This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
use alsa::card::Card;
use alsa::mixer::SelemChannelId::*;
use alsa::mixer::{Mixer, Selem, Elem, SelemId};
use alsa::poll::PollDescriptors;
use alsa;
use alsa_sys;
use errors::*;
use glib_sys;
use libc::c_int;
use libc::c_uint;
use libc::pollfd;
use libc::size_t;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::iter::Map;
use std::mem;
use std::ptr;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::u8;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum AlsaEvent {
pub struct AlsaCard {
_cannot_construct: (),
pub card: Card,
pub mixer: Rc<Mixer>,
pub selem_id: SelemId,
pub watch_ids: RefCell<Vec<u32>>,
pub cb: Rc<Fn(AlsaEvent)>,
impl AlsaCard {
pub fn new(card_name: Option<String>,
elem_name: Option<String>,
cb: Rc<Fn(AlsaEvent)>)
-> Result<Box<AlsaCard>> {
let card = {
match card_name {
Some(name) => get_alsa_card_by_name(name)?,
None => get_default_alsa_card(),
let mixer = Rc::new(get_mixer(&card)?);
let mixer2 = mixer.clone();
let selem_id =
let acard = Box::new(AlsaCard {
_cannot_construct: (),
card: card,
mixer: mixer,
selem_id: selem_id,
watch_ids: RefCell::new(vec![]),
cb: cb,
let vec_pollfd = PollDescriptors::get(mixer2.as_ref())?;
/* TODO: callback is registered here, which must be unregistered
* when the card is destroyed!!
* poll descriptors must be unwatched too */
let watch_ids = AlsaCard::watch_poll_descriptors(vec_pollfd,
*acard.watch_ids.borrow_mut() = watch_ids;
return Ok(acard);
pub fn selem(&self) -> Selem {
return get_selems(&self.mixer)
.nth(self.selem_id.get_index() as usize)
pub fn get_vol(&self) -> Result<f64> {
let selem = self.selem();
let range = selem.get_playback_volume_range();
let volume = selem.get_playback_volume(FrontRight).map(|v| {
return vol_to_percent(v, range);
return volume.from_err();
pub fn set_vol(&self, new_vol: f64) -> Result<()> {
let selem = self.selem();
/* auto-unmute */
if self.get_mute()? {
let range = selem.get_playback_volume_range();
selem.set_playback_volume_all(percent_to_vol(new_vol, range))?;
return Ok(());
pub fn has_mute(&self) -> bool {
let selem = self.selem();
return selem.has_playback_switch();
pub fn get_mute(&self) -> Result<bool> {
let selem = self.selem();
let val = selem.get_playback_switch(FrontRight)?;
return Ok(val == 0);
pub fn set_mute(&self, mute: bool) -> Result<()> {
let selem = self.selem();
/* true -> mute, false -> unmute */
let _ = selem.set_playback_switch_all(!mute as i32)?;
return Ok(());
fn watch_poll_descriptors(polls: Vec<pollfd>,
acard: &AlsaCard)
-> Vec<c_uint> {
let mut watch_ids: Vec<c_uint> = vec![];
let acard_ptr =
unsafe { mem::transmute::<&AlsaCard, glib_sys::gpointer>(acard) };
for poll in polls {
let gioc: *mut glib_sys::GIOChannel =
unsafe { glib_sys::g_io_channel_unix_new(poll.fd) };
let id = unsafe {
glib_sys::G_IO_IN.bits() | glib_sys::G_IO_ERR.bits(),
unsafe { glib_sys::g_io_channel_unref(gioc) }
return watch_ids;
fn unwatch_poll_descriptors(watch_ids: &Vec<u32>) {
for watch_id in watch_ids {
unsafe {
impl Drop for AlsaCard {
// call Box::new(x), transmute the Box into a raw pointer, and then
// std::mem::forget
// if you unregister the callback, you should keep a raw pointer to the
// box
