2004
v0.02 - Update pb_div() to shift r(x) after multplying it wit b(x) to save a bit of time
- improved pb_gcd() to handle inputs which are zero
- Added pb_shrink()
- fixed pb_invmod()
- added pb_exteuclid() [back ported that code into LTM... hehehe]
- added pb_exptmod() [this led me to find a bug in LTM!!!]
- added pb_monic()
- added pb_isirreduc()
- Some minor additions to test/documentation
Dec 31st, 2003
v0.01 ++ thanks goes to Martin Marcel, Greg Rose and Colin Percival for providing some missing knowledge and
helping me get this release going
- Initial release.

external/libtompoly-0.04/demo/demo.c vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
#include <tompoly.h>
void draw_poly(pb_poly *a)
int x;
char buf[8192];
if (a->used == 0) {
} else {
for (x = a->used - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
if (mp_iszero(&(a->terms[x])) == MP_YES) continue;
mp_toradix(&(a->terms[x]), buf, 10);
if ((x != a->used - 1) && a->terms[x].sign == MP_ZPOS) {
printf(" %sx^%d ", buf, x);
if (mp_iszero(&(a->characteristic)) == MP_NO) {
mp_toradix(&(a->characteristic), buf, 10);
printf(" (mod %s)", buf);
int main(void)
mp_int chara;
pb_poly a,b,c,d,e;
mp_int aa,bb,cc,dd,ee;
int res;
pb_init_size(&a, &chara, 32);
pb_init_size(&b, &chara, 32);
pb_init_size(&c, &chara, 32);
pb_init_size(&d, &chara, 32);
pb_init_size(&e, &chara, 32);
/* a = 3x + 4 */
mp_set(&(a.terms[1]), 3);
mp_set(&(a.terms[0]), 4);
a.used = 2;
printf("a == \n");
/* b = 7x^2 + 5x + 7 */
mp_set(&(b.terms[2]), 7);
mp_set(&(b.terms[1]), 5);
mp_set(&(b.terms[0]), 7);
b.used = 3;
printf("b == \n");
/* c = a + b */
printf("a + b\n");
pb_add(&a, &b, &c);
/* c = b + a */
printf("b + a\n");
pb_add(&b, &a, &c);
/* now test clearing */
printf("Shifting previous up one\n");
pb_lshd(&c, 1);
pb_rshd(&c, 1);
pb_lshd(&c, 1);
pb_add(&a, &b, &c);
printf("previous add (test if excess cleared)\n");
/* multiply */
pb_mul(&a, &b, &c);
/* subtract */
printf("a - b\n");
pb_sub(&a, &b, &c);
printf("b - a\n");
pb_sub(&b, &a, &c);
/* now hijack the char */
mp_set(&(a.characteristic), 17);
mp_set(&(b.characteristic), 17);
mp_set(&(c.characteristic), 17);
mp_set(&(d.characteristic), 17);
mp_set(&(e.characteristic), 17);
/* perform modular addition */
printf("a + b (in GF(17))\n");
pb_add(&a, &b, &c);
pb_add(&b, &a, &c);
/* perform modular subtaction */
printf("a - b (in GF(17))\n");
pb_sub(&a, &b, &c);
printf("b - a (in GF(17))\n");
pb_sub(&b, &a, &c);
/* perform division */
printf("Division (b/a)\n");
pb_div(&b, &a, &c, &d);
printf("Q == \n"); draw_poly(&c);
printf("R == \n"); draw_poly(&d);
/* now test it */
pb_mul(&a, &c, &c);
pb_add(&c, &d, &c);
printf("aQ + R =\n"); draw_poly(&c);
/* test mod */
pb_mod(&b, &a, &c);
printf("b mod a == "); draw_poly(&c);
/* test GCD of (x^2 - 1) and 5*x^4+5*x^3+7*x^2+8*x+1 [should be x+1] */
printf("GCD Test\n");
mp_set(&(a.terms[2]), 1);
mp_set(&(a.terms[0]), 16);
a.used = 3;
printf("a == \n");
mp_set(&(b.terms[4]), 5);
mp_set(&(b.terms[3]), 5);
mp_set(&(b.terms[2]), 7);
mp_set(&(b.terms[1]), 8);
mp_set(&(b.terms[0]), 1);
b.used = 6;
printf("b == \n");
pb_gcd(&a, &b, &c);
printf("GCD: "); draw_poly(&c);
/* test GCD */
pb_div(&a, &c, &d, &e);
printf("a/c == "); draw_poly(&d); printf("a mod c == "); draw_poly(&e); pb_mul(&d, &c, &e); printf("should be a: "); draw_poly(&e);
pb_div(&b, &c, &d, &e);
printf("b/c == "); draw_poly(&d); printf("b mod c == "); draw_poly(&e); pb_mul(&d, &c, &e); printf("should be b: "); draw_poly(&e);
/* test modular inverse... x^2 + 3 or so should work nice */
printf("Modular Inverse\n");
mp_set(&(a.terms[2]), 1);
mp_set(&(a.terms[1]), 0);
mp_set(&(a.terms[0]), 3);
a.used = 3;
printf("a == \n");
/* take inverse of 2x + 9 */
mp_set(&(b.terms[1]), 2);
mp_set(&(b.terms[0]), 9);
b.used = 2;
printf("b == \n");
/* invert */
pb_invmod(&b, &a, &c);
/* test */
pb_mulmod(&b, &c, &a, &d);
pb_mul(&b, &c, &e);
printf("This should be 1 : "); draw_poly(&d);
printf("This should be equal to k*a + 1: "); draw_poly(&e);
/* now b has order [dividing] 17^2 - 1 == 288 so b^287 should equal c */
printf("exptmod test\n");
mp_set(&aa, 287);
pb_exptmod(&b, &aa, &a, &d);
printf("This should be invmod : "); draw_poly(&d);
/* test irreduc */
printf("Irreducibility testing\n");
pb_isirreduc(&a, &res);
printf("This should be 1 : %d\n", res);
pb_isirreduc(&b, &res);
printf("This should be 0 : %d\n", res);

external/libtompoly-0.04/makefile vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
#Makefile for GCC by Tom St Denis
CFLAGS += -fPIC -I. -Os -Wall -W
#default files to install
#LIBPATH-The directory for libtomcrypt to be installed to.
#INCPATH-The directory to install the header files for libtommath.
