//! The popup window subsystem when the user left-clicks on the tray icon. //! //! This shows the manipulatable volume slider with the current volume and //! the mute checkbox. use app_state::*; use audio::*; use errors::*; use gdk::DeviceExt; use gdk::{GrabOwnership, GrabStatus, BUTTON_PRESS_MASK, KEY_PRESS_MASK}; use gdk; use gdk_sys::{GDK_KEY_Escape, GDK_CURRENT_TIME}; use glib; use gtk::ToggleButtonExt; use gtk::prelude::*; use gtk; use prefs::*; use std::cell::Cell; use std::rc::Rc; use support_audio::*; use support_cmd::*; /// The main struct for the popup window, holding all relevant sub-widgets /// and some mutable state. pub struct PopupWindow { _cant_construct: (), /// The main window for the popup window widget. pub popup_window: gtk::Window, /// The volume scale adjustment. pub vol_scale_adj: gtk::Adjustment, /// The volume scale. pub vol_scale: gtk::Scale, /// The mute check button. pub mute_check: gtk::CheckButton, /// The button to start the external mixer. pub mixer_button: gtk::Button, /// Signal for mute_check.connect_toggled callback, /// so we can block it temporarily. toggle_signal: Cell, /// Signal for vol_scale_adj.connect_value_changed callback, /// so we can block it temporarily. changed_signal: Cell, } impl PopupWindow { /// Constructor. pub fn new(builder: gtk::Builder) -> PopupWindow { return PopupWindow { _cant_construct: (), popup_window: builder.get_object("popup_window").unwrap(), vol_scale_adj: builder.get_object("vol_scale_adj").unwrap(), vol_scale: builder.get_object("vol_scale").unwrap(), mute_check: builder.get_object("mute_check").unwrap(), mixer_button: builder.get_object("mixer_button").unwrap(), toggle_signal: Cell::new(0), changed_signal: Cell::new(0), }; } /// Update the popup window state, including the slider /// and the mute checkbutton. pub fn update(&self, audio: &Audio) -> Result<()> { let cur_vol = audio.vol()?; set_slider(&self.vol_scale_adj, cur_vol); self.update_mute_check(&audio); return Ok(()); } /// Update the mute checkbutton. pub fn update_mute_check(&self, audio: &Audio) { let m_muted = audio.get_mute(); glib::signal_handler_block(&self.mute_check, self.toggle_signal.get()); match m_muted { Ok(val) => { self.mute_check.set_sensitive(true); self.mute_check.set_active(val); self.mute_check.set_tooltip_text(""); } Err(_) => { /* can't figure out whether channel is muted, grey out */ self.mute_check.set_active(true); self.mute_check.set_sensitive(false); self.mute_check.set_tooltip_text( "Soundcard has no mute switch", ); } } glib::signal_handler_unblock(&self.mute_check, self.toggle_signal.get()); } /// Set the page increment fro the volume scale adjustment based on the /// preferences. fn set_vol_increment(&self, prefs: &Prefs) { self.vol_scale_adj .set_page_increment(prefs.behavior_prefs.vol_scroll_step); self.vol_scale_adj .set_step_increment(prefs.behavior_prefs.vol_fine_scroll_step); } } /// Initialize the popup window subsystem. pub fn init_popup_window(appstate: Rc) { /* audio.connect_handler */ { let apps = appstate.clone(); appstate.audio.connect_handler(Box::new(move |s, u| { /* skip if window is hidden */ if !apps.gui .popup_window .popup_window .get_visible() { return; } match (s, u) { /* Update only mute check here * If the user changes the volume through the popup window, * we MUST NOT update the slider value, it's been done already. * It means that, as long as the popup window is visible, * the slider value reflects the value set by user, * and not the real value reported by the audio system. */ (_, AudioUser::Popup) => { apps.gui.popup_window.update_mute_check(&apps.audio); } /* external change, safe to update slider too */ (_, _) => { try_w!