// For instance, `register` could return a raw pointer to the
// Box + a std::marker::PhantomData with the appropriate
// lifetime (if applicable)
// The struct could implement Drop, which unregisters the
// callback and frees the Box, by simply transmuting the
// raw pointer to a Box<T>
fn drop(&mut self) {
debug!("Destructing watch_ids: {:?}", self.watch_ids);
extern "C" fn watch_cb(chan: *mut glib_sys::GIOChannel,
cond: glib_sys::GIOCondition,
data: glib_sys::gpointer)
-> glib_sys::gboolean {
let acard =
unsafe { mem::transmute::<glib_sys::gpointer, &AlsaCard>(data) };
unsafe {
let mixer_ptr =
mem::transmute::<&Mixer, &*mut alsa_sys::snd_mixer_t>(&acard.mixer);
if cond == glib_sys::G_IO_ERR {
return false as glib_sys::gboolean;
let mut sread: size_t = 1;
let mut buf: Vec<u8> = vec![0; 256];
while sread > 0 {
let stat: glib_sys::GIOStatus =
unsafe {
buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8,
&mut sread as *mut size_t,
match stat {
glib_sys::G_IO_STATUS_AGAIN => {
glib_sys::G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL => debug!("G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL"),
glib_sys::G_IO_STATUS_ERROR => debug!("G_IO_STATUS_ERROR"),
glib_sys::G_IO_STATUS_EOF => debug!("G_IO_STATUS_EOF"),
return true as glib_sys::gboolean;
let cb = &acard.cb;
return true as glib_sys::gboolean;
pub fn get_default_alsa_card() -> Card {
return get_alsa_card_by_id(0);
pub fn get_alsa_card_by_id(index: c_int) -> Card {
return Card::new(index);
pub fn get_alsa_cards() -> alsa::card::Iter {
return alsa::card::Iter::new();
pub fn get_alsa_card_by_name(name: String) -> Result<Card> {
for r_card in get_alsa_cards() {
let card = r_card?;
let card_name = card.get_name()?;
if name == card_name {
return Ok(card);
bail!("Not found a matching card named {}", name);
pub fn get_mixer(card: &Card) -> Result<Mixer> {
return Mixer::new(&format!("hw:{}", card.get_index()), false).from_err();
pub fn get_selem(elem: Elem) -> Selem {
/* in the ALSA API, there are currently only simple elements,
* so this unwrap() should be safe.
* */
return Selem::new(elem).unwrap();
pub fn get_selems(mixer: &Mixer) -> Map<alsa::mixer::Iter, fn(Elem) -> Selem> {
return mixer.iter().map(get_selem);
pub fn get_selem_by_name(mixer: &Mixer, name: String) -> Result<Selem> {
for selem in get_selems(mixer) {
let n = selem.get_id()
.map(|y| String::from(y))?;
if n == name {
return Ok(selem);
bail!("Not found a matching selem named {}", name);
pub fn vol_to_percent(vol: i64, range: (i64, i64)) -> f64 {
let (min, max) = range;
return ((vol - min) as f64) / ((max - min) as f64) * 100.0;
pub fn percent_to_vol(vol: f64, range: (i64, i64)) -> i64 {
let (min, max) = range;
let _v = vol / 100.0 * ((max - min) as f64) + (min as f64);
/* TODO: precision? Use direction. */
return _v as i64;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use gtk;
use gtk;
use audio::AlsaCard;
use audio::Audio;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::rc::Rc;
use glade_helpers::*;
use glade_helpers::*;
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ use glade_helpers::*;
// TODO: glade stuff, config, alsacard
// TODO: glade stuff, config, alsacard
pub struct AppS {
pub struct AppS {
pub gui: Gui,
pub gui: Gui,
pub acard: Rc<RefCell<AlsaCard>>,