#DATAPATH-The directory to install the pdf docs.
default: libtompoly.a
OBJECTS = pb_init.o pb_clear.o pb_init_size.o pb_grow.o pb_copy.o pb_clamp.o pb_init_copy.o \
pb_add.o pb_sub.o pb_mul.o pb_div.o pb_zero.o pb_lshd.o pb_rshd.o pb_exch.o pb_mod.o \
pb_addmod.o pb_submod.o pb_mulmod.o pb_gcd.o pb_init_multi.o pb_clear_multi.o pb_invmod.o \
pb_cmp.o pb_shrink.o pb_exteuclid.o pb_monic.o pb_exptmod.o pb_isirreduc.o pb_rawsize.o \
pb_toraw.o pb_readraw.o
libtompoly.a: $(OBJECTS)
ar $(ARFLAGS) libtompoly.a $(OBJECTS)
install: libtompoly.a
install -d -g root -o root $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
install -d -g root -o root $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
install -g root -o root $(LIBNAME) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)
install -g root -o root $(HEADERS) $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
demo: demo/demo.o libtompoly.a
gcc demo/demo.o libtompoly.a -ltommath -o pbdemo
mandvi: pb.tex
echo "hello" > pb.ind
latex pb > /dev/null
latex pb > /dev/null
makeindex pb
latex pb > /dev/null
manual: mandvi
pdflatex pb >/dev/null
rm -f *.o *.a *.obj *.lib *.exe pbdemo demo/*.o demo/*.obj demo/*.exe
rm -f *.idx *.ilg *.ind *.lof *.out *.toc *.dvi *.log *.aux
zipup: manual clean
cd .. ; rm -rf ltp* libtompoly-$(VERSION) ; mkdir libtompoly-$(VERSION) ; \
cp -R ./libtompoly/* ./libtompoly-$(VERSION)/ ; \
tar -c libtompoly-$(VERSION)/* | bzip2 -9vvc > ltp-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 ; \
zip -9 -r ltp-$(VERSION).zip libtompoly-$(VERSION)/*

external/libtompoly-0.04/makefile.msvc vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#Makefile for MSVC by Tom St Denis
CFLAGS = /W3 /Ox /I.
default: tompoly.lib
OBJECTS = pb_init.obj pb_clear.obj pb_init_size.obj pb_grow.obj pb_copy.obj pb_clamp.obj pb_init_copy.obj \
pb_add.obj pb_sub.obj pb_mul.obj pb_div.obj pb_zero.obj pb_lshd.obj pb_rshd.obj pb_exch.obj pb_mod.obj \
pb_addmod.obj pb_submod.obj pb_mulmod.obj pb_gcd.obj pb_init_multi.obj pb_clear_multi.obj pb_invmod.obj \
pb_cmp.obj pb_shrink.obj pb_exteuclid.obj pb_monic.obj pb_exptmod.obj pb_isirreduc.obj pb_rawsize.obj \
pb_toraw.obj pb_readraw.obj
tompoly.lib: $(OBJECTS)
lib /out:tompoly.lib $(OBJECTS)
demo: demo/demo.obj tompoly.lib
cl demo.obj tompoly.lib tommath.lib

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb.pdf vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb.tex vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
\def\getsrandom{\stackrel{\rm R}{\gets}}
\def\cat{\hspace{0.5em} \| \hspace{0.5em}}
\def\divides{\hspace{0.3em} | \hspace{0.3em}}
\def\approx{\raisebox{0.2ex}{\mbox{\small $\sim$}}}
\def\lcm{{\rm lcm}}
\def\gcd{{\rm gcd}}
\def\log{{\rm log}}
\def\ord{{\rm ord}}
\def\abs{{\mathit abs}}
\def\rep{{\mathit rep}}
\def\mod{{\mathit\ mod\ }}
\renewcommand{\pmod}[1]{\ ({\rm mod\ }{#1})}
\def\Or{{\rm\ or\ }}
\def\And{{\rm\ and\ }}
\def\undefined{{\rm ``undefined"}}
\def\Proof{\vspace{1ex}\noindent {\bf Proof:}\hspace{1em}}
\def\Pr{{\rm Pr}}
\def\F{{\mathbb F}}
\def\N{{\mathbb N}}
\def\Z{{\mathbb Z}}
\def\R{{\mathbb R}}
\def\C{{\mathbb C}}
\def\Q{{\mathbb Q}}
\def\twiddle{\raisebox{0.3ex}{\mbox{\tiny $\sim$}}}
\title{LibTomPoly User Manual \\ v0.04}
\author{Tom St Denis \\}
This text and library are hereby placed in the public domain. This book has been
formatted for B5 [176x250] paper using the \LaTeX{} {\em book} macro package.
\begin{flushright}Open Source. Open Academia. Open Minds.
\mbox{ }
Tom St Denis,
Ontario, Canada
\section{What is LibTomPoly?}
LibTomPoly is a public domain open source library to provide polynomial basis arithmetic. It uses the public domain
library LibTomMath (not included) for the integer arithmetic and extends the functonality to provide polynomial arithmetic.
Technically speaking the library allows the user to perform arithmetic on elements from the group $GF(p)[x]$ and to
a lesser extent (this will change in the future) over $\Z[x]$. Essentially the math you can do with integers (including
forming rings and fields) you can do with with polynomials and now you can do with LibTomPoly.
LibTomPoly is public domain. Enjoy.
Throughout this manual and within the library there will be some terminology that not everyone is familiar with. It is afterall
weird math.
\hline \textbf{Term} & \textbf{Definition} \\
\hline monic polynomial & A polynomial where the leading coefficient is a one. \\
\hline irreducible polynomial & A polynomial that has no factors in a given group. \\
& For instance, $x^2 + 4$ is irreducible in $\Z[x]$ but not \\
& in $GF(17)[x]$ since $x^2 + 4 = (x+8)(x+9) \mbox{ (mod }17\mbox{)}$. \\
\hline primitive polynomial & An irreducible polynomial which generates all of \\
& elements of a given field (e.g. $GF(p)[x]/v(x)$) \\
\hline characteristic & An integer $k$ such that $k \cdot p(x) \equiv 0$ \\
\hline deg() & Functon returns degree of polynomial, e.g. deg($x^6 + x^3 + 1$) = 6 \\
\section{Building the Library}
The library is not ready for production yet but you can test out the library manually if you want. To build the library
simply type
Which will build ``libtompoly.a''. To build a Win32 library with MSVC type
nmake -f makefile.msvc
To build against this library include ``tompoly.h'' and link against ``libtompoly.a'' (or tommath.lib as appropriate).
To build the included demo type
make demo
Which will build ``demo'' in the current directory. The demo is not interactive and produces results which must be manually
\chapter{Getting Started}
\section{The LibTomMath Connection}
LibTomPoly is really just an extension of LibTomMath\footnote{\url{}}. As such the library has
been designed in much the same way as far as argument passing and error handling events are concerned. The reader is
encouraged to become familiar with LibTomMath before diving into LibTomPoly.
\section{The pb\_poly structure}
A polynomial can characterized by a few variables. Given the C structure as follows
typedef struct \{
int used, /* number of terms */
alloc; /* number of terms available (total) */
mp_int characteristic, /* characteristic, zero if not finite */
*terms; /* terms of polynomial */
\} pb_poly;
\item The \textbf{used} member indicates how many terms of the \textbf{terms} array are used to represent the polynomial.
\item The \textbf{alloc} member indicates the size of the \textbf{terms} array. Also note that even if \textbf{used}
is less than \textbf{alloc} the mp\_ints above \textbf{used} in the array must be set to a valid representation
of zero.