(apps.gui.popup_window.update(&apps.audio)); } } })); } /* mute_check.connect_toggled */ { let _appstate = appstate.clone(); let mute_check = &appstate.clone() .gui .popup_window .mute_check; let toggle_signal = mute_check.connect_toggled(move |_| { on_mute_check_toggled(&_appstate) }); appstate.gui .popup_window .toggle_signal .set(toggle_signal); } /* popup_window.connect_show */ { let _appstate = appstate.clone(); let popup_window = &appstate.clone() .gui .popup_window .popup_window; popup_window.connect_show(move |_| on_popup_window_show(&_appstate)); } /* vol_scale_adj.connect_value_changed */ { let _appstate = appstate.clone(); let vol_scale_adj = &appstate.clone() .gui .popup_window .vol_scale_adj; let changed_signal = vol_scale_adj.connect_value_changed( move |_| on_vol_scale_value_changed(&_appstate), ); appstate.gui .popup_window .changed_signal .set(changed_signal); } /* popup_window.connect_event */ { let popup_window = &appstate.clone() .gui .popup_window .popup_window; popup_window.connect_event(move |w, e| on_popup_window_event(w, e)); } /* mixer_button.connect_clicked */ { let apps = appstate.clone(); let mixer_button = &appstate.clone() .gui .popup_window .mixer_button; mixer_button.connect_clicked(move |_| { apps.gui .popup_window .popup_window .hide(); let _ = result_warn!(execute_vol_control_command(&apps.prefs.borrow()), Some(&apps.gui.popup_menu.menu_window)); }); } } /// When the popup window is shown. fn on_popup_window_show(appstate: &AppS) { let popup_window = &appstate.gui.popup_window; appstate.gui.popup_window.set_vol_increment(&appstate.prefs.borrow()); glib::signal_handler_block(&popup_window.vol_scale_adj, popup_window.changed_signal.get()); try_w!(appstate.gui.popup_window.update(&appstate.audio)); glib::signal_handler_unblock(&popup_window.vol_scale_adj, popup_window.changed_signal.get()); popup_window.vol_scale.grab_focus(); try_w!(grab_devices(&appstate.gui.popup_window.popup_window)); } /// On key or button press event on the popup window. fn on_popup_window_event(w: >k::Window, e: &gdk::Event) -> gtk::Inhibit { match gdk::Event::get_event_type(e) { gdk::EventType::GrabBroken => w.hide(), gdk::EventType::KeyPress => { let key: gdk::EventKey = e.clone().downcast().unwrap(); if key.get_keyval() == (GDK_KEY_Escape as u32) { w.hide(); } } gdk::EventType::ButtonPress => { let device = try_wr!( gtk::get_current_event_device().ok_or( "No current event device!", ), Inhibit(false) ); let (window, _, _) = gdk::DeviceExt::get_window_at_position(&device); if window.is_none() { w.hide(); } } _ => (), } return Inhibit(false); } /// When the volume scale slider is moved. fn on_vol_scale_value_changed(appstate: &AppS) { let audio = &appstate.audio; let old_vol = try_w!(audio.vol()); let val = appstate.gui .popup_window .vol_scale .get_value(); let dir = vol_change_to_voldir(old_vol, val); try_w!(audio.set_vol(val, AudioUser::Popup, dir, appstate.prefs .borrow() .behavior_prefs .unmute_on_vol_change)); } /// When the mute checkbutton is toggled. fn on_mute_check_toggled(appstate: &AppS) { let audio = &appstate.audio; try_w!(audio.toggle_mute(AudioUser::Popup)) } /// Set the volume slider to the given value. pub fn set_slider(vol_scale_adj: >k::Adjustment, scale: f64) { vol_scale_adj.set_value(scale); } /// Grab all devices, keyboard and mouse. fn grab_devices(window: >k::Window) -> Result<()> { let device = gtk::get_current_event_device().ok_or("No current device")?; let gdk_window = window.get_window().ok_or("No window?!")?; /* Grab the mouse */ let m_grab_status = device.grab(&gdk_window, GrabOwnership::None, true, BUTTON_PRESS_MASK, None, GDK_CURRENT_TIME as u32); if m_grab_status != GrabStatus::Success { warn!("Could not grab {}", device.get_name().unwrap_or(String::from("UNKNOWN DEVICE"))); } /* Grab the keyboard */ let k_dev = device.get_associated_device() .ok_or("Couldn't get associated device")?; let k_grab_status = k_dev.grab(&gdk_window, GrabOwnership::None, true, KEY_PRESS_MASK, None, GDK_CURRENT_TIME as u32); if k_grab_status != GrabStatus::Success { warn!("Could not grab {}", k_dev.get_name().unwrap_or(String::from("UNKNOWN DEVICE"))); } return Ok(()); }