pub audio: Audio,
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ impl AppS {
let builder_popup_menu = gtk::Builder::new_from_string(include_str!("../data/ui/"));
let builder_popup_menu = gtk::Builder::new_from_string(include_str!("../data/ui/"));
return AppS {
return AppS {
gui: Gui::new(builder_popup_window, builder_popup_menu),
gui: Gui::new(builder_popup_window, builder_popup_menu),
acard: AlsaCard::new(None, Some(String::from("Master")))
audio: Audio::new(None, Some(String::from("Master")))
@ -1,21 +1,9 @@
use alsa::card::Card;
use alsa::mixer::{Mixer, Selem, SelemId};
use alsa::poll::PollDescriptors;
use alsa_sys;
use errors::*;
use errors::*;
use glib;
use glib;
use glib_sys;
use libc::c_uint;
use libc::pollfd;
use libc::size_t;
use myalsa::*;
use std::cell::Ref;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::mem;
use std::ptr;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::u8;
use std::f64;
use std::f64;
use alsa_pn::*;
@ -39,87 +27,60 @@ pub enum AudioSignal {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Audio {
pub enum AlsaEvent {
// TODO: Audio struct? Separate more cleanly
// TODO: implement free/destructor
pub struct AlsaCard {
_cannot_construct: (),
_cannot_construct: (),
pub card: Card,
pub acard: RefCell<Box<AlsaCard>>,
pub mixer: Mixer,
pub selem_id: SelemId,
pub watch_ids: Vec<u32>,
pub last_action_timestamp: RefCell<i64>,
pub last_action_timestamp: RefCell<i64>,
pub handlers: RefCell<Vec<Box<Fn(AudioSignal, AudioUser)>>>,
pub handlers: Rc<RefCell<Vec<Box<Fn(AudioSignal, AudioUser)>>>>,
pub scroll_step: RefCell<u32>,
pub scroll_step: RefCell<u32>,
/* TODO: AlsaCard cleanup */
impl Audio {
impl AlsaCard {
pub fn new(card_name: Option<String>,
pub fn new(card_name: Option<String>,
elem_name: Option<String>)
elem_name: Option<String>)
-> Result<Rc<RefCell<AlsaCard>>> {
-> Result<Audio> {
let card = {
match card_name {
let handlers = Rc::new(RefCell::new(vec![]));
Some(name) => get_alsa_card_by_name(name)?,
let last_action_timestamp = RefCell::new(0);
None => get_default_alsa_card(),
let myhandler = handlers.clone();
let ts = last_action_timestamp.clone();
let cb = Rc::new(move |event| {
Audio::on_alsa_event(&mut *ts.borrow_mut(),
let audio = Audio {
_cannot_construct: (),
acard: RefCell::new(AlsaCard::new(card_name, elem_name, cb)?),
last_action_timestamp: last_action_timestamp.clone(),
handlers: handlers.clone(),
scroll_step: RefCell::new(5),
let mixer = get_mixer(&card)?;
let selem_id =
let vec_pollfd = PollDescriptors::get(&mixer)?;
// TODO: rework, should probably be a Box?
return Ok(audio);
let acard = Rc::new(RefCell::new(AlsaCard {
_cannot_construct: (),
card: card,
mixer: mixer,
selem_id: selem_id,
watch_ids: vec![],
handlers: RefCell::new(vec![]),
scroll_step: RefCell::new(3),
/* TODO: callback is registered here, which must be unregistered
* when the mixer is destroyed!!
* poll descriptors must be unwatched too */
let watch_ids = watch_poll_descriptors(vec_pollfd, acard.as_ptr());
acard.borrow_mut().watch_ids = watch_ids;
return Ok(acard.clone());
// pub fn switch_card(old_card: Rc<RefCell<AlsaCard>>,
pub fn switch_acard(&self,
// card_name: Option<String>,
card_name: Option<String>,
// elem_name: Option<String>)
elem_name: Option<String>)