\item The \textbf{characteristic} member is an mp\_int representing the characteristic of the polynomial. If the desire is to
have a null characteristic (e.g. $\Z[x]$) this element must still be initialized to a valid representation
of zero.
\item The \textbf{terms} member is a dynamically sized array of mp\_int values which represent the coefficients for
the terms of the polynomial. They start from least to most significant degree. E.g. $p(x) = \sum_{i=0}^{used-1} terms_i \cdot x^i$.
\section{Return Codes}
The library uses the return codes from LibTomMath. They are
\hline \textbf{Code} & \textbf{Meaning} \\
\hline MP\_OKAY & The function succeeded. \\
\hline MP\_VAL & The function input was invalid. \\
\hline MP\_MEM & Heap memory exhausted. \\
\hline &\\
\hline MP\_YES & Response is yes. \\
\hline MP\_NO & Response is no. \\
\caption{Return Codes}
\section{Function Argument Passing}
Just like LibTomMath the arguments are meant to be read left to right where the destination is on the right. Consider
the following.
pb_add(a, b, c); /* c = a + b */
pb_mul(a, b, c); /* c = a * b */
Also like LibTomMath input arguments can be specified as output arguments. Consider.
pb_mul(a, b, a); /* a = a * b */
pb_gcd(a, b, b); /* b = (a, b) */
However, polynomial math raises another consideration. The characteristic of the result is taken from the right most
argument passed to the function. Not all functions will return an error code if the characteristics of the inputs
do not match so it's important to keep this in mind. In general the results are undefined if not all of the polynomials
have identical characteristics.
\section{Initializing Polynomials}
In order to use a pb\_poly structure with one of the functions in this library the structure must be initialized.
There are three functions provided to initialize pb\_poly structures.
\subsection{Default Initialization}
int pb_init(pb_poly *a, mp_int *characteristic);
This will initialize ``a'' with the given ``characteristic'' such that the polynomial represented is a constant zero.
The mp\_int characteristic must be a valid initialized mp\_int even if a characteristic of zero is desired. By default,
the polynomial will be initialized so there are ``PB\_TERMS'' terms available. This will grow automatically as required
by the other functions.
\subsection{Initilization of Given Size}
int pb_init_size(pb_poly *a, mp_int *characteristic, int size);
This behaves similar to pb\_init() except it will allocate ``size'' terms to initialize instead of ``PB\_TERMS''. This
is useful if you happen to know in advance how many terms you want.
\subsection{Initilization of a Copy}
int pb_init_copy(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b);
This will initialize ``a'' so it is a verbatim copy of ``b''. It will copy the characteristic and all of the terms
from ``b'' into ``a''.
\subsection{Freeing a Polynomial}
int pb_clear(pb_poly *a);
This will free all the memory required by ``a'' and mark it as been freed. You can repeatedly pb\_clear() the same
pb\_poly safely.
\chapter{Basic Operations}
Comparisions with polynomials is a bit less intuitive then with integers. Is $x^2 + 3$ greater than $x^2 + x + 4$? To
create a rational form of comparison the following comparison codes were designed.
\hline \textbf{Code} & \textbf{Meaning} \\
\hline PB\_EQ & The polynomials are exactly equal \\
\hline PB\_DEG\_LT & The left polynomial has a lower degree than the right. \\
\hline PB\_DEG\_EQ & Both have the same degree. \\
\hline PB\_DEG\_GT & The left polynomial has a higher degree than the right. \\
\caption{Compare Codes}
int pb_cmp(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b);
This will compare the polynomial ``a'' to the left of the polynomial ``b''. It will return one of the four
codes listed above. Note that the function does not compare the characteristics. So if $a \in GF(17)[x]$ and
$b \in GF(11)[x]$ were both equal to $x^2 + 3$ they would compare to PB\_EQ. Whereas $x^3 + 4$
would compare to PB\_DEG\_LT, $x^1 + 7$ would compare to $PB\_DEG\_GT$ and $x^2 + 7$ would compare to $PB\_DEG\_EQ$\footnote{If the polynomial $a$ were on the left for all three cases.}.
\section{Copying and Swapping}
int pb_copy(pb_poly *src, pb_poly *dest);
This will copy the polynomial from ``src'' to ``dest'' verbatim.
int pb_exch(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b);
This will exchange the contents of ``a'' with ``b''.
\section{Multiplying and Dividing by $x$}
\index{pb\_lshd} \index{pb\_rshd}
int pb_lshd(pb_poly *a, int i);
int pb_rshd(pb_poly *a, int i);
These will multiply (or divide, respectfully) the polynomial ``a'' by $x^i$. If $i \le 0$ the functions return without
performing any operation. For example,
pb_lshd(a, 2); /* a(x) = a(x) * x^2 */
pb_rshd(a, 7); /* a(x) = a(x) / x^7 */
\chapter{Basic Arithmetic}
\section{Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication}
\index{pb\_add} \index{pb\_sub}
int pb_add(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c);
int pb_sub(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c);
int pb_mul(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c);
These will add (subtract or multiply, respectfully) the polynomial ``a'' and polynomial ``b'' and store the result in
polynomial ``c''. The characteristic from ``c'' is used to calculate the result. Note that the coefficients of ``c''
will always be positive provided the characteristic of ``c'' is greater than zero.
Quick examples of usage.
pb_add(a, b, c); /* c = a + b */
pb_sub(b, a, c); /* c = b - a */
pb_mul(c, a, a); /* a = c * a */
int pb_div(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c, pb_poly *d);
This will divide the polynomial ``a'' by ``b'' and store the quotient in ``c'' and remainder in ``d''. That is
b(x) \cdot c(x) + d(x) = a(x)
The value of $deg(d(x))$ is always less than $deg(b(x))$. Either of ``c'' and ``d'' can be set to \textbf{NULL} to
signify their value is not desired. This is useful if you only want the quotient or remainder but not both.
Since one of the destinations can be \textbf{NULL} the characteristic of the result is taken from ``b''. The function
will return an error if the characteristic of ``a'' differs from that of ``b''.
This function is defined for polynomials in $GF(p)[x]$ only. A routine pb\_zdiv()\footnote{To be written!} allows the
division of polynomials in $\Z[x]$.
\section{Modular Functions}
\index{pb\_addmod} \index{pb\_submod} \index{pb\_mulmod}
int pb_addmod(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c, pb_poly *d);
int pb_submod(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c, pb_poly *d);
int pb_mulmod(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c, pb_poly *d);
These add (subtract or multiply respectfully) the polynomial ``a'' and the polynomial ``b'' modulo the polynomial ``c''
and store the result in the polynomial ``d''.
