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2014-05-18 22:03:37 +00:00
This file is part of FLINT.
FLINT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
FLINT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with FLINT; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Copyright (C) 2010 Fredrik Johansson
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <gmp.h>
#include "flint.h"
#include "mpn_extras.h"
The basic approach to compute H(n) quickly is to use a balanced sum
S(a,b) = S(a,m) + S(m,b) where m = floor((a+b)/2), analogous to using a
balanced product for n factorial. To reduce overhead, we can work with
unnormalized numerators and denominators and perform a final GCD reduction
only at the end. In fact, this way the computation of the denominator
(before the final GCD reduction) exactly amounts to a balanced product
for n factorial.
To save some more time, we note that we only have to sum over the odd
terms since H(n) = H(floor(n/2))/2 + H_odd(n). Recursive application of this
formula results in a geometric series for the weight of each odd term 1/k:
n/2 < k <= n : weight 1
n/4 < k <= n/2 : weight 3/2
n/8 < k <= n/4 : weight 7/4
n/16 < k <= n/8 : weight 15/8
n/2^d < k <= n/2^(d-1) : weight (2^d-1)/2^(d-1)
Although not necessary, the implementation is simplified by always splitting
the interval exactly in half, since we then just have to increment d on every
subinterval that starts with a = 1. Below a threshold, we fall back to direct
summation of the odd fractions.
A basic Python implementation:
def harmonic_odd_direct(a, b, n, d):
t, v = 0, 1
if a == 1:
for k in range(b-1-(b%2), 0, -2):
while k <= (n >> d):
d += 1
r = 2**(d-1)*k
t, v = ((2**d-1)*v + r*t), r*v
return t, v
a += (a % 2 == 0)
for k in range(a, b, 2):
t, v = (v+k*t), k*v
return (2**d - 1) * t, 2**(d-1) * v
def harmonic_odd_balanced(a, b, n, d):
if b - a < 50:
return harmonic_odd_direct(a, b, n, d)
m = (a+b) // 2
t, v = harmonic_odd_balanced(a, m, n, d + (a==1))
u, w = harmonic_odd_balanced(m, b, n, d)
return (t*w + u*v), v*w
def harmonic(n):
return harmonic_odd_balanced(1, n+1, n, 1)
Note on memory allocation:
The maximum size in bits required for each partial numerator/denominator
between a and b can be bounded by bits(n)*(b-a+2), since each
denominator product is bounded by bits(n)*(b-a+1) and H_n is bounded
in magnitude by bits(n). This assumes that we don't introduce any spurious
Some more optimization is possible:
+ At the bottom level, we could add two terms in one step most of the
time since 1/k + 1/(k+2) will usually have single-limb
numerator and denominator.
+ More generally, we could remove multiples of 3, 5, ... from the summation,
although this would result in a considerably more complicated algorithm, and
the returns would probably diminish quickly.
+ Some more trailing zeros could be eliminated from numerators/denominators.
However, these account for less than 1% of the operand sizes for reasonably
large inputs.
+ It may be faster to normalize some of the partial sums.
+ The memory management could be improved.
flint_mpn_harmonic_odd_direct(mp_ptr t, mp_size_t * tsize,
mp_ptr v, mp_size_t * vsize,
slong a, slong b, slong n, int d)
mp_size_t ts, vs;
*t = UWORD(0);
*v = UWORD(1);
ts = 1;
vs = 1;
if (a == 1)
mp_limb_t r, s;
slong k;
for (k = b - 1 - (b % 2); k > 0; k -= 2)
while (k <= (n >> d))
d += 1;
r = ((mp_limb_t) k) << (d-1);
s = (UWORD(1) << d) - UWORD(1);
MPN_MUL_1(t, ts, t, ts, r);
MPN_ADDMUL_1(t, ts, v, vs, s);
MPN_MUL_1(v, vs, v, vs, r);
a += (a % 2 == 0);
for ( ; a < b; a += 2)
MPN_MUL_1(t, ts, t, ts, a);
MPN_ADD(t, ts, t, ts, v, vs);
MPN_MUL_1(v, vs, v, vs, a);
MPN_MUL_1(t, ts, t, ts, (UWORD(1)<<d) - UWORD(1));
MPN_MUL_1(v, vs, v, vs, UWORD(1) << (d-1));
*tsize = ts;
*vsize = vs;
flint_mpn_harmonic_odd_balanced(mp_ptr t, mp_size_t * tsize,
mp_ptr v, mp_size_t * vsize,
slong a, slong b, slong n, int d)
mp_ptr p, q, r, s;
mp_size_t ps, qs, rs, ss, ts, vs;
slong m, tmpsize;
if (b - a < 50)
flint_mpn_harmonic_odd_direct(t, tsize, v, vsize, a, b, n, d);
m = (a + b) / 2;
tmpsize = sizeof(mp_limb_t) * FLINT_BIT_COUNT(n) * (b-a+2) / FLINT_BITS;
p = flint_malloc(tmpsize); /* Twice because we re-use it for q*r */
q = flint_malloc(tmpsize / 2 + 1);
r = flint_malloc(tmpsize / 2 + 1);
s = flint_malloc(tmpsize / 2 + 1);
flint_mpn_harmonic_odd_balanced(p, &ps, q, &qs, a, m, n, d + (a == 1));
flint_mpn_harmonic_odd_balanced(r, &rs, s, &ss, m, b, n, d);
MPN_MUL(t, ts, p, ps, s, ss);
MPN_MUL(p, ps, q, qs, r, rs);
MPN_ADD(v, vs, t, ts, p, ps);
MPN_SET(t, ts, v, vs);
MPN_MUL(v, vs, q, qs, s, ss);
*tsize = ts;
*vsize = vs;