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2024-09-17 03:25:16 +00:00
duration: 45
title: Two decades of Open Source
author: Julian Ospald
date: Sep 20, 2024
## Follow the presentation {.centered}
![](QR.png){#id .class height=500px}
## Structure of this talk
1. Introduction (about me and my career)
2. Open Source (what it is and its value)
3. First chapter: Gentoo and package management
4. Second chapter: GHCup
5. Third chapter: Haskell Core Libraries
6. Lessons learned
2024-09-14 13:27:25 +00:00
# Introduction
## About me
* From Germany
* Studied CS
* Haskell developer
* I love open source
## Professional career
* Software Engineer in R&D (automotive industry)
* Go Backend Developer (online advertisement platform
* Haskell Developer at **Capital Match** (invoice financing platform in Singapore)
* Haskell Developer at **IOHK** (Cardano Blockchain)
* Haskell Freelancer (blockchain and others)
* Haskell Developer at **Standard Chartered Bank**
* Haskell Freelancer (chimney sweeper app for german businesses)
## Open Source career
* Gentoo Linux developer (core team), 2012-2016
- Ebuild development (packaging)
- Code review
- Development of a [git workflow](
* Author of GHCup (the Haskell installer), ca. 2019
* Maintainer of Haskell core libraries: filepath, unix, os-string, file-io
* Implementation of the [Abstract FilePath Proposal](
* Member of the Haskell Core Libraries Comittee 2023-2026
* Haskell Influencer (Haskell Foundation, ...)
# Open Source
## What is Open Source
* ![](osi.png){#id .class height=32px} A group of licenses (see OSI)
* *Not* free software
* *Not* copyleft
* 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 A community
* volunteers
* companies
* 🔮 A philosophy
* sharing
* collaboration
* transparency
## Popular Open Source projects
* ![](512px-Tux.svg.png){#id .class height=32px} Linux kernel
* 1500 developers from 200-250 companies
* ![](firefox.png){#id .class height=32px} Firefox
* ![](vscode.png){#id .class height=32px} VSCode
* ![](blender.png){#id .class height=32px} Blender
* ![](haskell_logo.png){#id .class height=32px} GHC (The Haskell compiler)
## Value proposition of Open Source
* ⚗️ the scientific method
* share your results
* allow people to replicate it
* 🔓 access to a community
* users
* collaborators
* 🕸️ network effects
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* OSS community adopts fast
* compare with git
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## Reality of Open Source
* most projects...
* are one-man shows
* have no users
* are underdocumened
* have horrible code
* writing new code is easy, maintenance is hard
* most maintainers
* don't get paid
* will stop maintenance at some point
* don't care much about their users
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# First chapter: Gentoo and package management
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## What is Gentoo
* a Linux distribution
* rolling release
* source based
* 19000 packages (program, library, ...)
* 200 core developers (at its peak)
* over 1000 contributors
## How does a Linux distro work (relationships)
![](packager_relationships.svg){#id .class height=500px}
## How does a Linux distro work (activities)
![](install.svg){#id .class height=500px}
## A typical ebuild
DESCRIPTION="A dummy package"
SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 "
PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4.9.2-disable_python_rpath.patch)
src_configure() {
econf $(use_enable debug)
src_compile() {
src_test() {
emake test
src_install() {
emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
## Packaging challenges
* no standard on build systems (make, autotools, meson, cmake, ...)
* => an abstraction over build systems
* thousands of different execution environments (fragility)
- system configuration
- package configuration
- platform, architecture
* reverse dependencies
- shipping a "chain" instead of a single artifact
* high impact on small mistakes (e.g. assuming a specific shell)
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## Packaging challenges (pt. 2)
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* communication between teams/maintainers
* execution of large changes
- e.g. introduction of LibreSSL
- e.g. changing of fundamental workflows (from CVS to git)
* monitoring upstream changes and making decisions about compatibility/stability
- when to update
## What is a Distro really?
* a user experience
- LTS distros vs rolling release
- binary vs source based
- choice of init system
* plug and play (everything works)
* deviating from the happy path (fixing issues)
* combining components to a coherent system (init system, coreutils, kernel, ...)
* a choice of **defaults**
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## Programming lessons
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* primary packaging skill: being meticulous
* small mistakes -> big impact
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* being as precise as possible about what you want to achieve
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* long term maintenance of small code pieces
* intense review culture
* strict policies and workflow guidelines
* how to learn complex system
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# Second chapter: GHCup
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## Demo {.centered}
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![](ghcup.png){#id .class height=500px}
## State of 2019 (Haskell Installers)
* stack is the only "Haskell Installer"
* no unified alternative for cabal users
* distro packages, nix, manual installs, ...