// -> Result<Rc<RefCell<AlsaCard>>> {
-> Result<()> {
let mut ac = self.acard.borrow_mut();
let cb = self.acard
*ac = AlsaCard::new(card_name, elem_name, cb)?;
// }
return Ok(());
pub fn selem(&self) -> Selem {
return get_selems(&self.mixer)
.nth(self.selem_id.get_index() as usize)
pub fn vol(&self) -> Result<f64> {
pub fn vol(&self) -> Result<f64> {
return get_vol(&self.selem());
return self.acard.borrow().get_vol();
@ -131,7 +92,7 @@ impl AlsaCard {
// TODO invoke handlers, make use of user
// TODO invoke handlers, make use of user
debug!("Setting vol to {:?} by user {:?}", new_vol, user);
debug!("Setting vol to {:?} by user {:?}", new_vol, user);
return set_vol(&self.selem(), new_vol);
return self.acard.borrow().set_vol(new_vol);
@ -164,12 +125,12 @@ impl AlsaCard {
pub fn has_mute(&self) -> bool {
pub fn has_mute(&self) -> bool {
return has_mute(&self.selem());
return self.acard.borrow().has_mute();
pub fn get_mute(&self) -> Result<bool> {
pub fn get_mute(&self) -> Result<bool> {
return get_mute(&self.selem());
return self.acard.borrow().get_mute();
@ -178,12 +139,32 @@ impl AlsaCard {
*rc = glib::get_monotonic_time();
*rc = glib::get_monotonic_time();
// TODO invoke handlers, make use of user
// TODO invoke handlers, make use of user
debug!("Setting mute to {} by user {:?}", mute, user);
debug!("Setting mute to {} by user {:?}", mute, user);
return set_mute(&self.selem(), mute);
return self.acard.borrow().set_mute(mute);
fn on_alsa_event(&self, alsa_event: AlsaEvent) {
pub fn connect_handler(&self, cb: Box<Fn(AudioSignal, AudioUser)>) {
let last: i64 = *Ref::clone(&self.last_action_timestamp.borrow());
fn invoke_handlers(handlers: &Vec<Box<Fn(AudioSignal, AudioUser)>>,
signal: AudioSignal,
user: AudioUser) {
debug!("Invoking handlers for signal {:?} by user {:?}",
for handler in handlers {
let unboxed = handler.as_ref();
unboxed(signal, user);
fn on_alsa_event(last_action_timestamp: &mut i64,
handlers: &Vec<Box<Fn(AudioSignal, AudioUser)>>,
alsa_event: AlsaEvent) {
let last: i64 = *last_action_timestamp;
if last != 0 {
if last != 0 {
let now: i64 = glib::get_monotonic_time();
let now: i64 = glib::get_monotonic_time();
@ -192,7 +173,7 @@ impl AlsaCard {
debug!("Discarding last time stamp, too old");
debug!("Discarding last time stamp, too old");
*self.last_action_timestamp.borrow_mut() = 0;
*last_action_timestamp = 0;
/* external change */
/* external change */
@ -202,136 +183,12 @@ impl AlsaCard {
AlsaEvent::AlsaCardDiconnected => debug!("AlsaCardDiconnected"),
AlsaEvent::AlsaCardDiconnected => debug!("AlsaCardDiconnected"),
AlsaEvent::AlsaCardValuesChanged => {
AlsaEvent::AlsaCardValuesChanged => {
e => warn!("Unhandled alsa event: {:?}", e),
e => warn!("Unhandled alsa event: {:?}", e),
fn invoke_handlers(&self, signal: AudioSignal, user: AudioUser) {
debug!("Invoking handlers for signal {:?} by user {:?}",
let handlers = self.handlers.borrow();
let handlers_ref: &Vec<Box<Fn(AudioSignal, AudioUser)>> =
for handler in handlers_ref {
let unboxed = handler.as_ref();
unboxed(signal, user);
pub fn connect_handler(&self, cb: Box<Fn(AudioSignal, AudioUser)>) {
impl Drop for AlsaCard {
// call Box::new(x), transmute the Box into a raw pointer, and then
// std::mem::forget
