PNMixer-rs ========== About ----- Rewrite of [nicklan/pnmixer]( in [Rust]( This is meant as a drop-in replacement, but may diverge in feature set in the future. Installation ------------ The Rust ecosystem uses [Cargo](, as such, you need both the rust compiler and the cargo crate (usually part of the compiler toolchain), then issue from within the cloned repository: ```sh cargo install ``` Features -------- Additonal features compared to [nicklan/pnmixer]( * decide whether to unmute or not on explicit volume change * updates tray icon on icon theme change Removed features: * normalize volume * slider orientation of volume popup * settings for displaying text volume on volume popup TODO: * hotkey support Behavior -------- Pretty much the same. Differences are: * volume slider is shown even when volume is muted Documentation ------------- TODO