initSidebarItems({"macro":[["bail","Exits a function early with an error"],["ensure","Exits a function early with an error if the condition is not satisfied"],["error_chain","This macro is used for handling of duplicated and out-of-order fields. For the exact rules, see `error_chain_processed`."],["error_chain_processed","Prefer to use `error_chain` instead of this macro."],["quick_error",""],["quick_main","Convenient wrapper to be able to use `try!` and such in the main. You can use it with a separated function:"]],"mod":[["example_generated","These modules show an example of code generated by the macro. IT MUST NOT BE USED OUTSIDE THIS CRATE."]],"struct":[["Backtrace","Representation of an owned and self-contained backtrace."],["Display","A struct which formats an error for output."],["ErrorChainIter","Iterator over the error chain using the `Error::cause()` method."]],"trait":[["ChainedError","This trait is implemented on all the errors generated by the `error_chain` macro."],["ExitCode","Represents a value that can be used as the exit status of the process. See `quick_main!`."]]});