// if you unregister the callback, you should keep a raw pointer to the
// box
// For instance, `register` could return a raw pointer to the
// Box + a std::marker::PhantomData with the appropriate
// lifetime (if applicable)
// The struct could implement Drop, which unregisters the
// callback and frees the Box, by simply transmuting the
// raw pointer to a Box<T>
fn drop(&mut self) {
debug!("Destructing watch_ids: {:?}", self.watch_ids);
fn watch_poll_descriptors(polls: Vec<pollfd>,
acard: *mut AlsaCard)
-> Vec<c_uint> {
let mut watch_ids: Vec<c_uint> = vec![];
let acard_ptr =
unsafe { mem::transmute::<*mut AlsaCard, glib_sys::gpointer>(acard) };
for poll in polls {
let gioc: *mut glib_sys::GIOChannel =
unsafe { glib_sys::g_io_channel_unix_new(poll.fd) };
let id = unsafe {
glib_sys::G_IO_IN.bits() | glib_sys::G_IO_ERR.bits(),
unsafe { glib_sys::g_io_channel_unref(gioc) }
return watch_ids;
fn unwatch_poll_descriptors(watch_ids: &Vec<u32>) {
for watch_id in watch_ids {
unsafe {
extern "C" fn watch_cb(chan: *mut glib_sys::GIOChannel,
cond: glib_sys::GIOCondition,
data: glib_sys::gpointer)
-> glib_sys::gboolean {
let acard =
unsafe { mem::transmute::<glib_sys::gpointer, &AlsaCard>(data) };
unsafe {
let mixer_ptr =
mem::transmute::<&Mixer, &*mut alsa_sys::snd_mixer_t>(&acard.mixer);
if cond == glib_sys::G_IO_ERR {
return false as glib_sys::gboolean;
let mut sread: size_t = 1;
let mut buf: Vec<u8> = vec![0; 256];
while sread > 0 {
let stat: glib_sys::GIOStatus =
unsafe {
buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8,
&mut sread as *mut size_t,
match stat {
glib_sys::G_IO_STATUS_AGAIN => {
glib_sys::G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL => debug!("G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL"),
glib_sys::G_IO_STATUS_ERROR => debug!("G_IO_STATUS_ERROR"),
glib_sys::G_IO_STATUS_EOF => debug!("G_IO_STATUS_EOF"),
return true as glib_sys::gboolean;
return true as glib_sys::gboolean;
@ -18,4 +18,3 @@ macro_rules! create_builder_item {
@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ mod errors;
mod glade_helpers;
mod glade_helpers;
mod alsa_pn;
mod app_state;
mod app_state;
mod audio;
mod audio;
mod myalsa;
mod ui_entry;
mod ui_entry;
mod ui_popup_menu;
mod ui_popup_menu;
mod ui_popup_window;
mod ui_popup_window;
@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
use alsa;
use alsa::card::Card;
use alsa::mixer::{Mixer, Selem, Elem};
use alsa::mixer::SelemChannelId::*;
use std::iter::Map;
use libc::c_int;
use errors::*;
use app_state;
pub fn get_default_alsa_card() -> Card {
return get_alsa_card_by_id(0);
pub fn get_alsa_card_by_id(index: c_int) -> Card {
return Card::new(index);
pub fn get_alsa_cards() -> alsa::card::Iter {
return alsa::card::Iter::new();
pub fn get_alsa_card_by_name(name: String) -> Result<Card> {
for r_card in get_alsa_cards() {
let card = r_card?;
let card_name = card.get_name()?;
if name == card_name {
return Ok(card);
bail!("Not found a matching card named {}", name);
pub fn get_mixer(card: &Card) -> Result<Mixer> {
return Mixer::new(&format!("hw:{}", card.get_index()), false).from_err();
pub fn get_selem(elem: Elem) -> Selem {
/* in the ALSA API, there are currently only simple elements,
* so this unwrap() should be safe.
