Struct glib::translate::Stash
pub struct Stash<'a, P: Copy, T: ?Sized + ToGlibPtr<'a, P>>(pub P, pub <T as ToGlibPtr<'a, P>>::Storage);
Helper type that stores temporary values used for translation.
is the foreign type pointer and the first element of the tuple.
is the Rust type that is translated.
The second element of the tuple is the temporary storage defined
by the implementation of ToGlibPtr<P> for T
Say you want to pass a *mut GdkWindowAttr
to a foreign function. The Stash
will own a GdkWindowAttr
and a CString
that GdkWindowAttr::title
points into.
impl <'a> ToGlibPtr<'a, *mut glib_ffi::GdkWindowAttr> for WindowAttr { type Storage = (Box<glib_ffi::GdkWindowAttr>, Stash<'a, *const c_char, Option<String>>); fn to_glib_none(&'a self) -> Stash<*mut glib_ffi::GdkWindowAttr, WindowAttr> { let title = self.title.to_glib_none(); let mut attrs = Box::new(glib_ffi::GdkWindowAttr { title: title.0, // .... }); Stash(&mut *attrs, (attrs, title)) } }