2017-07-15 01:30:16 +02:00

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957 B

initSidebarItems({"struct":[["AcAutomaton","An Aho-Corasick finite automaton."],["Dense","State transitions that can be stored either sparsely or densely."],["FullAcAutomaton","A complete Aho-Corasick automaton."],["Match","Records a match in the search text."],["Matches","An iterator of non-overlapping matches for in-memory text."],["MatchesOverlapping","An iterator of overlapping matches for in-memory text."],["Sparse","State transitions that are always sparse."],["StreamMatches","An iterator of non-overlapping matches for streaming text."],["StreamMatchesOverlapping","An iterator of overlapping matches for streaming text."]],"trait":[["Automaton","An abstraction over automatons and their corresponding iterators. The type parameter `P` is the type of the pattern that was used to construct this Automaton."],["Transitions","An abstraction over state transition strategies."]],"type":[["StateIdx","The integer type used for the state index."]]});