* 😭
## How it started
* 🤹 small team at work (Capital Match), using different platforms
- originally used stack
- distro packages constantly out of date
* 🦾 first version was 165 LOC
- Posix shell
* ![](linux.png){#id .class height=32px} only supported linux and mac
* ![](rust.png){#id .class height=32px} inspired by **rustup**
* support from
## GHCup today
[Haskell Survey 2022](
- over **17k** LOC Haskell
- supports all platforms: Linux, Windows, macOS, FreeBSD
- first thing new Haskell users get exposed to
## What is GHCup (simplified)?
curl -s -L \
'' |
tar -xJ -C /tmp &&
cd /tmp/ghc-9.6.5-x86_64-unknown-linux/ &&
./configure --prefix="$HOME/.local" &&
make install &&
rm -rf /tmp/ghc-9.6.5-x86_64-unknown-linux/
## What is GHCup really?
* ![](open-box.png){#id .class width=32 height=32px} installer (portable)
* ![](debian.png){#id .class width=32 height=32px} distribution channel
* ![](feedback.png){#id .class width=32 height=32px} feedback channel
* ![](qa.png){#id .class width=32 height=32px} testing/QA gateway
* ![](user.png){#id .class width=32 height=32px} provider of sane defaults (e.g. "recommended" GHC version)
* ![](chain-saw.png){#id .class width=32 height=32px} glue for holistic toolchain experience
- VSCode, stack, cabal-install integration
* ![](ghaction.png){#id .class width=32 height=32px} CI provisioning (e.g. github actions)
## Relationships in detail
- supported tools
- Cabal
- Stack
- decisions that affect us
- release frequency
- upstream CI
- platform support
- binary distributions (the `.tar.gz`/`.zip`)
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## Relationships in detail (pt. 2)
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- ![](haskell_logo.png){#id .class height=32px} Haskell developers
- beginners, advanced, students, companies
- ![](person.png){#id .class width=32 height=32px} end users (e.g. compiling pandoc from source)
- ![](ghaction.png){#id .class width=32 height=32px} GitHub CI
- GitHub images, Haskell repos
- 🪞 mirrors
- [sjtug](
- 🧰 tools
- [vscode-haskell](, [Haskell playground](, [nvim-lsp-installer](
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## Programming lessons
* writing a small single-purpose program from scratch
* how to design command line interfaces
* high impact of decisions (not just mistakes)
- bugs now affect GitHub CI and companies
- can make "Haskell" look bad
* no one to review
- => review your own code
* constantly thinking about ways to improve reliability
- can't rely on anyone else to catch bugs
## The difference to Gentoo
Both deal with installation, but...
* more code to maintain (not just packaging) for me
* one-man project (mostly)
* much tighter coupling between upstream (e.g. GHC developers) and downstream (GHCup developers)
* heavier on relationship issues
* less dependencies, but much more responsibility
* position of authority
- what to consider?
* most of my work today is support
# Third Chapter: Haskell Core Libraries
## What are Haskell Core Libraries?
* bundled with the compiler
* fundamental building blocks (primitives)
* base library
- available to all programs by default
- contains the "Prelude" (standard library)
## Core libraries I maintain
* filepath
* unix
* os-string
* file-io
## Challenges
* changes are extremly expensive
* writing good primitives is hard (non-specific APIs)
* lots of odd knowledge
- e.g. Windows filepaths
- `C:foo`
- `/bar`
- `\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\Harddisk0\Partition2\foo\bar`
- Posix standard
* portability
## Core Libraries Committee
* 7 members
* manages API changes of `base` only
* requires a proposal
* requires impact assessment for breaking changes
* requires an up-front implementation of the change
* ensures other core libraries have active maintainers
* does not interfere with maintenance
## Driving changes across core libraries (case study)
Abstract FilePath Proposal:
- Haskell String type: `type String = [Char]`
- `Char` is a unicode code point
- not bytes
- is interpreted (decoded)
- depends on locale
- affects most core libraries
- implement as a breaking change (base), or...
- in "user-space"
- lack of higher authority
- building consensus
- convincing multiple maintainers
- patching many libraries
- open source politics
## Programming lessons
* how to design good primitives
- as opposed to abstractions
* considering every impact of API changes
* doing history research on past design choices
- important design decisions may not be documented
- may look innocent
- chaning them might be devastating
# Lessons Learned
## Collaboration
::: incremental
* main currency in Open Source is energy
* treat contributors like kings
* be mindful about boundaries (tricky balance)
* respect other projects workflows
* driving large changes requires
- consensus
- support
- a good value proposition
- a good execution plan (risk, breakage, ...)
* Haskell Foundation
## Project maintenance
::: incremental
* dicatorships work, but are not sustainable
* plan for your departure
* bus factor is your constant enemy
* good decision making processes
- lightweight when risk is low
- elaborate when risk is high
* actively think about the contribution experience
- comment early
* how to maintain the project vision?
## User Experience
::: incremental
* UX is harder than CS
* yet often an afterthought
* toolchains often lack a holistic UX vision
* UX vision gets easily lost in "maintenance mode"
* feature creep
* maintainer turnover
* collective decisions
* UX is a fascinating problem (e.g. OS)
- plug & play (intuition... about interfaces)
- happy path (control)
- defaults (expectations... about behavior)
## Stability vs Progress
* 🤼 conflicting goals
* ⚔️ breaking API can have large rippling effects
- experience report of a facebook engineer on GHC upgrades
* 🗼 small breakages add up
- large projects have hundreds of dependencies
* 🗣️ many discussions in the Haskell community
- upgrade cost
- language changes (Haskell report)
- academic background of Haskell (academia vs industry?)
- the role of committees
* ⚖️ how to strike a balance?
- SemVer does not solve it (why?)
## Composition
* 💜 I love small programs
* categories of composition
- λ: functions
- 📚 libraries (the issue with types)
- ⚙️ programs
* unix philosophy
- 🛠️ do one thing and do it well
- ⚗️ pipes, compose stdout and stdin (re-usable)
* how to make your project composable?
- [](
## Questions/Arguments? {.centered}
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