\chapter{Algebraic Functions}
\section{Monic Reductions}
int pb_monic(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b)
Makes ``b'' the monic representation of ``a'' by ensuring the most significant coefficient is one. Only defined
over $GF(p)[x]$. Note that this is not a straight copy to ``b'' so you must ensure the characteristic of the two
are equal before you call the function\footnote{Note that $a == b$ is acceptable as well.}. Monic polynomials
are related to their original polynomial through an integer $k$ as follows
a(x) \cdot k^{-1} \equiv b(x)
\section{Extended Euclidean Algorithm}
int pb_exteuclid(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b,
pb_poly *U1, pb_poly *U2, pb_poly *U3);
This will compute the Euclidean algorithm and find values ``U1'', ``U2'', ``U3'' such that
a(x) \cdot U1(x) + b(x) \cdot U2(x) = U3(x)
The value of ``U3'' is reduced to a monic polynomial. The three destination variables are all optional and can
be specified as \textbf{NULL} if they are not desired.
\section{Greatest Common Divisor}
int pb_gcd(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c);
This finds the monic greatest common divisor of the two polynomials ``a'' and ``b'' and store the result in ``c''. The
operation is only defined over $GF(p)[x]$.
\section{Modular Inverse}
int pb_invmod(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c);
This finds the modular inverse of ``a'' modulo ``b'' and stores the result in ``c''. The operation is only defined over
$GF(p)[x]$. If the operation succeed then the following congruency should hold true.
a(x)c(x) \equiv 1 \mbox{ (mod }b(x)\mbox{)}
\section{Modular Exponentiation}
int pb_exptmod (pb_poly * G, mp_int * X, pb_poly * P, pb_poly * Y);
This raise ``G'' to the power of ``X'' modulo ``P'' and stores the result in ``Y''. Or as a congruence
Y(x) \equiv G(x)^X \mbox{ (mod }P(x)\mbox{)}
Where ``X'' can be negative\footnote{But in that case $G^{-1}(x)$ must exist modulo $P(x)$.} or positive. This function
is only defined over $GF(p)[x]$.
\section{Irreducibility Testing}
int pb_isirreduc(pb_poly *a, int *res);
Sets ``res'' to MP\_YES if ``a'' is irreducible (only for $GF(p)[x]$) otherwise sets ``res'' to MP\_NO.

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_add.c vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
int pb_add(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c)
int err, x, y, z, characteristic;
pb_poly *tmp;
/* grow c to be the max size */
y = MAX(a->used, b->used);
if (c->alloc < y) {
if ((err = pb_grow(c, y)) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
/* do we need to concern char */
characteristic = mp_iszero(&(c->characteristic));
/* add the terms */
z = MIN(a->used, b->used);
for (x = 0; x < z; x++) {
if ((err = mp_add(&(a->terms[x]), &(b->terms[x]), &(c->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
if (characteristic == MP_NO) {
if ((err = mp_mod(&(c->terms[x]), &(c->characteristic), &(c->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
/* excess digits? */
if (y != z) {
if (a->used == y) {
tmp = a;
} else {
tmp = b;
for (x = z; x < y; x++) {
if (characteristic == MP_NO) {
if ((err = mp_mod(&(tmp->terms[x]), &(c->characteristic), &(c->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
} else {
if ((err = mp_copy(&(tmp->terms[x]), &(c->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
/* zero excess */
for (x = y; x < c->used; x++) {
c->used = y;
return MP_OKAY;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_addmod.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
int pb_addmod(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c, pb_poly *d)
int err;
pb_poly tmp;
if ((err = pb_init(&tmp, &(d->characteristic))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
if ((err = pb_add(a, b, &tmp)) != MP_OKAY) {
goto __TMP;
if ((err = pb_mod(&tmp, c, d)) != MP_OKAY) {
goto __TMP;
err = MP_OKAY;
__TMP: pb_clear(&tmp);
return err;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_clamp.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
void pb_clamp(pb_poly *a)
while (a->used > 0 && (mp_iszero(&(a->terms[a->used-1])) == MP_YES)) {

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_clear.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
void pb_clear(pb_poly *a)
int x;
if (a->terms != NULL) {
/* free stuff */
for (x = 0; x < a->alloc; x++) {
/* prevent double frees */
a->terms = NULL;
a->alloc = a->used = 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
void pb_clear_multi(pb_poly *mp, ...)
pb_poly* next_mp = mp;
va_list args;
va_start(args, mp);
while (next_mp != NULL) {
next_mp = va_arg(args, pb_poly*);

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_cmp.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
int pb_cmp(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b)
int x;
if (a->used > b->used) {
return PB_DEG_GT;
} else if (a->used < b->used) {
return PB_DEG_LT;
for (x = 0; x < a->used; x++) {
if (mp_cmp(&(a->terms[x]), &(b->terms[x])) != MP_EQ) {
return PB_DEG_EQ;
return PB_EQ;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_copy.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
/* dest = src */
int pb_copy(pb_poly *src, pb_poly *dest)
int err, x;
/* avoid trivial copies */
if (src == dest) {
return MP_OKAY;
/* grow dest as required */
if (dest->alloc < src->used) {
if ((err = pb_grow(dest, src->used)) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
/* set the characteristic */
if ((err = mp_copy(&(src->characteristic), &(dest->characteristic))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
/* copy digits */
for (x = 0; x < src->used; x++) {
if ((err = mp_copy(&(src->terms[x]), &(dest->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
/* zero excess digits */
for (x = src->used; x < dest->used; x++) {
dest->used = src->used;
return MP_OKAY;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_div.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
/* Divides a by b (uses the char of b as the char of the result) only for
* polynomials over GF(p^k)[x]
int pb_div(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c, pb_poly *d)
int err, x;
pb_poly p, q, r;
mp_int tmp, tmp2;
/* if ||b|| > ||a|| it's a simple copy over */
if (b->used > a->used) {
if (d != NULL) {
pb_copy(a, d);
