use alsa; use alsa::card::Card; use alsa::mixer::{Mixer, Selem, Elem}; use alsa::mixer::SelemChannelId::*; use std::iter::Map; use libc::c_int; use errors::*; use app_state; pub fn get_default_alsa_card() -> Card { return get_alsa_card_by_id(0); } pub fn get_alsa_card_by_id(index: c_int) -> Card { return Card::new(index); } pub fn get_alsa_cards() -> alsa::card::Iter { return alsa::card::Iter::new(); } pub fn get_alsa_card_by_name(name: String) -> Result { for r_card in get_alsa_cards() { let card = r_card?; let card_name = card.get_name()?; if name == card_name { return Ok(card); } } bail!("Not found a matching card named {}", name); } pub fn get_mixer(card: &Card) -> Result { return Mixer::new(&format!("hw:{}", card.get_index()), false).cherr(); } pub fn get_selem(elem: Elem) -> Selem { /* in the ALSA API, there are currently only simple elements, * so this unwrap() should be safe. * */ return Selem::new(elem).unwrap(); } pub fn get_selems(mixer: &Mixer) -> Map Selem> { return mixer.iter().map(get_selem); } pub fn get_selem_by_name(mixer: &Mixer, name: String) -> Result { for selem in get_selems(mixer) { let n = selem.get_id() .get_name() .map(|y| String::from(y))?; if n == name { return Ok(selem); } } bail!("Not found a matching selem named {}", name); } pub fn vol_to_percent(vol: i64, range: (i64, i64)) -> f64 { let (min, max) = range; return ((vol - min) as f64) / ((max - min) as f64) * 100.0; } pub fn percent_to_vol(vol: f64, range: (i64, i64)) -> i64 { let (min, max) = range; let _v = vol / 100.0 * ((max - min) as f64) + (min as f64); /* TODO: precision? Use direction. */ return _v as i64; } pub fn get_vol(selem: &Selem) -> Result { let range = selem.get_playback_volume_range(); let volume = selem.get_playback_volume(FrontRight).map(|v| { return vol_to_percent(v, range); }); return volume.cherr(); } pub fn set_vol(selem: &Selem, new_vol: f64) -> Result<()> { /* auto-unmute */ if get_mute(selem)? { set_mute(selem, false)?; } let range = selem.get_playback_volume_range(); selem.set_playback_volume_all(percent_to_vol(new_vol, range))?; return Ok(()); } pub fn has_mute(selem: &Selem) -> bool { return selem.has_playback_switch(); } pub fn get_mute(selem: &Selem) -> Result { let val = selem.get_playback_switch(FrontRight)?; return Ok(val == 0); } pub fn set_mute(selem: &Selem, mute: bool) -> Result<()> { /* true -> mute, false -> unmute */ let _ = selem.set_playback_switch_all(!mute as i32)?; return Ok(()); }