Macro synom::call
macro_rules! call { ($i:expr, $fun:expr $(, $args:expr)*) => { ... }; }
Invoke the given parser function with the passed in arguments.
call!(FUNCTION, ARGS...)
where the signature of the function is
fn(&str, ARGS...) -> IResult<&str, T>
, the result of invoking the functionFUNCTION
#[macro_use] extern crate synom; use synom::IResult; // Parses any string up to but not including the given character, returning // the content up to the given character. The given character is required to // be present in the input string. fn skip_until(input: &str, ch: char) -> IResult<&str, &str> { if let Some(pos) = input.find(ch) { IResult::Done(&input[pos..], &input[..pos]) } else { IResult::Error } } // Parses any string surrounded by tilde characters '~'. Returns the content // between the tilde characters. named!(surrounded_by_tilde -> &str, delimited!( punct!("~"), call!(skip_until, '~'), punct!("~") )); fn main() { let input = "~ abc def ~"; let inner = surrounded_by_tilde(input).expect("surrounded by tilde"); println!("{:?}", inner); }