if (c != NULL) {
/* zero divisor */
if (b->used == 0) {
return MP_VAL;
/* compare chars */
if (mp_cmp(&(a->characteristic), &(b->characteristic)) != MP_EQ) {
return MP_VAL;
/* we don't support char zero! */
if (mp_iszero(&(b->characteristic)) == MP_YES) {
return MP_VAL;
/* get a copy of "a" to work with */
if ((err = pb_init_copy(&p, a)) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
/* init a temp quotient */
if ((err = pb_init_size(&q, &(b->characteristic), a->used - b->used + 1)) != MP_OKAY) {
goto __P;
/* init a temp polynomial we can work with */
if ((err = pb_init_size(&r, &(b->characteristic), a->used)) != MP_OKAY) {
goto __Q;
/* now init an mp_int we can work with */
if ((err = mp_init(&tmp)) != MP_OKAY) {
goto __R;
/* and the inverse of the leading digit of b(x) */
if ((err = mp_init(&tmp2)) != MP_OKAY) {
goto __TMP;
if ((err = mp_invmod(&(b->terms[b->used - 1]), &(b->characteristic), &tmp2)) != MP_OKAY) {
goto __TMP2;
/* now let's reduce us some digits */
for (x = a->used - 1; x >= b->used-1; x--) {
/* skip zero digits */
if (mp_iszero(&(p.terms[x])) == MP_YES) {
/* now we have a leading digit of p(x), call it A
and a leading digit of b(x), call it B
Now we want to reduce it so we need A + CB = 0 which turns into
A + CB = 0
CB = -A
C = -A/B
So we multiply b(x) by C * x^k [where k = ||p(x)|| - ||b(x)||], add that to p(x) and
we must reduced one digit
/* multiply 1/B [tmp2] by A */
if ((err = mp_mulmod(&tmp2, &(p.terms[x]), &(b->characteristic), &tmp)) != MP_OKAY) { goto __TMP2; }
/* tmp is now a term of the quotient */
if ((err = mp_copy(&tmp, &(q.terms[x - b->used + 1]))) != MP_OKAY) { goto __TMP2; }
/* create r(x) = C */
if ((err = mp_copy(&tmp, &(r.terms[0]))) != MP_OKAY) { goto __TMP2; }
r.used = 1;
/* now multiply r(x) by b(x)*x^k and subtract from p(x) */
if ((err = pb_mul(b, &r, &r)) != MP_OKAY) { goto __TMP2; }
if ((err = pb_lshd(&r, x - b->used + 1)) != MP_OKAY) { goto __TMP2; }
if ((err = pb_sub(&p, &r, &p)) != MP_OKAY) { goto __TMP2; }
/* setup q properly (so q.used is valid) */
q.used = a->used;
/* ok so now p(x) is the remainder and q(x) is the quotient */
if (c != NULL) {
pb_exch(&q, c);
if (d != NULL) {
pb_exch(&p, d);
err = MP_OKAY;
__TMP2: mp_clear(&tmp2);
__TMP : mp_clear(&tmp);
__R : pb_clear(&r);
__Q : pb_clear(&q);
__P : pb_clear(&p);
return err;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_exch.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
void pb_exch(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b)
pb_poly tmp;
tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b = tmp;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_exptmod.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
#ifdef MP_LOW_MEM
#define TAB_SIZE 32
#define TAB_SIZE 256
int pb_exptmod (pb_poly * G, mp_int * X, pb_poly * P, pb_poly * Y)
pb_poly M[TAB_SIZE], res;
mp_digit buf;
int err, bitbuf, bitcpy, bitcnt, mode, digidx, x, y, winsize;
/* find window size */
x = mp_count_bits (X);
if (x <= 7) {
winsize = 2;
} else if (x <= 36) {
winsize = 3;
} else if (x <= 140) {
winsize = 4;
} else if (x <= 450) {
winsize = 5;
} else if (x <= 1303) {
winsize = 6;
} else if (x <= 3529) {
winsize = 7;
} else {
winsize = 8;
#ifdef MP_LOW_MEM
if (winsize > 5) {
winsize = 5;
/* init M array */
/* init first cell */
if ((err = pb_init(&M[1], &(Y->characteristic))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
/* now init the second half of the array */
for (x = 1<<(winsize-1); x < (1 << winsize); x++) {
if ((err = pb_init(&M[x], &(Y->characteristic))) != MP_OKAY) {
for (y = 1<<(winsize-1); y < x; y++) {
pb_clear (&M[y]);
return err;
/* create M table
* The M table contains powers of the base,
* e.g. M[x] = G**x mod P
* The first half of the table is not
* computed though accept for M[0] and M[1]
if (X->sign == MP_ZPOS) {
if ((err = pb_mod (G, P, &M[1])) != MP_OKAY) { goto __M; }
} else {
if ((err = pb_invmod(G, P, &M[1])) != MP_OKAY) { goto __M; }
/* compute the value at M[1<<(winsize-1)] by squaring
* M[1] (winsize-1) times
if ((err = pb_copy (&M[1], &M[1 << (winsize - 1)])) != MP_OKAY) { goto __M; }
for (x = 0; x < (winsize - 1); x++) {
if ((err = pb_mulmod (&M[1 << (winsize - 1)], &M[1 << (winsize - 1)],
P, &M[1 << (winsize - 1)])) != MP_OKAY) { goto __M; }
/* create upper table, that is M[x] = M[x-1] * M[1] (mod P)
* for x = (2**(winsize - 1) + 1) to (2**winsize - 1)
for (x = (1 << (winsize - 1)) + 1; x < (1 << winsize); x++) {
if ((err = pb_mulmod (&M[x - 1], &M[1], P, &M[x])) != MP_OKAY) { goto __M; }
/* setup result */
if ((err = pb_init (&res, &(Y->characteristic))) != MP_OKAY) { goto __M; }
mp_set (&(res.terms[0]), 1); res.used = 1;
/* set initial mode and bit cnt */
mode = 0;
bitcnt = 1;
buf = 0;
digidx = X->used - 1;
bitcpy = 0;
bitbuf = 0;
for (;;) {
/* grab next digit as required */
if (--bitcnt == 0) {
/* if digidx == -1 we are out of digits */
if (digidx == -1) {
/* read next digit and reset the bitcnt */
buf = X->dp[digidx--];
bitcnt = (int) DIGIT_BIT;
/* grab the next msb from the exponent */
y = (buf >> (mp_digit)(DIGIT_BIT - 1)) & 1;
buf <<= (mp_digit)1;
/* if the bit is zero and mode == 0 then we ignore it
* These represent the leading zero bits before the first 1 bit
* in the exponent. Technically this opt is not required but it
* does lower the # of trivial squaring/reductions used
if (mode == 0 && y == 0) {
/* if the bit is zero and mode == 1 then we square */
if (mode == 1 && y == 0) {
if ((err = pb_mulmod (&res, &res, P, &res)) != MP_OKAY) { goto __RES; }
/* else we add it to the window */
bitbuf |= (y << (winsize - ++bitcpy));
mode = 2;
if (bitcpy == winsize) {
/* ok window is filled so square as required and multiply */
/* square first */
for (x = 0; x < winsize; x++) {
if ((err = pb_mulmod (&res, &res, P, &res)) != MP_OKAY) { goto __RES; }
/* then multiply */
if ((err = pb_mulmod (&res, &M[bitbuf], P, &res)) != MP_OKAY) { goto __RES; }
/* empty window and reset */
bitcpy = 0;
bitbuf = 0;
mode = 1;
/* if bits remain then square/multiply */
if (mode == 2 && bitcpy > 0) {
/* square then multiply if the bit is set */
for (x = 0; x < bitcpy; x++) {
if ((err = pb_mulmod (&res, &res, P, &res)) != MP_OKAY) { goto __RES; }
bitbuf <<= 1;
if ((bitbuf & (1 << winsize)) != 0) {
/* then multiply */