* */
return Selem::new(elem).unwrap();
pub fn get_selems(mixer: &Mixer) -> Map<alsa::mixer::Iter, fn(Elem) -> Selem> {
return mixer.iter().map(get_selem);
pub fn get_selem_by_name(mixer: &Mixer, name: String) -> Result<Selem> {
for selem in get_selems(mixer) {
let n = selem.get_id()
.map(|y| String::from(y))?;
if n == name {
return Ok(selem);
bail!("Not found a matching selem named {}", name);
pub fn vol_to_percent(vol: i64, range: (i64, i64)) -> f64 {
let (min, max) = range;
return ((vol - min) as f64) / ((max - min) as f64) * 100.0;
pub fn percent_to_vol(vol: f64, range: (i64, i64)) -> i64 {
let (min, max) = range;
let _v = vol / 100.0 * ((max - min) as f64) + (min as f64);
/* TODO: precision? Use direction. */
return _v as i64;
pub fn get_vol(selem: &Selem) -> Result<f64> {
let range = selem.get_playback_volume_range();
let volume = selem.get_playback_volume(FrontRight).map(|v| {
return vol_to_percent(v, range);
return volume.from_err();
pub fn set_vol(selem: &Selem, new_vol: f64) -> Result<()> {
/* auto-unmute */
if get_mute(selem)? {
set_mute(selem, false)?;
let range = selem.get_playback_volume_range();
selem.set_playback_volume_all(percent_to_vol(new_vol, range))?;
return Ok(());
pub fn has_mute(selem: &Selem) -> bool {
return selem.has_playback_switch();
pub fn get_mute(selem: &Selem) -> Result<bool> {
let val = selem.get_playback_switch(FrontRight)?;
return Ok(val == 0);
pub fn set_mute(selem: &Selem, mute: bool) -> Result<()> {
/* true -> mute, false -> unmute */
let _ = selem.set_playback_switch_all(!mute as i32)?;
return Ok(());
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
use app_state::*;
use app_state::*;
use audio::{AlsaCard, AudioSignal, AudioUser};
use audio::{AudioSignal, AudioUser};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::rc::Rc;
use ui_popup_menu::*;
use ui_popup_menu::*;
use ui_popup_window::*;
use ui_popup_window::*;
@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ use ui_tray_icon::*;
pub fn init(appstate: Rc<AppS>) {
pub fn init(appstate: Rc<AppS>) {
let apps = appstate.clone();
let apps = appstate.clone();
appstate.acard.borrow().connect_handler(Box::new(move |s, u| {
| |s, u| {
match (s, u) {
match (s, u) {
AudioUser::AudioUserUnknown) => {
AudioUser::AudioUserUnknown) => {
@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
use app_state::*;
use app_state::*;
use gdk;
use gdk_sys;
use glib;
use glib_sys;
use std::mem;
use gtk::prelude::*;
use gtk::prelude::*;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use libc;
use audio::AudioUser::*;
use errors::*;
use gtk;
use gtk;
@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ pub fn init_popup_window(appstate: Rc<AppS>) {
fn on_popup_window_show(window: >k::Window,
fn on_popup_window_show(window: >k::Window,
appstate: &AppS,
appstate: &AppS,
toggle_signal: u64) {
toggle_signal: u64) {
let acard = appstate.acard.borrow();
let audio = &;
let popup_window = &appstate.gui.popup_window;
let popup_window = &appstate.gui.popup_window;
let cur_vol = try_w!(acard.vol());
let cur_vol = try_w!(audio.vol());
set_slider(&popup_window.vol_scale_adj, cur_vol);
set_slider(&popup_window.vol_scale_adj, cur_vol);
let muted = acard.get_mute();
let muted = audio.get_mute();
update_mute_check(&appstate, toggle_signal, muted);
update_mute_check(&appstate, toggle_signal, muted);
@ -118,22 +118,22 @@ fn on_popup_window_event(w: >k::Window,
fn on_vol_scale_value_changed(appstate: &AppS) {
fn on_vol_scale_value_changed(appstate: &AppS) {
let acard = appstate.acard.borrow();
let audio = &;
let val = appstate.gui
let val = appstate.gui
try_w!(acard.set_vol(val, AudioUserPopup));
try_w!(audio.set_vol(val, AudioUserPopup));
fn on_mute_check_toggled(appstate: &AppS) {
fn on_mute_check_toggled(appstate: &AppS) {
let acard = appstate.acard.borrow();
let audio = &;
let muted = try_w!(acard.get_mute());
let muted = try_w!(audio.get_mute());
let _ = try_w!(acard.set_mute(!muted, AudioUserPopup));
let _ = try_w!(audio.set_mute(!muted, AudioUserPopup));
@ -66,15 +66,15 @@ fn on_tray_icon_scroll_event(appstate: &AppS,
event: &gdk::EventScroll)
event: &gdk::EventScroll)
-> bool {
-> bool {
let audio = &;
let scroll_dir: gdk::ScrollDirection = event.get_direction();
let scroll_dir: gdk::ScrollDirection = event.get_direction();
match scroll_dir {
match scroll_dir {
gdk::ScrollDirection::Up => {
gdk::ScrollDirection::Up => {
try_wr!(, false);
gdk::ScrollDirection::Down => {
gdk::ScrollDirection::Down => {
try_wr!(, false);
_ => (),
_ => (),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user