2017-07-16 23:37:37 +02:00

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initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Urgency","The urgency level of the notification."]],"fn":[["get_app_name","Gets the application name registered."],["get_server_caps","Synchronously queries the server for its capabilities and returns them as a Vector."],["get_server_info","Synchronously queries the server for its information, specifically, the name, vendor, server version, and the version of the notifications specification that it is compliant with."],["init","Initialized libnotify. This must be called before any other functions."],["is_initted","Gets whether or not libnotify is initialized."],["set_app_name","Sets the application name. ## `app_name` The name of the application."],["uninit","Uninitialized libnotify."]],"struct":[["Notification","`Notification` represents a passive pop-up notification. It can contain summary text, body text, and an icon, as well as hints specifying how the notification should be presented. The notification is rendered by a notification daemon, and may present the notification in any number of ways. As such, there is a clear separation of content and presentation, and this API enforces that."]]});