if ((err = pb_mulmod (&res, &M[1], P, &res)) != MP_OKAY) { goto __RES; }
pb_exch (&res, Y);
err = MP_OKAY;
__RES:pb_clear (&res);
for (x = 1<<(winsize-1); x < (1 << winsize); x++) {
pb_clear (&M[x]);
return err;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_exteuclid.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
/* Extended euclidean algorithm of (a, b) produces
a*u1 + b*u2 = u3
int pb_exteuclid(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *U1, pb_poly *U2, pb_poly *U3)
pb_poly u1,u2,u3,v1,v2,v3,t1,t2,t3,q,tmp;
int err;
if ((err = pb_init_multi(&(b->characteristic),
&u1, &u2, &u3, &v1, &v2, &v3, &t1, &t2, &t3, &q, &tmp, NULL)) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
/* initialize, (u1,u2,u3) = (1,0,a) */
mp_set(&(u1.terms[0]), 1); u1.used = 1;
if ((err = pb_copy(a, &u3)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
/* initialize, (v1,v2,v3) = (0,1,b) */
mp_set(&(v2.terms[0]), 1); v2.used = 1;
if ((err = pb_copy(b, &v3)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
/* loop while v3 != 0 */
while (v3.used > 0) {
/* q = u3/v3 */
if ((err = pb_div(&u3, &v3, &q, NULL)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
/* (t1,t2,t3) = (u1,u2,u3) - (v1,v2,v3)q */
if ((err = pb_mul(&v1, &q, &tmp)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
if ((err = pb_sub(&u1, &tmp, &t1)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
if ((err = pb_mul(&v2, &q, &tmp)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
if ((err = pb_sub(&u2, &tmp, &t2)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
if ((err = pb_mul(&v3, &q, &tmp)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
if ((err = pb_sub(&u3, &tmp, &t3)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
/* (u1,u2,u3) = (v1,v2,v3) */
if ((err = pb_copy(&v1, &u1)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
if ((err = pb_copy(&v2, &u2)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
if ((err = pb_copy(&v3, &u3)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
/* (v1,v2,v3) = (t1,t2,t3) */
if ((err = pb_copy(&t1, &v1)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
if ((err = pb_copy(&t2, &v2)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
if ((err = pb_copy(&t3, &v3)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
/* reduce U3 to monic but we have to mangle all three to remain consistent */
if ((err = mp_copy(&(u3.terms[u3.used-1]), &(v1.terms[0]))) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
v1.used = 1;
/* copy result out */
if (U1 != NULL) { if ((err = pb_div(&u1, &v1, U1, NULL)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }}
if (U2 != NULL) { if ((err = pb_div(&u2, &v1, U2, NULL)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }}
if (U3 != NULL) { if ((err = pb_div(&u3, &v1, U3, NULL)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }}
err = MP_OKAY;
_ERR: pb_clear_multi(&u1, &u2, &u3, &v1, &v2, &v3, &t1, &t2, &t3, &q, &tmp, NULL);
return err;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_gcd.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
/* returns the monic GCD only for GF(p^k)[x] */
int pb_gcd(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c)
pb_poly A, B, tmp;
int err;
if (mp_iszero(&(c->characteristic)) == MP_YES) {
return MP_VAL;
/* special cases (one or both are zero) */
if (a->used == 0 && b->used == 0) {
/* both zero, set to 1 */
c->used = 1;
mp_set(&(c->terms[0]), 1);
return MP_OKAY;
} else if (a->used == 0) {
return pb_copy(b, c);
} else if (b->used == 0) {
return pb_copy(a, c);
if ((err = pb_init(&tmp, &(c->characteristic))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
if ((err = pb_init_copy(&A, a)) != MP_OKAY) {
goto __TMP;
if ((err = pb_init_copy(&B, b)) != MP_OKAY) {
goto __A;
while (B.used > 0) {
if ((err = pb_mod(&A, &B, &tmp)) != MP_OKAY) {
goto __B;
/* A = B, B = tmp */
if ((err = pb_copy(&B, &A)) != MP_OKAY) {
goto __B;
if ((err = pb_copy(&tmp, &B)) != MP_OKAY) {
goto __B;
/* ensure it's monic */
err = pb_monic(&A, c);
__B : pb_clear(&B);
__A : pb_clear(&A);
__TMP: pb_clear(&tmp);
return err;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_grow.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
int pb_grow(pb_poly *a, int size)
mp_int *tmp;
int x, err;
if (a->alloc < size) {
/* pad size upwards */
size += (PB_TERMS - (size % PB_TERMS));
/* regrow terms */
tmp = realloc(a->terms, sizeof(mp_int) * size);
if (tmp == NULL) {
return MP_MEM;
a->terms = tmp;
/* zero the new stuff (prevents mp_clear from double freeing) */
memset(a->terms + a->alloc, 0, (size - a->alloc) * sizeof(mp_int));
/* now init the terms */
for (x = a->alloc; x < size; x++) {
if ((err = mp_init(&(a->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
/* update info */
a->alloc = size;
return MP_OKAY;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_init.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
/* initialize a */
int pb_init(pb_poly *a, mp_int *characteristic)
int x, y, err;
/* init characteristic */
if ((err = mp_init_copy(&(a->characteristic), characteristic)) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
/* now allocate an array of mp_ints */
if ((a->terms = calloc(PB_TERMS, sizeof(mp_int))) == NULL) {
return MP_MEM;
/* now initialize them all */
for (x = 0; x < PB_TERMS; x++) {
if ((err = mp_init(&(a->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
/* free stuff */
for (y = 0; y < x; y++) {
return err;
/* set our parameters */
a->used = 0;
a->alloc = PB_TERMS;
return MP_OKAY;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_init_copy.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
int pb_init_copy(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b)
int err;
if ((err = pb_init(a, &(b->characteristic))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
return pb_copy(b, a);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
int pb_init_multi(mp_int *characteristic, pb_poly *pb, ...)
mp_err res = MP_OKAY; /* Assume ok until proven otherwise */
int n = 0; /* Number of ok inits */
pb_poly* cur_arg = pb;
va_list args;
va_start(args, pb); /* init args to next argument from caller */
while (cur_arg != NULL) {
if (pb_init(cur_arg, characteristic) != MP_OKAY) {
/* Oops - error! Back-track and mp_clear what we already
succeeded in init-ing, then return error.
