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<h1 class='fqn'><span class='in-band'>Function <a href='../index.html'>chrono</a>::<wbr><a href='index.html'>format</a>::<wbr><a class="fn" href=''>parse</a></span><span class='out-of-band'><span id='render-detail'>
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<pre class='rust fn'>pub fn parse&lt;'a, I&gt;(parsed: &amp;mut <a class="struct" href="../../chrono/format/parsed/struct.Parsed.html" title="struct chrono::format::parsed::Parsed">Parsed</a>, s: &amp;<a class="primitive" href="">str</a>, items: I) -&gt; <a class="type" href="../../chrono/format/type.ParseResult.html" title="type chrono::format::ParseResult">ParseResult</a>&lt;<a class="primitive" href="">()</a>&gt; <span class="where fmt-newline">where<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I: <a class="trait" href="" title="trait core::iter::iterator::Iterator">Iterator</a>&lt;Item = <a class="enum" href="../../chrono/format/enum.Item.html" title="enum chrono::format::Item">Item</a>&lt;'a&gt;&gt;,&nbsp;</span></pre><div class='docblock'><p>Tries to parse given string into <code>parsed</code> with given formatting items.
Returns <code>Ok</code> when the entire string has been parsed (otherwise <code>parsed</code> should not be used).
There should be no trailing string after parsing;
use a stray <a href="./enum.Item.html#variant.Space"><code>Item::Space</code></a> to trim whitespaces.</p>
<p>This particular date and time parser is:</p>
<li><p>Greedy. It will consume the longest possible prefix.
For example, <code>April</code> is always consumed entirely when the long month name is requested;
it equally accepts <code>Apr</code>, but prefers the longer prefix in this case.</p></li>
<li><p>Padding-agnostic (for numeric items).
The <a href="./enum.Pad.html"><code>Pad</code></a> field is completely ignored,
so one can prepend any number of whitespace then any number of zeroes before numbers.</p></li>
<li><p>(Still) obeying the intrinsic parsing width. This allows, for example, parsing <code>HHMMSS</code>.</p></li>
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