va_list clean_args;
/* end the current list */
/* now start cleaning up */
cur_arg = pb;
va_start(clean_args, pb);
while (n--) {
cur_arg = va_arg(clean_args, pb_poly*);
res = MP_MEM;
cur_arg = va_arg(args, pb_poly*);
return res; /* Assumed ok, if error flagged above. */

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_init_size.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
/* initialize a */
int pb_init_size(pb_poly *a, mp_int *characteristic, int size)
int x, y, err;
/* enforce a minimum size */
if (size < 1) {
size = 1;
/* pad size upwards */
size += (PB_TERMS - (size % PB_TERMS));
/* init characteristic */
if ((err = mp_init_copy(&(a->characteristic), characteristic)) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
/* now allocate an array of mp_ints */
if ((a->terms = calloc(size, sizeof(mp_int))) == NULL) {
return MP_MEM;
/* now initialize them all */
for (x = 0; x < size; x++) {
if ((err = mp_init(&(a->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
/* free stuff */
for (y = 0; y < x; y++) {
return err;
/* set our parameters */
a->used = 0;
a->alloc = size;
return MP_OKAY;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_invmod.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
int pb_invmod(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c)
int err;
pb_poly tmp;
if ((err = pb_init(&tmp, &(c->characteristic))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
if ((err = pb_exteuclid(a, b, c, NULL, &tmp)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
/* if deg(tmp(x)) > 0 then there is no invmod */
if (tmp.used > 1) { err = MP_VAL; goto _ERR; }
err = MP_OKAY;
_ERR: pb_clear(&tmp);
return err;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_isirreduc.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
/* is a(x) irreducible? */
int pb_isirreduc(pb_poly *a, int *res)
pb_poly u, tmp, fm, d;
int err, i;
/* default to no */
*res = MP_NO;
/* init temps */
if ((err = pb_init_multi(&(a->characteristic),
&u, &tmp, &fm, &d, NULL)) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
/* fm = monic(a(x)) */
if ((err = pb_monic(a, &fm)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
/* u = x */
mp_set(&(u.terms[1]), 1); u.used = 2;
/* loop */
for (i = 1; i <= (a->used / 2); i++) {
/* u = u^p mod fm */
if ((err = pb_exptmod(&u, &(a->characteristic), &fm, &u)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
/* tmp = u - x */
mp_set(&(tmp.terms[1]), 1); tmp.used = 2;
if ((err = pb_sub(&u, &tmp, &tmp)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
/* d = gcd(fm, tmp) */
if ((err = pb_gcd(&fm, &tmp, &d)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
/* if d != 1 then reducible */
if (d.used > 1) { err = MP_OKAY; goto _ERR; }
/* irreducible */
*res = MP_YES;
err = MP_OKAY;
_ERR: pb_clear_multi(&u, &tmp, &fm, &d, NULL);
return err;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_lshd.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
int pb_lshd(pb_poly *a, int x)
int err, y;
if (x <= 0) {
return MP_OKAY;
/* grow as required */
if (a->alloc < (a->used + x)) {
if ((err = pb_grow(a, a->used + x)) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
/* shift */
for (y = a->used + x; y >= x; y--) {
mp_exch(&(a->terms[y-x]), &(a->terms[y]));
/* zero lower digits */
for (y = 0; y < x; y++) {
a->used += x;
return MP_OKAY;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_mod.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
int pb_mod(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c)
return pb_div(a, b, NULL, c);

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_monic.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
/* makes b equal to the monic polynomial form of a */
int pb_monic(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b)
mp_int tmp;
int err, x;
/* must be in GF(p)[x] */
if (mp_iszero(&(b->characteristic)) == MP_YES) {
return MP_VAL;
/* if it's already monic just copy */
if (a->used == 0 || mp_cmp_d(&(a->terms[a->used - 1]), 1) == MP_EQ) {
return pb_copy(a, b);
/* grow b to hold result */
if (b->alloc < a->used) {
if ((err = pb_grow(b, a->used)) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
/* now init tmp and find the inverse of the leading digit */
if ((err = mp_init(&tmp)) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
if ((err = mp_invmod(&(a->terms[a->used-1]), &(b->characteristic), &tmp)) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
/* now reduce each coefficient */
for (x = 0; x < a->used; x++) {
if ((err = mp_mulmod(&(a->terms[x]), &tmp, &(b->characteristic), &(b->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) { goto _ERR; }
/* zero excess digits */
for (x = a->used; x < b->used; x++) {
b->used = a->used;
err = MP_OKAY;
_ERR: mp_clear(&tmp);
return err;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_mul.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
int pb_mul(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c)
int err, x, y;
pb_poly tmp;
mp_int tmp2;
/* make temp */
if ((err = pb_init_size(&tmp, &(c->characteristic), a->used + b->used)) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
if ((err = mp_init(&tmp2)) != MP_OKAY) {
goto __TMP;
/* multiply the terms */
for (x = 0; x < a->used; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < b->used; y++) {
if ((err = mp_mul(&(a->terms[x]), &(b->terms[y]), &tmp2)) != MP_OKAY) {
goto __TMP2;
if ((err = mp_add(&tmp2, &(tmp.terms[x+y]), &(tmp.terms[x+y]))) != MP_OKAY) {
goto __TMP2;
/* now reduce the terms as required */
if (mp_iszero(&(c->characteristic)) == MP_NO) {
for (x = 0; x < (a->used + b->used); x++) {
if ((err = mp_mod(&(tmp.terms[x]), &(c->characteristic), &(tmp.terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
goto __TMP2;
/* set digit count */
tmp.used = a->used + b->used;
/* exchange tmp and c */
pb_exch(&tmp, c);
err = MP_OKAY;
__TMP2: mp_clear(&tmp2);
__TMP : pb_clear(&tmp);
return err;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_mulmod.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
int pb_mulmod(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c, pb_poly *d)
int err;
pb_poly tmp;
if ((err = pb_init(&tmp, &(d->characteristic))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
if ((err = pb_mul(a, b, &tmp)) != MP_OKAY) {
goto __TMP;
if ((err = pb_mod(&tmp, c, d)) != MP_OKAY) {
goto __TMP;
err = MP_OKAY;
__TMP: pb_clear(&tmp);
return err;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_rawsize.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
int pb_rawsize(pb_poly *a)
int x, y;
/* 2 bytes for # of coefficients */
y = 2;
/* characteristic */
y += 2 + mp_signed_bin_size(&(a->characteristic));
/* all of the terms */
for (x = 0; x < a->used; x++) {
y += 2 + mp_signed_bin_size(&(a->terms[x]));
return y;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_readraw.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
int pb_readraw(pb_poly *a, unsigned char *buf, int len)
int terms, x, y, z, err;
/* zero poly */
/* must be at least four bytes */
if (len < 4) {
return MP_VAL;
/* number of terms */
terms = ((unsigned)buf[0]) | ((unsigned)buf[1]<<8);
y = 2;
/* grow to the right size */
if (a->alloc < terms) {
if ((err = pb_grow(a, terms)) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
/* read characteristic */
z = ((unsigned)buf[y]) | ((unsigned)buf[y+1]<<8); y += 2;
if (z + y > len) { return MP_VAL; }
if ((err = mp_read_signed_bin(&(a->characteristic), buf+y, z)) != MP_OKAY) { return err; }
y += z;
/* read terms */
for (x = 0; x < terms; x++) {
z = ((unsigned)buf[y]) | ((unsigned)buf[y+1]<<8); y += 2;
if (z + y > len) { return MP_VAL; }
if ((err = mp_read_signed_bin(&(a->characteristic), buf+y, z)) != MP_OKAY) { return err; }
y += z;
return MP_OKAY;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_rshd.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
int pb_rshd(pb_poly *a, int x)
int y;
if (x >= a->used) {
return MP_OKAY;
if (x <= 0) {
return MP_OKAY;
for (y = x; y < a->used; y++) {
mp_exch(&(a->terms[y]), &(a->terms[y-x]));
for (y = a->used - x; y < a->used; y++) {
a->used -= x;
return MP_OKAY;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_shrink.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
int pb_shrink(pb_poly *a)
int err, x;
mp_int *tmp;
/* first resize the array of terms */
if (a->used != a->alloc && a->used > 0) {
/* free the mp_ints */
for (x = a->used; x < a->alloc; x++) {
/* resize the array of pointers */
tmp = realloc(a->terms, sizeof(mp_int) * a->used);
if (tmp == NULL) {
return MP_MEM;
a->terms = tmp;
a->alloc = a->used;
/* now shrink each mp_int */
for (x = 0; x < a->used; x++) {
if ((err = mp_shrink(&(a->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
return MP_OKAY;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_sub.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
int pb_sub(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c)
int neg, err, x, y, z, characteristic;
pb_poly *tmp;
/* grow c to be the max size */
y = MAX(a->used, b->used);
if (c->alloc < y) {
if ((err = pb_grow(c, y)) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
/* do we need to concern char */
characteristic = mp_iszero(&(c->characteristic));
/* sub the terms */
z = MIN(a->used, b->used);
for (x = 0; x < z; x++) {
if ((err = mp_sub(&(a->terms[x]), &(b->terms[x]), &(c->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
if (characteristic == MP_NO) {
if ((err = mp_mod(&(c->terms[x]), &(c->characteristic), &(c->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
/* excess digits? */
if (y != z) {
if (a->used == y) {
tmp = a;
neg = 0;
} else {
tmp = b;
neg = 1;
for (x = z; x < y; x++) {
if (characteristic == MP_NO) {
if ((err = mp_mod(&(tmp->terms[x]), &(c->characteristic), &(c->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
if (neg) {
if ((err = mp_sub(&(c->characteristic), &(c->terms[x]), &(c->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
} else {
if (neg) {
if ((err = mp_neg(&(tmp->terms[x]), &(c->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
} else {
if ((err = mp_copy(&(tmp->terms[x]), &(c->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
/* zero excess */
for (x = y; x < c->used; x++) {
c->used = y;
return MP_OKAY;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_submod.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
int pb_submod(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c, pb_poly *d)
int err;
pb_poly tmp;
if ((err = pb_init(&tmp, &(d->characteristic))) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
if ((err = pb_sub(a, b, &tmp)) != MP_OKAY) {
goto __TMP;
if ((err = pb_mod(&tmp, c, d)) != MP_OKAY) {
goto __TMP;
err = MP_OKAY;
__TMP: pb_clear(&tmp);
return err;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_toraw.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
int pb_toraw(pb_poly *a, unsigned char *dst)
int err, x, y, z;
/* store the # of terms */
dst[0] = a->used & 255;
dst[1] = (a->used >> 8) & 255;
y = 2;
/* store the characteristic */
z = mp_signed_bin_size(&(a->characteristic));
dst[y++] = z&255;
dst[y++] = (z>>8)&255;
if ((err = mp_to_signed_bin(&(a->characteristic), dst+y)) != MP_OKAY) { return err; }
y += z;
for (x = 0; x < a->used; x++) {
z = mp_signed_bin_size(&(a->terms[x]));
dst[y++] = z&255;
dst[y++] = (z>>8)&255;
if ((err = mp_to_signed_bin(&(a->terms[x]), dst+y)) != MP_OKAY) { return err; }
y += z;
return MP_OKAY;

external/libtompoly-0.04/pb_zero.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#include <tompoly.h>
void pb_zero(pb_poly *a)
int x;
for (x = 0; x < a->used; x++) {
a->used = 0;

external/libtompoly-0.04/tompoly.h vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
/* LibTomPoly, Polynomial Basis Math -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomPoly is a public domain library that provides
* polynomial basis arithmetic support. It relies on
* LibTomMath for large integer support.
* This library is free for all purposes without any
* express guarantee that it works.
* Tom St Denis,,
#ifndef TOMPOLY_H_
#define TOMPOLY_H_
#include <tommath.h>
/* this structure holds a polynomial */
typedef struct {
int used, /* number of terms */
alloc; /* number of terms available (total) */
mp_int characteristic, /* characteristic, zero if not finite */
*terms; /* terms of polynomial */
} pb_poly;
/* default number of terms */
#define PB_TERMS 4
/* Compare codes */
#define PB_EQ 0 /* They're exactly equal */
#define PB_DEG_LT 1 /* The left has a lower degree */
#define PB_DEG_EQ 2 /* same degree */
#define PB_DEG_GT 3 /* The left has a higher degree */
int pb_init(pb_poly *a, mp_int *characteristic);
int pb_init_size(pb_poly *a, mp_int *characteristic, int size);
int pb_init_copy(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b);
int pb_init_multi(mp_int *characteristic, pb_poly *pb, ...);
void pb_clear_multi(pb_poly *mp, ...);
void pb_clear(pb_poly *a);
int pb_shrink(pb_poly *a);
int pb_grow(pb_poly *a, int size);
void pb_clamp(pb_poly *a);
/* dest(x) := src(x) */
int pb_copy(pb_poly *src, pb_poly *dest);
/* compare these */
int pb_cmp(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b);
/* swap contents of a(x) and b(x) */
void pb_exch(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b);
/* a(x) = 0 */
void pb_zero(pb_poly *a);
/* a(x) = a(x) / I(x)^x */
int pb_rshd(pb_poly *a, int x);
/* a(x) = a(x) * I(x)^x */
int pb_lshd(pb_poly *a, int x);
/* c(x) = a(x) + b(x) */
int pb_add(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c);
/* c(x) = a(x) - b(x) */
int pb_sub(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c);
/* c(x) = a(x) * b(x) */
int pb_mul(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c);
/* c(x) * b(x) + d(x) = a(x) */
int pb_div(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c, pb_poly *d);
/* c(x) = a(x) mod b(x) */
int pb_mod(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c);
/* d(x) = (a(x) + b(x)) mod c(x) */
int pb_addmod(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c, pb_poly *d);
/* d(x) = (a(x) - b(x)) mod c(x) */
int pb_submod(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c, pb_poly *d);
/* d(x) = (a(x) * b(x)) mod c(x) */
int pb_mulmod(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c, pb_poly *d);
/* mathy stuff */
/* makes b equal to the monic polynomial form of a */
int pb_monic(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b);
/* returns the monic GCD of a,b in GF(p^k)[x] */
int pb_gcd(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c);
/* Extended euclidean algorithm of (a, b) produces a*u1 + b*u2 = u3 */
int pb_exteuclid(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *U1, pb_poly *U2, pb_poly *U3);
/* finds the inverse of a modulo b and stores it in c such that a*c == 1 mod b */
int pb_invmod(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c);
/* computes Y == G^X mod P [accepts negative values for X] */
int pb_exptmod (pb_poly * G, mp_int * X, pb_poly * P, pb_poly * Y);
/* is a(x) irreducible (GF(p)[x] only) */
int pb_isirreduc(pb_poly *a, int *res);
/* I/O */
int pb_rawsize(pb_poly *a);
int pb_toraw(pb_poly *a, unsigned char *dst);
int pb_readraw(pb_poly *a, unsigned char *buf, int len);